Small Argument


When I was drinking, I can't believe it. Some large guy fell on my drink through the roof and ruined my beer drinking moment. Now, I can't find any beer in that place since all of it has been spilled on the floor.

Regardless, I assess the situation. Behind me is a middle-aged man and a young woman. Her dull attire and the cloth over her head is a typical of waitress. Is she perhaps one?

"Hey woman, are you perhaps a waitress?"

She nods slowly.

I smile. "Then, can you give me a drink later."

"Well, if you promise to save me, it's on the house."

I can't help but chuckle and turn it into a big laugh.

"A small thing."

Well, that's enough reason to fight.

I have no idea what's going on here but the enemy has a child of darkness title. They may be too much for these people.

Looking behind me, two warriors rejoins with Shenmir. They warm up their muscles as though preparing for a battle.

"Gerd, Ken, I thought the two of you planned to sleep for good."

"Don't mock us Shenmir. We are still a member of the Ryushin Shadows. I am as capable as you." The one who says is the burly warrior.

"Forgive us leader, we won't disappoint you next time." Says the thinner one.

"Well, let's show them the true power of the Silver clan!" Says the leader.

The two of them howls in the air like wolves as the air turns dark. They slowly increase their sizes as their fur comes out of their body. One has a greyish dark fur while the other is greyish maroon. Their eyes are red and frightening. They look even more powerful than before. The two of them have transformed into fierce and strong werewolves.

"So they are werewolves, huh?"

I never fought one before. I can take on these two but I'm not sure about their leader. If there's something that I learned back in the dungeon is that to not underestimate your foe.

I can sense someone even more powerful above me. "Levia!" I yell. "I would appreciate it if you help me a bit."

That woman or whatever she is. I can't believe she can just bear observing people that are suffering and not do a thing.

She is just hovering in mid-air above the city, as though watching over like what everything is going on down here is a show.

She flies slightly lower to go near within my hearing range. "You are not my lord, I have no business with you."

"Huh? Hey, I'm your lord's companion, you should help me here a bit."

Levia's expression are stiff and serious as though I just offended her. "Unless my lord says it, I have no obligation to help a bunch of lower life forms."

I sigh in annoyance. "Lord this, lord that, I hate people like you who acts like they have no freewill. I bet Verni would tell you to help me if you ask him."

She just reminds me of my younger self, so naive and was a yes-man to the church.

After saying that, it seems I have annoyed Levia as well. "Did you just say that I have no freewill?!"

"Yeah, you are no better than a slave. Well, at least slaves can act on their lord's without being told."

Levia grits her teeth as I ready to grab the hilt of my sword. The tension is rising and I keep my eyes sharp on her.

"You're just some random human who acts strong because of our Lord." Levia says with an aggressive tone.

"You're correct that Verni is stronger than me, but it doesn't mean that I'm a push over. I'm positive that I can even take you down."

"Human, I demand you take your words back." Levia raise her hand.

I smile with confidence as I ready my posture. "Make me."

To my surprise, the greyish maroon werewolf towering few meters appears behind me. He is a giant close up. Its fist is ready as it slams into my direction. "Where are you looking at you fool! Hehehe!"

I manage to sidestep away from his punch. The impact of the punch creates a shockwave that it obliterates the area of the roof his punch is directed to.

That was a strong attack. At least the waitress is safe and the guy.

"Hehehe, you dodged huh? At least, I know that my transformation isn't a waste."

Suddenly, I notice that my movements are locked. I can't move a muscle. Did someone just cast a spell on me?

"Shadow web!" Exclaims the other werewolf flying in the air. It's not that he's flying rather he is suspended by dark thin strings on the environment.

And I seem to be trapped in this complex web of strings. This isn't ordinary strings but strings infused with dark energy causing me to stick into it and making it very hard to break.

Looking into the burly werewolf while I'm stuck. His fist is charging with dark energy, swirling to become dense black ball. He grins as he laugh like a maniac. "I don't know who you are but this is your end for not acknowledging us."

"Why should I?"

The black ball on his hand looks fierce. He comes at me at an insane speed. I utilize my holy magic around my body. "Area purification." This will purify the strings around my body making me able to break free from it.

I grab the hilt of my sword and in a flash slice his arm off with his body. "Light Judgement." His arm with the charging black ball flies to Levia's direction which surprises her.

She swings her hand at it and the severed arm telekinetically moves sideways in its trajectory, in which it blows up violently from her range. She grits her teeth as she barks. "Damn you Ren, that was intentional, isn't it?!"

I laugh from my own blunder. "Forgive me, that was an accident but at least you finally called my name."

I can sense something off when Levia performs some gestures, her arm dances in the air. She then punches the air, in which something punches my gut from distance causing me to fly off the building and land on the next building.

That hurts. It feels like my body got slammed on a wall. Regardless, what was that? I didn't even see her attack coming.

Damn you Levia! You'll pay for this!

Looks like I'm quite annoyed now. I have to be serious in paying her back for that attack.


Hearing the two arguing, I can confirm those two are with Verni. Most of all, it seems shockingly, Verni is a lord of some kind. With those strengths those two show I can say Verni might be the true Eastern Overlord.

One werewolf is now dead since his body was cut diagonally. The silver haired woman leaps to the roof of the next building to argue with the flying woman.

"Gerd!" Says the dark grey werewolf who seems to be Shenmir the leader from before. "I can't believe he's dead."

While the werewolves are busy mourning their dead companion, I held Anna's arm as we try to sneak out. We left the rooftop into the lower floors through a door.

Regardless, I know what I'm going to do now.

"Where are we going?" Anna says.

"To find my hope."


Finally, there is a chance that I can save my daughter. I just have to find him as fast as possible.


I have no clue what Levia's ability is but I'm going to pay her back for that.

"Levia, that was an accident. You have to apologize or you will get it back three-fold." I aim the sword at her.

Levia descends slightly. "Flaunting your father's sword, huh? Let's see what you can do!"

I leap at her in immense speed, she whizzes towards me as well. We clash on the air with my sword and her claws smashing against each other. Upon impact, a heavy gust of wind blast the area around us, causing the building nearby to crumble outward.



Somewhere in the east, the silver clan village resides on the silver mountains, the houses are simply designed huts made from the local woods. The citizens used to be cheerful and this place was peaceful. But that was a thing of the past.

Now with Varlin's leadership, everyday was a busy day. Kidnapping humans and mining magus stones in the mountains non-stop. Some of us are collapsing during work and we barely get enough breaks.

We are punished if we can't keep up with Lord Varlin's quota. Especially, some who still have a support for Minnerva are saddened with the news that the resistance camp has been subdued.

Personally, I don't care much who sits on the throne but Lord Varlin is starting to become too much to bear. Lately, two elderly were punished for not making the quota of the Magus stones, thus their ear were removed.

It's quite sad to see them being punished in public as they cry in anguish. Two more mistakes and they will face execution just like the previous chief.

The Silver Clan is a small village. In the center rests an ancient temple built in gold and marble. It is the place where Lord Varlin resides and no one is allowed except him and his apostles.

If one of us enter the temple without his permission, it would mean death on the spot. No one is even brave enough to step a several feet near the temple.

Though I usually come near to report as a guard.

My job is to guard the prisoners being held in the prison building.

The next batch to be sent to be sacrificed are these people who were taken here a week ago. Before, they used to be loud and desperate to be set loose. Right now, they all look bleak and depressed, thus they remain quiet. They must have knew their fate.

They will be sent to the sacrificial altar at the peak of the silver mountain.

There is no need to feel bad about these humans, well, that's what I want to say. It's the command of the Eastern Overlord after all.

However, there is one exception. One annoying human who I can't stand still has hope in her eyes.

A human, a girl who's around sixteen clings on the iron bars, with a determined frown. "Alver, if you set us free, I'll give you money. Anything you want. Please!"

She has been negotiating this past week and it annoys me. I often ignore her.

"Hey Alver, have you seen what it's like outside your village? I heard you people live in seclusion."

"Hey Alver, my father used to go to...."

Even after few hours she doesn't stop running her mouth.

"Hey Alver, south is quite an amazing place you should---"

"Shut up!" I kick the iron bar causing her to leap away from it. "Stop talking to me as if we are friends."

The girl pouts a bit. "But I never saw you having friends. We've been here for a week and you don't open up, even with other guards."

Well that part is true. I don't have friends in this village but this girl is pissing me off.

I glare at her piercingly and yell, "you damn human! What do you know about me?!"

The girl shivers and huddles on the corner, but then she calms down to deliver a snark remark. "Hehe, sorry."

I can't believe this girl. I would appreciate it if she just shuts her mouth.

The people with her advises her to stay quiet but she refuses to listen and do what she pleases. Though the men with her views her with high regard. Is she someone important?

"Miss Sherry, please don't provoke the guard."

"You need to live and hope your father will come and save you."

The men say to her with concern.

I grunt.

No one will save you here you fools. Especially with Lord Varlins presence.