Saint Guardian Virgo


If Virgo's monks can't find him perhaps this will do. I spin my spear and then point it on one direction to the forest to cast my Holy Purified Spell, "Holy Undead!"

A squadron of powerful, purified holy undead incapable of tiredness and without the need for food. In our place, they will locate the real location of the Infinite Dungeon even if it will take forever.

Right now, there are 15 of them. They are skeleton in silver paladin armor and robes with their bodies in white flames. One of the pure undead is a mage. He casts his spell on one of the towers and it is being blasted by a white explosion, destroying it in a flash. Perhaps, that will impress Virgo a bit.

"They will look for the Infinite Dungeon, I suggest we should return for the time being."

Virgo sighs, "I'm unsatisfied. Perhaps, we should ask the Eastern Fort there. Maybe, they have an idea." She smiles with malice.



It has been two weeks since the demons came and wrecked our city. Right now, it's a mess and only a few adventurers have been staying here. Most of the buildings have crumbled and I only stay on a make-shift hut, serving some stew on survivors. They are eating on the street served on tables that survived.

I also plan to move south or the central and make a living there, after I take care of the adventurers here.

However, there is something weird about these adventurers. Some of them came deep from the dark Eastern woods of Zen. It's home to monsters and its a deadly place. Oddly, they have no memory of what happened. Right now, there are a few of them eating some stew on the table.

"So you really can't remember what happened there?"

The man I'm talking to is captain Zeth, he is a A-class adventurer who sighs. He is a middle-aged man who battles with two axe and leather armor. He looks tough and also reliable. "Sadly, we have no memories after we got ambushed by werewolves. We just woke up in the middle of the forest."

He accompanies 3 adventurers as well but they are on lower ranks. One is a young man who is a mage, the other is a decent looking female archer and one is a buff old man with sword. The men around the table are looking confused with some in disappointment.

I could fill them in on what happened but I'd like to protect that person, Verni's privacy. I have a feeling he doesn't want others to know about his existence.


We just came from the Silver Village with some adventurers guarding us on the forest. I finally met with my daughter and my men and I can't believe I met with the great and powerful Eastern Overlord, Verni. He told me I can keep my memories so I can send his message to my boss, of course everyone else's memories got erased about him and the village.

However, I pledged that I musn't disclose anything about him especially to the church. I'm glad that he trusts me.

I'm probably the only human who knows his name which makes me sort of special.

Regardless, I'm glad that my daughter is with me. However, she doesn't look that happy. "Sherie, what's wrong?"

"I'm not sure, but I made a promise on someone that I can't remember. I'm starting to feel guilty." She says while looking down.

I see, she must have been so close with that guard from the Silver Village, but this is for her own good so it's fine.

I try to comfort her as we reach the fort of Hertfil, but right now it's just a broken city. We came across kind adventurers as well and even Anna. She was too kind to serve us some stew after our weeks of travel.

As I was getting a refill, I ask, "Miss Anna, do you remember?"

Anna smiles, "the whole thing, but don't worry this mouth is good as sealed."

"Well, well, well, look what we have here?" One of the werewolf from before, the Ryushin Shadow who was under Varlin is right beside our table without warning.

We got surprised that we were frozen.

This one is Ken. He has a spiky hair and is quite strong. He then speaks with intimidation, "just so you know, my leader, Shenmir is incredibly famished. I want your whole stock lady."

The adventurers draw their weapons and point it at him. "Begone werewolf!"

"Were you the one who kidnapped us to the forest?"

"What are your goals!"

Says the adventurers.

He grins before speaking, "so this is what it comes to, huh? Come, I'll fight each one of you!"

The adventurers attacked him but he dodges quickly and knocks out most of them. Some adventurers gets blown away but only a few of them died. He is even exhilarated as he takes them down one by one.

One of the adventurers stand. This one, I recognize him. This is Captain Zeth, an A-class adventurer well-known for taking down top class criminals. "Hey fiend, go away! You're ruining our meal!"

Ken cackles, "and what are you going to do about it?" To his surprise, the axe flies and pierces his shoulder. Upon seeing it, he yells from pain. "Ahh!"

Zeth advances quick to his front and slashes Ken's throat in a flash.

This is his technique which I heard about. The Absolute Finisher! The move which he uses to take down strong criminals.

Blood spurts out from Ken's throat with his eyes looking surprised that his life is coming to an end. One last time Zeth hacks him on his forehead, ending Ken swiftly.

The adventurers look amazed. They clap and respect Zeth. Some come to him to give him drinks. Well, I was also impressed. That was a good and efficient move.

However, Zeth looks worried. He warns us, "everyone! Duck!"

Without thinking about it, I told my men and daughter to duck which they did and afterwards, the building and the table were blown away. Some powerful spell passed over our shoulder's height which could have gotten us if not for Zeth's warning.

Slightly peeking to see what it was, it seems to be a large enraged werewolf. Don't tell me that it's Shenmir in his werewolf form. However, looking at him he is weak since he is limping. "Give me... all your food..." He pants from tiredness and even pauses sometimes.

He then laughs afterward. "That's right, if none of you are gonna comply, I'll eat all of you humans!" Shenmir raises his hand and creates a dense energy ball.

Even Zeth knows that we won't be able to survive this attack so he just braces himself.

As for me, I hold my daughter's hands tightly and close my eyes. I have come this far. I can't believe that I will die here.

To our surprise, a domineering voice of a woman speaks. "Hey maggot, I have a question for you." There is some people floating above us while riding on a cloud. In fact, they seem to be men with white robes and notably, a tall woman in peerless beauty with majestic white robe and long sleeves.

Shenmir is pissed. He turns around and throws it at the floating woman. "Shut up!"

Afterward, the energy ball just dissolves in mid-air as though it was a popped bubble.

I didn't even see what she did. In fact, who are these people?

Anna says from behind with a shocked expression, "that woman!" She tells everyone to kneel with reverence. "She is the Great Lady Virgo, the Guardian Saint of the High Mist!"

After hearing it, we suddenly bow. The Theocracy after all has a universal law that one should stoop law in front of the Guardian Saints, disrespecting one can be punishable by death. That's how important these people are, and even upsetting them might put your city or country at risk. They are second to Gods after all in this world.

That's why it's for the best if you speak minimally to avoid offending these beings.

Right now, Shenmir is confused. "What the hell did you do, I'll get you--"

"You're annoying, insignificant worm."

Virgo simply puffs some air as though she is blowing a candle to Shenmir below, he then yells from anguish. His fur and skin is slowly dissolving, then his flesh. He drops on the ground crying as his body is being dissolved into a smoke. Later, when he dies, even his bones dissolves until none of his body remains as if he wasn't there.

Everyone is afraid of seeing Lady Virgo's ability. I heard rumors of this. They say she can dissolve her enemies on sight. How frightening!

One of the priests say, "bottom feeders, the great lady Virgo has a question. Lying on her presence is a great sin and deserves death. Do any of you have a knowledge about the Eastern Overlord?"

One of the priests is using his ball as though he is monitoring us.

Damn it! It's possible that they have some spells to monitor whether we are lying or not.

My hand is shaking from nervousness. Even my daughter caught a glimpse of my worry. And perhaps, I'm sweating quite a bit.

One of the priest's say, "you, the one who is well dressed, do you have any knowledge about the Eastern Overlord?"

They are eyeing me. This is bad! I have to play it cool.

"No." I forced a natural voice.

"Great lady Virgo, this man is lying. Should we execute him?" Says the monk holding an orb to Virgo.

Virgo chuckles coldly, "if we do, we won't be getting any information. Perhaps, we should start with people close to him."

I think I've heard the worst possible thing that she can say. If something happens to my daughter, I would totally lose it, but I can't betray Verni!

Captain Zeth raises his hand, "your reverent, am I allowed to speak?"

The priest nods. "You may."

"As it turns out, me and my team have no involvement with this."

The priest looks at his crystal ball and seems satisfied. "It looks like he isn't lying."

Zeth nods with a confident smile, "then I can tell you which people are close to this person, on the assurance of my team's safety."

The priest seems annoyed, "who do you think you are to make demands you--"

"It's fine." Virgo interjects the priest and chuckles from amusement. "You're amusing despite being an earth worm. Alright, we'll agree with your condition."

My view on Zeth being reliable shattered. I can't believe he would throw me under the bus. Damn him!

I hold my head trying to clear my mind since I'm confused on what I should do.

Zeths begins pointing them out, "those men are his employees and the one he is holding hands with are his daughter."

Virgo begins laughing. "Alright, you and your team may leave." Zeth and his team also left.

Some adventurers also begin raising their hands. "We too are not involved in this."

To our surprise, those who said it suddenly, experienced pain and slowly dissolved into the air as smoke.

"Silence, worthless earthworms. I didn't gave you permission to speak."

Everyone suddenly lied low. As for us, we are shaking from fear.

However, this is it! She has no remorse in killing us as though we are but insects. I mean with her power, in her eyes we could just be insects.

One of the priests say in a domineering voice, "bottom feeder, now tell us any information about the Eastern Overlord!"

However, I refuse! I already told Verni that I would keep my word. If she is gonna take my daughter's life than I would just offer mine.

I have to say this!

I quickly stand and yell at her.

"Why don't you just kill me, you damn guardian! You think you are Gods just because you have power? There are more poweful beings than you! You claim to be righteous while tormenting humans! You are no different than demons! Probably, you Angels are worse." I pant from nervousness. Even my men are worried from me since this isn't me. I know, I just want to piss her off so she can end me.

Everyone is speechless. It took a second before Virgo speaks. "Is that all?"


She grunts and is about to huff some air probably to end all of us but another Guardian stops her. "Virgo, my holy undead are immobolized. Someone powerful is in the forest."

Virgo stops her attack to ask. "What do you mean?"

Coming to my left, to the distance a pale woman with long blue robes carrying an umbrella treads lightly. Her umbrella is closed and one can see her long dark blue hair. "Looks like you have something nice going on here. Do any of you mind if I join?"