The Lost General of the West

Velia comes into my rescue. She carries me, dodges the attack and soars into the sky. "What are you thinking? You shouldn't have provoked a Saint Guardian in that condition."

"Well, I feel like I have to say it."

"Anyway, what's with that power? It's too overpowered. She can control my weight. Is it even possible to dodge it?"

"It's a holy spell called Heaven's Repel, basically he can make your essence of darkness heavier to his will with that weapon he is holding, the Holy Scale."

The essence of darkness is the foundation of dark affinity users. It has ranks starting from child of darkness to demon lord. The higher the ranks of the darkness, the heavier are the effects of his spell.

"Oh, geez, that's kinda haxed since he he could take on any cursed magic users."

That's right, his ability is the trickiest. I guess that's why the forces of darkness are forced into hiding with his presence. He is the most pain in the ass enemy if one has a child of darkness title.

Right now, I'm also vulnerable since I have that title as well.

"But it's not perfect. I will tell you how to beat him."

Velia nods as she listens intently. To my surprise, we are heading to a trunk. "Look out!"

It was too late. We end up slamming against it, breaking the upper trunk, causing it to fall over. We then land on the ground, with her on top of me, especially her massive chest is squashing my face.

How annoying.

"Hey Velia! Look where you are going!"

Velia chuckles awkwardly. "Hehe, oops."

We can see that we are in the forest. On the sky, Libra is catching up to us.

Velia is startled seeing Libra comping close. She stands up hurrily. "Ren, tell me his weakness!"

I nod.

"If you can manage to hide your essence, you will be immune to Heaven's Repel."

"Well, I can, but it means I won't be able to use any cursed magic."

"Yeah, you will have to fight him with your raw strength but don't worry, Carniel isn't that strong physically."

Libra is very effective against cursed users but he is the least skilled compared to the other Guardian Saints in terms of holy power or raw strength. I have to notify Verni about him and the church because I predict there are many like him who will cross our paths.

We notice, he is here. He hovers down slowly from the sky and lands on the ground. "You are correct, among the Saint Guardian I am the weakest in terms of physical prowess, but you underestimate me. I can still use holy magic while you cannot."

Velia smiles widely. She takes a deep breath. I notice, she has hidden her essence very well that I can't sense it. Only skilled cursed magic users can perform it. It's comparable to stealth spell.

"Velia wait! Heaven's Repel is one thing but his Holy Gavel is another."

"Just shut up and sit there Ren. This time I will be the one to protect you. I know you are tired right?" She does basic warm ups and stretching as she prepares for battle.

Now that she mentioned it, I felt some fatigue of all sudden and fall on my knees.

Damn it, I really want to solve this situation myself. Looks like Velia is quite confident with her physical abilities that she can fight Carniel without magic.

Anyway, now that I remember, she said she is serving someone important. Velia might be more reliable than I thought.

Velia shows a golden helmet with horns and wears it. All of a sudden, her body are covered with heavy golden armor that resembles a stag beetle. She slam both of her golden fists as though ready to fight. "Thunderous Heaven Stag Armor!" She declares.

Seeing that armor, I can tell this is no ordinary armor.

Libra snorts as though dismissing her. "Armor, huh? What difference will it make?"

Velia grins and is in her fighting pose. "This is the Legendary Armor, Thunderous Heaven's Stag Armor from the carapace of the Royal Beetle Emperor. I will make you pay for what you did to my Master!" She says confidently.

Velia retracts her legs and whizzes towards Carniel. Carniel is surprised for a split second but he manages to see her, he then uses the Gavel to block her punch which pushes Carniel one step backward.

Carniel grunts as though acknowledging her skill, "as I thought, you are a general of an Overlord."

She is serving an overlord?

Looks like my guess is right. From the magical tools that she is using no doubt, she is serving that Overlord.

However, I need to help her. I try my best to stand up but it seems I'm still exhausted.

From the distance, I hear some footseps coming from an animal. Afterward, I can see a large werewolf coming to my direction. Mounting him is Sir Stervin, looking concerned.

"Miss Rendora!"

They come close and Stervin lends his hand out to me. "Miss Rendora, come with us."

"You guys, how did you find me here?"

Macdelver chuckles proudly. "Don't underestimate the nose of the Silver Fangs. But thanks to you Miss Knight when that demon got defeated the vines withered."

I smile. "I appreciate it but I still have some business here."

"Ren! Go!" Velia yells as she struggles against Carniel. "I'll hold him off."

"Velia, I don't know about that, there is still something I need to tell you."

Velia sighs. "I can't believe it." He calls out to Macdelver. "Hey, wolf man, bring her with you."

"You have my thanks." Macdelver nods. He grabs me with his large werewolf hand and mounts me on him.

"Hey, I can still fight!"

Carniel has still a powerful ace in his sleeve that I need to tell Velia. I can't leave now. "Hey wait!"

Macdelver grabs my shoulders trying to calm me down. "Miss Rendora, think this through. You are in not a condition to fight."

Velia says without worry. She adds a smile. "Ren, take care! Someday we might meet again, I hope not as enemies."

"Hold on tight." Macdelver readies to move, he then trots off deep into the forest, leaving Velia and Carniel on their own.

"Velia..." I say under my breath as they vanish from my view.


Now it's just Libra and me. Libra seems upset letting Ren go. "I still have some unfinished business with her, how dare you interfere."

I grit my teeth from annoyance and punch him, he uses his gavel to block causing him to spread his angelic wings and fly backward.

I bump my golden fists together in rage. "And I still have some unfinished with you people from the church. How dare you kill our people and seal our Master?!"

"I see, your master is Kaveris, the Western Overlord, the chaotic beast of the west. Known as the most evil Overlord for playing with human lives. What the church did was justice."

"Huh! Justice?! Last time when you sealed Lord Kaveris, tension grew on western countries. God knows what happens now on the Western region, worst case, it's probably chaotic there. At least when Lord Kaveris was there, he acted as a restraint stopping countries from going all out against each other."

Libra grunts as though not caring about what I said. "Then why don't you go there and check it for yourself."

"Oh I will!"

"But I doubt you will find anything there!" Libra shows a slight grin oozing with malicious smug.

Somehow, that smug ticks me off. His reaction tells me that the worst may have already happened.

Last time we were there, we could still manage even though the church annihilated 80% of our forces. Then the remaining 20% fought against the demons who wished to steal the Heavenly Tools of our Kingdom.

Now that I think about it, how many years has passed ever since I was sealed i side that demon. Last thing I remembered was when Wiln and his forces attacked our Palace.

Damn it!!!

I notice that Libra drops three coins on the other empty plate, balancing the scale with three on each side.

I have seen him dropping on one side but not the other. I wonder what's that going to do.

Libra takes a deep breath and starts praying. "Oh God, lend us your strength to slay the wicked. Amen!" His gavel increases in size three times until it becomes ridiculously big. A thick magic power also covers the gavel.

He then swings it down to my direction. "Third Holy Judge!"

This is bad!

I quickly sidestep as a holy energy beam is sent out to my direction, however, I have been grazed on my shoulder, causing me to get blown away and fly through several trees and tumble down.

The plating on my shoulder armor is blown off. I took quite a damage despite it was just a scrape from his attack.

Right now, from the distance, he is flying to my direction.

Looks like this will be tough since I can't use any cursed magic. Regardless, I have to look for an opening.

He lands and I quickly stand up in defensive stance.

"Sinner, you still think you have a chance?"

"Hey wait!" I kowtow to the point where my forehead touches the ground. "I take everything what I said earlier. I'll surrender to the church just please don't kill me."

Libra comes close to the point where he is standing right in front of me. I can't even move since the pressure on me is immense.

"It's already too late to ask for forgiveness. Your judgement hour has already commenced."

Libra drops three more coins on one of the scale plate. Right now, there are six coins on one side and Libra is recieving an immense magical power.

His magical output has even increased significantly. Where does he get that power? That balance scale is a cheat.

Libra's gavel increased in size further and even transforming to become made of golden and platinum. It looks tougher and more powerful now and he carries it by one hand. "Behold the Holy Paladin's Gavel. No evil forces have survived after witnessing the Holy Gavel's sixth transformation."