The Secret Room


For some reason Ren, Vermil, Levia and few other villagers came to the village. I'm not sure if it was a coincidence but we manage to meet together in this village.

We went through a lot just to get here, I don't even know where to start. We felt bad for the village but did we just touched something we shouldn't have?

I gathered Ren, Levia and Vermil together for their input privately somewhat distant from the village. I managed to gain a lot of information from our enemy.

Levia says, "the demons are from the dark continent. Basically, the area up north undiscovered by humans is labelled as the dark continent. It's beyond the Munren realm. For the people living here, they are too much for them."

It seems this world is divided by two planes, the Munren and Helis. The Helis are where the stronger race dwell. Basically they are higher in levels than those in this realm. The reason why they don't come south and invade Munren is due to this debuff.

[Deterioration: The decrease of EXP per time. The rate of decrease depends on the individual's environment, tolerance etc...]

Dwellers of Munren won't experience this debuff but those from Helis would when they cross the border to Munren, but things are about to change.

Levia shows a blood red gem.

[Blood Stone

Concentration: Moderate

Grade: B

Neglects the deterioration debuff ]

So this is what the demons used to dwell here for how many months.

Whilst we are talking, Vermil jumps on me, and then locks on my waist with her arms. "Brother, I defeated a demon! Please praise me!" She keeps rubbing her head on my chest."

I sigh and pat her. "Okay, okay. Vermil you did a great job."

As for Ren, she is in deep thought, looking below.

"Ren, what's the matter."

"Looks like I'm not as strong as I thought."

Ren glances at me with serious look. She tells me the whole story on what she went through. Judging from her eyes it seems my suspicion was right. Not only did we poked the belly of the beast, we might have awoken the sleeping gryphon.

"Verni, on our way here, we actually fought with one of the Guardian Saints, Libra. There are 14 of them in total, adding the Head Saint and the Northern Overlord Jerome. We actually defeated one and I think the church won't let this pass."

"Jerome? Hey, what is he like?" I need to know the answer no matter what.

Before Ren answer the question, she clarifies that to the north of the Mezo Theocracy lies the heavens district. This is a holy location where the Angels and the northern Overlords dwell. The strongest of the Angels warriors are referred as the 12 Guardian Saints, their leader, the Head Saint, Asthaniel and their ruler Jerome, they guard the realm from any anomalies beyond human capabilities. They are the one who stand guards against the threat from the dark continent. Normally, they would do nothing about the mundane issues like wars between countries but if they knew that the Eastern Overlord has risen, no doubt they would take action.

So not only did we pissed off the demons, we also pissed off the angels?

I sigh and scratch my head on what I should do with this mess.

I ask Ren, one more time. "So what do you suggest we do Ren?"

"It's only a matter of time before another Guardian Saint comes here to investigate. Do you think you stand a chance?"

"Let's just hope that they don't know that I'm here." Also, there is something that bothered me from what Ren Said. "Hey, you said you were with someone when you fought a Saint. Who was it?"

"I assume she was a General of Kaveris, the western Overlord."

"Oh, so that means we can get him as our ally?"

Ren seems hesitant to answer. "No clue, but I won't trust that guy. He has a horrible personality from what I heard and he thinks very less of humans."

I can't believe things are getting complicated. I just want to enjoy my life on the overworld and somehow find Myla, but it seems I got caught up with the politics of the Overlords, demons and angels.

Ren adds with a smug, "however, I suggest you recruit one of his general. She was a Galkin with a bigger asset than your own."

Levia's eyebrows furrow in annoyance. "My lord, do you really think you can trust a church dog? I heard all of them are crazy and rigid to their beliefs."

Ren grunts as though not letting it get through her. "I really hope we had a more mature Galkin in our group instead of a child."

"What do you mean by that?!" Levia hisses.

Ren chuckles as she says staring at Levia's chest, "I think you need to mature first."

Just when they are about to jump at each other, I handchop them to the head causing them to stop.

"Will you stop that both of you?"

I didn't expect them to fight. In fact, when did they start talking to each other?

Regardless, what shall I do next? The overworld is more dangerous than I thought. This will be tough. Perhaps, I needed allies, no, an army of my own. If I need to defend myself against the demons or angels or any threats, I must have capable strength.

Later, Minnerva guided me to the Silver Temple resting in the middle of the village. Inside, it's an ordinary temple with extravagant decorations. The decorations for this place looks new, perhaps it came about when Varlin lived here.

Also, there are good-looking girls hiding behind the chair. They have that promiscuous outfit.

"And those girls are?" I say curiously, feeling weird.

"They are Varlin's plaything. They are humans he kidnapped from somewhere. My lord, should we execute them?" Says Minnerva coldly.

The Silver werewolves are pretty ruthless against the humans, I just realized. "No, just drop them off somewhere."

"If they learned about this secret village, it might put us in danger."

"No need to worry, I have a plan."

Now that she mentions it, there are also the captive adventurers, I told the villagers to free them, but before that I had to brainwash them and erase their memory about me and this village before they get sent to the outside world. It will be trouble if they start spilling the beans to the church.

While inside the temple, Minnerva guides me into a room behind Varlin's throne. Inside, the room is nothing but a brown wall, in the middle only a floating ball can be found.

[Item: Eye of Calling]

Eye of calling? Isn't this the item that Levia told me for communication? However, this ones bigger. She told me that if its yellow, someone from the otherside will pick it up.

Looking at Minnerva, it seems this is also her first time going into this room. She don't have a clue about who is behind this ball, neither do I but I have a clue.

Who else, but the mastermind of this whole operation. It might be a higher ranking demon, worse, the demon leader.

It's yellow. Should I pick it up?

I might as well.

I just have to touch it right?

Touching it, my mind seems to hear a static noise. And afterward, I hear a rough and deep voice. "Rixer, took you long enough." Says the voice.

The voice disturbs my focus and makes me feel unease. No doubt, it's the same voice from Sagus' dream. In fact, it seems the mask is also shaking from hearing this voice. No doubt, this is the demon lord, Fagrusil!

My anxiety is welling up but I have to face against him.

He continues speaking, "about that next batch of blood stones, I need it by next week. The fourth Tempest General and his army will be revived so it has to be there on time. Some humans called the Hero disrupted our facilities so we need to double our output."

Tempest General and the Hero? Is he referring to Shira. Regardless, I am silent.

"Hey Rixer, my old friend. Tell me what's going on there."

I take a deep breath before I speak, "I'm afraid you won't be seeing Rixer ever again as well as the demons you sent on my turf." I say harshly.

Seeing Minnerva she's amazed by my taunt, however, I'm feeling slightly nervous from what I have said.

There is silence before a wild laugh erupts. "Hahaha." He then releases a dismayed grunt. "Is that so?" He says with a slight hint of rage. "You're definitely not Sagus, I don't know who you are but to defeat Rixer you are probably the Eastern Overlord. You should know the consequence of your actions." He gasps sullenly, "Rixer was an old friend of mine and you took him away! I will make sure to burn you from this land and your dungeon. And you will be my last victim as I will cleanse everything you loved from this world! I will love to see the despair in your eyes as I will take everything you care about one by one. Just wait for me..."

"Don't worry, I will be there on time!"

Then the line cut off.

When it's time to reflect, I don't even know what I said I just got caught with the heat. Ugh, did I say the right thing? I just declared war against the demons.

But it's impressive how he is able to pintpoint me being the Eastern Overlord, that means he also knows where I am. But who cares, I will have to stand by my word. For this, I will make a strong army.


Somewhere in the hell's district...


Lord Fagrusil is in bad mood. When he does, he refused to be bothered, but he is a matured being. He'll be able to think of a good plan later on and solve the problem at ease.

Right now, he sits on the dragon throne. It's a black obsidian seat with the body of two dragon as each armrest and whose two heads can be seen on the back rest facing to the sides. Behind him are the Tempest of the Underworld's post, in which his Generals stand. It only shows his humility to his men, that without them, the demon army wouldn't be as it is.

For some reason, he wants me to send the slaves urgently. They should be here soon.

Speak of the devil, they are here.

Myla and her second in command of the Phantom squad, Yarlin enters the demon lord's chamber and kneels in front Lord Fagrusil.

Seeing their cold eyes, these vampires have withstand indescribable amounts of torture. They could take any amount of pain and they won't bat an eye. Especially, Myla, she recieved the most torture out of any slaves that we had. Well, she was a character after all who almost escaped.

Lord Fagrusil begins to speak, his fist clenches hard on the armrest, "aside from the scumbag hero, another one ruined all of my plans." He then grins, "vampires, you all know what that means."

Myla would often obey with an emotionless face, however, this time she looks bothered. "I refuse."

Fagrusil snaps his finger and the side of her body erupts, with her flesh exploding. A drip of blood flows on the side of her mouth. That ability was from one of the revived demon generals behind Fagrusil. It's a strong ability that raptures his target's insides, however, Myla looks not worried.

Vampires have an impressive regeneration ability after all as long as they have enough blood. As for the pain, she's used to it.

Yarlin looks concerned. Before, Fagrusil is about to snap again, she speaks. "My lord, we will do it!"

"Yarlin--" Myla says but she gets cut off by Yarlin. "How many times do I have to tell you Myla, there is no need to hurt yourself. Let's just obey our Lord's words. Please!" She says truly concerned for her.

Fagrusil begins laughing, "haha, it's nice to see you having a friend concerned about you. Rixer was the same. Myla, if you have anyone to hate, hate the Eastern Overlord. It was his fault for ruining my plans."

Myla was forced to agree with them silently. Both of them left afterward to do what they should do. However, knowing Myla that bitch could be up to something. That's why it's my job to monitor her.

[End of Volume 3]

[Next Volume: Eastern Overlord's Army]