The Fake


The eastern overlord is coming here?

"What do you mean? Wasn't the Eastern Overlord sealed by Lord Fagrusil?"

"That's right, he got sealed by our Lord inside the dungeon and he won't be able to leave, but I received news from hell's castle that the seal was undone. Most likely someone killed Sagus and succeeded to be the next Eastern Overlord." Hark answers.

Hearing that my anger grew. Pretending to be an overlord is an offense after all. If the overlord that we imitated knows, then it's only a matter of time.

These bastards!

I hammer the armrest with my fist.

I can't believe they knew. They made me a figurehead so that when things go wrong they could just leave and blame everything to me.

"Hark! So you knew that there was a new Overlord. Why I wasn't told?" I yell from frustration.

"Don't yell at me. Just be silent and be a good dog. We will handle this. Just like we always do."

I thought the demons and I had a fair deal. It turns out I'm just a disposable pawn.

I grit my teeth from anger. Looks like everything that we worked hard might end here. I can't believe it.

Behind me, I can feel an ominous shadow, a claw is pointed at my neck. "Varlin, kekeke, it seems you don't understand your position. You thought you were a king but you were a mere pawn err no a dog. Don't get too full of yourself." He cackles maliciously.

It's the fifth apostle. He is a crazy demon so it's better for me to just shut up. In the first place, I can't even do a thing against them.

I rest my back and let out an exasperated gasp, resting my head on my arm. "Damn these guys," I say under my breath.

"Varlin, don't worry. We have no plan to end everything now that we are at a vital point of the operation. Both of you listen carefully, I have a plan to end that Overlord..."


I finally found the village. I'm hovering on it and assess it. The houses made from bamboo and wood gives it an ancient East Asian feel. I want to appreciate it but it seems there are ghouls attacking the villagers.

The citizens are cutting them down with their katanas but they are struggling due to the ghoul's numbers. Some men in red robes are also attacking the ghouls, casting their magic unto them but it's no use.

[Demonic Ghoul- Level180]

These ghouls have horns and have a higher level then the villagers. No wonder they are having a hard time.

I can see a woman running away from a ghoul, asking for help. She trips and falls on the ground. I land on the ground close to her and with one skill of cursed flames I burned the ghoul into smithereens.

I smile as I offer my hand to her. However, she runs away from me looking scared.


"Citizens of the Silver Village! Looks like the time has come that the fake Eastern Overlord wants to take over this village by force." A guy with red robes says confidently. He has a satisfied smug, dashing blond hair and fit and muscular body.

The villagers are looking at me as well as this smug guy.

I don't know what this guy is talking about. In fact, when did I declare that I was the Eastern Overlord?

"What's your deal?"

He grunts as though trying to be superior, "you're pretending to be ignorant after unleashing these ghouls, you're quite a heartless fellow."

"You mean these ghouls? It wasn't me."

Looking at the faces of the villagers, they aren't convinced and they seem cautious towards me.

Looks like I finally understand what is going on here.

This guy must be Varlin. They are scheming something to turn the villagers against me. How dare he call me fake.

"I take it that you are Varlin, huh? I don't like flaunting but I'm the real Eastern Overlord. I defeated Sagus 3 years ago from the dungeon."

I notice Varlin is a human and compared to the demons that I fought like Rixer, he is incredibly weak. Then is he just a figurehead that was manipulated by the demons?

There are also men with red robes. They don't seem to be villagers but are part of the cult that follows Varlin. They are speaking against me.

"Lord Varlin already saw through you."

"How dare you lie in front of his face."

"Quite a gall of you."

This is annoying. Even if I destroy these guys, I would not win the hearts of the villagers. I need someone on my side from the village. Where is Alver? Why is he not here yet?

Regardless, I'll wipe out these ghouls first. Using [Divine Sight], I can see that these demonic ghouls are being supplied with mana by a guy with a red robe hiding behind the trees deep in the forest.

So that's where you are hiding. It's also a demon. In a blink of an eye, I dash away and appear before the demon that was 100 meters from the town who are summoning the ghouls.

"Huh? Just when did you?!" He says surprised.

I grab the Valkeryun blade from spatial bag and cut him.

I hear the demon's weakness are there heart so my blade pierce quick on the left area of the chest.

Looks like my lunge was stronger than I intended that I cut the trees behind him. Regardless, fighting with demons made me cautious of them that I need to make sure to kill them.

I return to them and throw the demon with a deep gash on his chest. I notice the demonic ghouls have been evaporating into black mist as the demon is dying.

The villagers sigh in relief. They calm down and become silent on the sides, tending on the injured. They are no longer focused to me.

"Varlin, give it up. There's no way you can bullshit your way out of this. I killed the one who summoned these ghouls and it's one of your guys."

Varlin looks slightly timid. He steps back, but he manages to pull some courage on the last moment. "Tha-that's right, how clever. You cancelled your demon summoning spell after you killed the fifth apostle so you can shift the blame to us."

"Huh?! You expect them to believe that?"

After hearing it, the villagers began to murmur.

"The fifth apostle is dead?"

"Then is he powerful?"

"He might really be the Eastern Overlord."

Varlin talks over them with his speech. "Everyone don't be fooled. This is how the demons fool you. They act like saint at first but then they show their true colors after they get a hold of control on you."

I can't believe this guy is now accusing me as a demon.

"I have no reason to lie. If you wanna accuse me of being a demons then take a look at your fifth apostle." Looking below where his body should be, my eyes widen. It's gone?

Where the hell did it go? Was he alive? I'm sure I cut his chest.

Now that I realize it, there was no system confirmation or an update from EXP. That bastard was still alive, huh?

I remember their hearts lie in the center of their chest. I completely forgot.

The villagers are discussing with each other. It seems they are confused on who to believe.

I give this guy credits for being persuasive. This will be tough since talking is not my thing.

If I show my power here, these people may only follow me from fear. That isn't my style. As things are now I need a key element to make them believe it's me.


Damn it!

That Eastern Overlord, he is quite good that if I got hit on the heart, I would have been dead. Thankfully, he is a fool to think that our hearts are located on the center left.

I escaped using my shadow ability. I turned my body into shadow so I can sneak by him and hide into the forest.

When I am far enough, I materialized my body somewhere deep in the forest. I feel weakened and I am in severe pain. I cough blood and fall on my knees.

What's with that sword?

The wound is not healing, rather it feels like it is being burned. Even if my heart is safe, if I don't heal in time I might die.

I better use the time I have left.

A three eyed demonic crow flies by and lands on the branch. It talks to me. "Dellal, looks like we have more intruders coming from the west. You handle it. I will handle those from the east."

Oh, it's Harks demon crows. He is reliable and smart guy who's only second to Rixer.

"Kekeke, as long it's not an Overlord, I can take them on."


We have been running towards the village. It's close and it's within my sight. I can also feel my brother nearby.

To our surprise, from the sky we can hear loud gawks, looking up there is a black blob dancing in the air.

Also, I can see what it is clearly, thanks to my newly enhanced eyes of Valkeryun.

They are-- a crowd of crows perhaps numbering into thousands. Not just ordinary crows, they are covered in ominous cursed spell.

Minnerva and her men are surprised. "What the hell is that?"

They are stunned that they forgot to run. The blob of crows are gliding into our direction.

Without hesitation, I grab each of Minnerva's men and gathered them in one spot. I then use [Instant Movement] 500 meters away from here.

[-250,000MP ]

After successfully teleporting, the others look confused.

"Huh? What happened?"

I observe what happens to the area we just teleported from. The crows end up slamming on the ground but only die. After dying, they turned the ground dark that spreads out like poison to the trees causing them to wilt quickly and turn into ash.

Melina is shocked. "Sis, wh-what was that?"

The men are starting to get scared as well. "If that hit us, we would have been a goner."

"I guess we were saved."

Minnerva grits her teeth from anger. "That was most likely an ability of an Apostle, but thank god Vermil, you saved us."

I smile, "I can't let anyone die until you meet my brother."

My smile causes everyone to feel relieved even if it feels forced in this situation.

The men then say in adoration. "You must be an angel!"

"Huh? Angel? I'm not sure." I chuckle.

I quickly get into a fighting stance when I feel a presence behind me. Looking back, I can see a weird crow standing on a branch on the distance. It has three eyes and horns.

It starts to speak. "I didn't expect that you are still alive, daughter of the former chief of the village."

Minnerva furrows her eyebrows at the crow. I can feel her anger is intense. "That voice. You must be the fifth apostle. I'll stop you and Varlin whatever it takes!"

"That determination. It reminds me of your foolish father. You must be dimwitted to think that you can do anything you please. Hahaha!" He laughs mockingly. "That night, I know what you and your father were plotting. Both of you are foolish because I have eyes everywhere and that's why your father got killed. And it looks like I may have to execute you as well."