Adventurer's Despair


I sigh after I cut him up. However, I still have an uneasy feeling about this.

The adventurers who see it stop fleeing. They praise me, however, I'm not even the least happy, I hope they leave as fast as possible since they are just annoying.

Upon seeing me, they keep murmuring in adoration about me.

"Damn, who is that woman?"

"That silver-haired woman is pretty strong. How come we never heard of her?"

I notice the corpse of the demon flinches. These demons have a weakness, I was sure I sliced him in his weakspot. But if I'm wrong, then no doubt it is still alive. They have a crazy ass regeneration after all.

Some adventurers come close to me. "Hey, woman, wanna have a drink with us?"

"Shut up, the enemy is still alive so haul your ass out of here as fast as you can!"

"Y-yes!" They say after being startled and quickly left. The werewolves begin to leave as well until only Wiln and I are left here.

The demon's body rises and he reattaches his severed body as though nothing just happened.

"You're a holy magic user, huh? This will be a pain since I can't let those fools return to the village and spread the news." He raise his hand and summons a demonic cactus the shape of a knight from the ground as if out of nothing. It has red piercing eyes and its body is mostly spiked. He summons ten more and commands them. "Find those fools and kill them!"

However, I won't let him. I ready myself, posing to strike and before I know it, he charges at me. He chants, "Whip of the Underworld!" A thorny dark vines appear from the cracks of the ground. It goes to his hand and he lashes it to my direction.

I parry it by deflecting his whip sideways with my blade, dark flames of explosion is created destroying the area where his whip landed unto.

Looks like that's no ordinary whip. If it's tip touches me, I'll be blown to bits, most of all those are not ordinary flame but cursed flames. The flame that are more potent than red flames and does not need air to exist.

Regardless, he is successful on distracting me that those Demonic Cacti are gone. Well, to be fair, I have no reason to protect them. The only reason that I'm fighting him is to gauge how far I have come.

To my surprise, Wiln have the whips to burrow underground, like a snake digging into the soil. If my intution is right I have to jump, the tip of the whip appears from where I stand, destroying the area into bits. I then throw a holy slash into his direction in which he sidesteps to dodge it.

It looks like he can do that, huh?

"You're more capable than I imagine. Well then, I think it's time to be a little serious." Several dark vines and plants from the ground wraps around his body. Slowly, until he becomes a plant monster towering several meters in size which can go as tall as a four floored building.

Even though he is powerful. "What is that transformation? You look like a children's plant doll. I can't take you seriously if you look like that."

The monster ignores me. It clenches its fist and swings it into my direction in an insane speed. With my sword, I try to block its fist and stop its momentum. I'm pushed back and I can't believe I have to use most of my strength to stop it.

This form is powerful!

To my surprise, his fist is about to release massive amounts of dark mana, increasing its size and strength, accelerating towards me immensely, destroying the large area of the town where the path his punch is directed towards. Also, he sent me flying outward like a cannon.

As expected of an upper class demon, he almost got me. I barely dodged that but I got some damage from that punch. I'll heal it, but for now I have to land somewhere since I got sent flying.

I slam hard on the wall of the fort violently, leaving a large hole on the old castle.

Standing up, I heal my burns and scratches.

So this is what pain feels like, huh? It is indeed unpleasant, but somehow I seem to like it.

Not bad, this is the first enemy to ever make me struggle since I came here. Now I can understand why this guy is an Upper Class Demon.

Looking into the distance, I chuckle how far he sent me flying. And even then, I can see the monster is staring at me. I can also see it from how tall it is just sticking out from view.

A giant whip forms on the hand of the monster. It's obvious that I'm his target. I ready to pose a strike as I stare back at him.

If that whip's tip lands at me, this place will get destroyed into oblivion. I can't imagine how strong the blast will be with that size of the whip.

Perhaps, I'll try to master my father's technique on this monster. My father executes it easily due to training, however, I still lack the experience, I'll try to make it up by adding some holy magic into it.

First, I'll add some light magic into my sword and then envision that I can cut anything. Perhaps, I'll use 100%.

To a blade's edge that holds no limit, nothing shall hold me back except the hand which holds it.


The monster whips it into my direction, at the same time, I swing it very hard. In front of me, the buildings gets sliced easily as well as the whip of the monster. The monster also gets sliced and even the trees of the forest behind it as well. No one knows where the flying slash will end.

It is a powerful attack but it's nothing like my father's, all I did was the usual slicing and dicing except that it had more power.

I intend to cut the space so I can redirect the whip, and it seems I failed, now, the tip of the whip is severed but it is flying at my direction. I have to dodge it, or swing my blade another time however it might be too late. I'm still recovering from my swing from earlier.

A giant werewolf appears out of nowhere. He grabs my body and holds me with its giant hand. He then dashes away as fast as he can and jumps into the tunnel and hide. He closes the underground entrance as we brace for the explosion.

Who is this werewolf?

A violent explosion follows above us, that it shakes the ground harshly. I can't imagine how powerful that explosion would be up there.

Regardless, at least I got saved.

The werewolf smiles wolfishly with its canine teeth. "Looks like I made it in time."

"Who are you?"

"This is me, Macdelver, it's the first time you saw my werewolf form." He puts me down and behind him, I can see some people as well behind him.

It seems some adventurers are hiding here as well. Stervin and Anna are here as well. Regardless, why is there a tunnel here?

"Uncle, what is this place?"

"This is an ancient tunnel built by my people. This so we can move through several places undetected."

Regardless, what this place is, this will buy me time to master my father's technique. Though the ground has been shaking constantly from various explosions.

Well, there might be brave adventurers up there who wants to fight that demon.

Stervin comes to me, "miss Rendora, what shall we do next?"

"I need fifteen minutes. And after that is over, I will come up there and defeat that demon."

Stervin smiles as though impressed. "With people like you and the Infitius helping me, I feel like seeing my daughter is no longer just a dream."

So he knows that Verni is the eastern overlord, huh? Well, I kinda don't want others to know since this might give us a hard time. The other overlords, the church and other kingdoms, knowing a new overlord has surfaced might change the landscape of power.

I furrow my eyebrows at him, while tapping the hilt with my fingers. "And? What are you going to do with that information?"

He chuckles nervously. "You shouldn't worry, I have no plan to tell anyone. I don't have any intention to give trouble to my saviors."

Macdelver's eyes widen after prying from our conversation. "Miss Knight, what do you mean about that? Who is the Infitius that you are referring to? Is it Lord Varlin?"

"Varlin? Who is that?"

"Ah well you see..." Macdelver explains everything about the werewolves, apostles and Varlin.


I can't believe that some idiot tried to use the title for the Infitius. And these werewolves were fooled by those apostles which are demons. It makes perfectly sense now.

Regardless, my goals doesn't change, I'd still want to beat the crap out of him.

I go to an empty space in the tunnel and started swing my sword. I will try to master my father's technique by visualization. Wait for me you bastard Wiln!


We are far away from the city of Hertfil. My team and I are going on an expedition to the Infinite Dungeon.

That is the purpose why we came here in the Eastern Region. Soon, us the Calvarin Adventurers will conquer every part of this continent and we will be hailed and carved into the records as legends.

No one has been able to conquer that legendary dungeon ever since it appeared. It might be only our squad with me leading.

Soon we will arrive to the Infinite Dungeon and everything will work out as planned.

This Dungeon was created by Sagus by combining several dungeons together and calling each domains. He created a unique dungeon called the Infinite Dungeon. However, it isn't infinite, it just seems so due to its numbers.

However, something irks me. [Sharp Sight], using this skill, I can see the heat signs of the creatures around me. There are two people hiding behind that distant tree. Regardless, even if they are using some sneak skill, they can't fool me.

"Everyone stop!" I yell.

Carl doesn't listen. He is taking the lead and is still bitter from his defeat from that woman. "What are you doing Will? If you are taking too much time to rest then we won't be able to reach--"

My eyes widen when a chained mace crushes Carl's side, crunching his bones and mincing his flesh causing him to puke blood. He flies somewhere far.


His HP is now 3% and it is falling steadily. He should get treated immediately or he'll die.

Others are too shocked to react. Regardless, in front of us, the two reveals themselves.

"Kekeke, adventurers, huh? Too bad you came cross the sixth apostle and the seventh apostles." One say as though referring to themselves.

Both are wearing red robes and hood thus we can't see their faces, but one thing is for certain. They are quite the toughest opponent that we have faced thus far to inflict such amount of fear towards us.

This is bad!

Damn it, Alfred if you were only here.