The Three Gods of Judgement


Looks like I managed to defeat that demon. I can't wait to tell my brother about this, but it seems they are taking longer than I expected. Regardless, that demon was the toughest opponent I have faced so far. Will there be enemies like him in the future?

But at least, I managed to unlock a new skill, teleportation. I'm quite excited.

Minnerva and her sister managed to wake up their people. They are in a discussion while I'm here from the distance. I'm not sure what Minnerva is telling them but they look shocked hearing her story.

Before I knew it, the ragged and injured werewolves bow before me. "My lady, we heard that you are the sibling of the true Eastern Overlord. Please, allow us to meet him."

Eh? These people are bowing to me. I don't know how to handle them.

Since I'm a part of my brother I can tell to some extent his location. He is quite far but I can't disappoint these people, besides I made a promise. "Su-sure, I'll lead you to him."

Regardless, is this even a correct decision? I try to call my brother but he isn't picking up. He must be busy.

Minnerva first gathers her men and stand over them with determination. "Silver Fang warriors, now is the time for a revolution! We will punish the demons for making a folly out of our village. Do not fear because the true Eastern Overlord is on our side!"

The drive for revenge and their hatred overwhelmed their injuries. They raise their weapons proudly as they chant. "For the village! For the true village chief!"

"Those demon bastards won't get away with this!"

"Now that the True Eastern Overlord is right around the corner, the village will agree with us."

I chuckle as I scratch my head. I would feel bad if my brother won't agree with their decision. I'll hope it'll go as they expect.


The three gigantic figure impose their size over me along with their piercing stare. Their fists are as large as an island. Their heights elevates at three mountains high.

Most of all, they are solid objects and not an illusion. You have to be kidding me!

I grab the Galkin woman from the piles of bones and put her on my shoulder. I ready my sword as one giant tries to reach out its hand towards me. "First Judgement of life, suffering!" Says a looming voice of the giant.

The giant is merely made up of demonic vines. That means their bodies are a congregation of those ominous vines. A single touch of them on a normal human can melt them. I can't let it touch me, especially at its size.

Also, damn it, with this woman on the way, I can't perform my sword stances. Regardless, I just run for it as the humongous hand approaches my location. However, I can feel it with its shadow looming over me.

It feels like an island is about to be dropped on my location. I whizz away from the field of impact as fast as I can before the gigantic hand slams upon the ground.

Upon impact, the piles of bones leap up with the ground crumbling as a violent gust of winds follows. I end up getting blown away as well and letting go of the Galkin woman.

I have had enough and just abandoned her. She'll be fine if she managed to stay alive for this long. First, I have to deal with these things.

I first land on the pile of bones and looking the impact the giant made, the terrain became uneven and a large depression of bones are found. Probably, a country can even fit its size.

As the pile of bones starts to fill the gaps, flowing down to a level, I try to jump around to maintain my balance.

The giant returns to its pose.

Next the giant on the middle begins to speak. "Second judgment of life, desire."

What?! Another one!

My heart beats quickly, I can feel something is about to happen. Above the head of the giant in the middle, energy begins to accumulate until it becomes an energy sphere that ressembles a reddish sun. When the giant's eyes and mines meet, it is thrown unto my location.

"Damn it!" If this hits me, I'm going to get obliterated. This sun is as large as a mountain after all. I won't even have time to run since this will take out a huge area.

I pose to strike as I gather my holy power.

I apply 80% of my holy power on my sword, then I swing, "Holy Judgement!" Slicing the reddish sun as it gets close cuts it into half. Afterward, I cast, several layers of holy shield around my body. Hoping it will be able to defend against this monstrous attack.

Slicing it will only stop its momentum but not it's destructive nature.

Several layers of transparent domes form around me one by one as quickly as I can cast.

Afterward, a light so bright that it blinds my senses, following a tremendous earthquake. After a few seconds, when the explosion is over, I notice the ground I stand on begins to fall apart.

Looking around me, a hole the size of a country is found on the ground. The piles of bones are pouring into the hole.

The barrier that I setup which is around 200 which was enough to defend against that attack. Only a few barrier was left and are shattering.

It's making me sweat on how dangerous that attack was. Not to mention, my barrier have gotten stronger compared to that time.

If this goes on, I might run out of mana. Holy magic is too mana consuming compared to dark affinity spells. Perhaps, I'll conserve my mana by using dark spells for now until I know what to do for the counter attack.

I wasn't used in casting dark spells after I have gotten my flesh back. It was easier to use in my ghoul form.

For now, I'm falling into the abyss.

I can finally see a rocky ground and some cliffs right below a thick layer of the pile of bones.

The distance of the steep cliff from my location is around several kilometers. Even if I double jump, I won't be able to make it there.

Well then, what shall I do?

To my surprise, the third giant begins to speak. "Third judgement of life, purpose!"

A spear is forming on the hand of the giant. It's length may as well be the size of four major cities.

Damn it, I'm totally screwed. I won't be able to do a thing if this is launched on my direction. Worse, that bastard is feeding that spear with huge amounts of dark magic power.

I'm questioning if I'm fighting the Gods at this point.

Regardless, this might be the time to apply that ultimate cutting technique. I pose to strike with my hands on the hilt aiming its tip to the giant.

The beauty of this technique is I don't have to spend that much mana compared to the usual cutting-everything-technique.

The giant hurls it to my direction in mid-air. I take a deep breath and calm myself. The challenging part to cut space is due to its immaterial property.



Few days ago, in the dungeon. I was practicing this technique but to no avail. I can only cut the things on space not the space itself.

If I want to cut space I must know its properties and visualize it.

Perhaps, I shall ask Verni about it.

Asking about Verni's opinion, he strokes his chin. "Cutting space, huh? That's quite wild topic. I don't even think it's possible."

"Well yeah, the sword won't be aware of it if the swordsman himself isn't aware of it."

"Hmm, I can't compare this world and our though but space has the property of a fabric. It can be affected by mass which is the force that holds you down---well that's what I saw on youtube."

"Huh? Youtube?"

Verni chuckles it off. "Uh no, nothing but if you want a detailed explanation of space I'll start with the theory of general relativity..."


Right now, the pointy tip of the spear which is as large as a house is coming close.

I smile as I visualize it within my mind. I apply dark affinity spell on my blade. I perform a shallow cut of space in front of me. I manage to pull it off. "Spatial Barrier!"

The spear moves around me while being distorted, leaving me untouched.

The technique was simple. I deflect the spear by distorting the space around me it so it will not follow a straight path. That's the only way to deflect something this big without using too much mana.

The giant spear lands on the cliff behind me crumbling it apart. The land shatters and falls apart as though its the end of the world right there.

Regardless, I use my dark affinity spell another time and cut the space in front of me. "Sky field division!"

Afterward, I end up falling sideways until I land on the sides of the cliff. It's only in this area where I cut the space thus this is where gravity is going sideways.

If I leave this area, gravity will be normal, so I retract my legs to gather momentum and leap up with much strength as possible.

After leaping several feet up, and finally on top of the ground, I notice that the spear is dissolving and emmitting an ominous mist.

Tsk, what now?

After landing, the mist have now covered most area. To my surprise, the bones and skeletons are rising up, they are growing a purplish blobs of flesh. They look like gross mutants. They are in a millions and are growling mindlessly. They seem to be coming to me.

This is bad! I might be able to take care of an army but their numbers seem to be going forever. I might run out of stamina and die here.

The mutants charge to my location. I cut them and they seem to be going down easily, but they keep on coming. Damn it!

To my surprise, a violent energy balls falls from the sky destroying a huge numbers of mutants. The galkin woman from earlier appears from the sky with her wings spread out, she smiles cockily. "Hey holy knight, you seem to be having a hard time. Wanna team up?"