Chapter 001: Start

Chapter 001: Start

"Thank you, everyone." He smiled as he end his speech in front of the crowd.

The people clap joined along with his bow to say goodbye out of the stage. The host of the banquet, Duke Lewis' assistant, greeted him before going down from the stage as he had addressed a nod. He nodded and thanked some of the nobles who attended the event. He also contrives to various monarchs and businessmen then took pictures with them.

He, being a pretender is good.

It is easy to find information when people think that you are on their side. That's how he works. Scheming those sinister people behind their back. Being a part-time detective sucks. But on the other hand, for him, it's quite engaging. When the person you thought they are 'good', though, they're good as dead. The desire for partnership and power between these aristocrats makes them easy to fool.

"Congrats, Count Lewis!" Greeted by one of the nobles.

"Thank you!" He smiled and shake his hand with them.

Count Friel of the Lewis Family of the Corizon Kingdom is located in the northeast Isles continent. He's a 27 years of age man who is now achieved to be a lawyer. While studying, he was working as a part-time detective at the Corizon Detective Agency wherein he gain such a title of; Man of Justice, famous in the kingdom.

Despite being a count, Friel still did his job and aim his dream to be a lawyer studying far away. Now, because of his perseverance, he topped 1st in the bar exam. Many monarchs looked at him with admiration. And all these eyes on him, there are still people who want and will take advantage of this man just to work for them. To be a loyal dog, they say.

But Friel is still a count and a Lewis. He isn't easy to fool. He has a strong principle and loyalty towards the kingdom. Unlike some nobles who use their power as superiority to the people, Friel uses power to the right as no citizen of the kingdom shall be suffering. Like him, he doesn't show off his title as a count like everyone else but instead, he wants to stay as a normal citizen who studied and serve the people.

"How do you feel that you're a certified lawyer now!? It's so unexpected that you surpassed the previous top." A Marquess said.

"Hahaha... I didn't expect it to, Marquess. But... thank God." He laughed at his own words. The truth is, he already expected this. To be top. The previous top is just a student who's good at memorizing. He's not that smart unlike him.

Friel studied while doing his job as a detective. It isn't easy for him but he enjoys what he had. Even though it is a thousand miles away from work and school, with the help and support from his brother and the will he has, he finally reached the point of his living. Now, he'll continue to be a detective at the same time working as a lawyer to support his brother's works someday.

"Do we expect that in the next few years you will join in a faction?" One of the Monarchs asked.

"Oh..." He secretly swept. 'I hate this question' he thought. "...well, I'm thinking about that. It's hard to side with the nobles with my generation and besides, I'm not that active as a count."

"If you decided to side with the Duke of Merland kingdom... call me. I'll introduce you to other nobles!" Another Marquess came to him and gave him his phone card.

He accepted it and warmed him smile."Okay okay, thank you for this!"

His eyes darted to the man who was walking towards them. When the spoke nobility people were also noticed where he looked at, they looked. They greeted Duke Crux as soon as he stopped in front of them. They bow down as a greeting and shake hands with him.

"Duke Crux! We're happy to see you here!" They greeted.

"Thought that the palace is busy tho. But I'm glad that you make it here." The man who gave Lewis a calling card was seconded.

"Hahaha... How could I miss this grand event? All known students are here. They work and study hard so... I thought they need the support of the higher-ups by coming here all by myself." Duke of Crux Family said confidently.

On the other hand, Friel arranged his necktie and troubled polo. He cleared his throat before he walked towards the Duke of Crux. The Duke immediately welcomed him and smiled with joy as he offered his hand in front of him.

"It's a pleasure to see you here, Duke of the humble Crux family." He greeted.

The duke accepted his hand without hesitation. He likes this man named Friel Lewis. A brilliant detective for two years. And now, he's a real lawyer. He's a good catch for someone who's in the kingdom. The Duke thought that Mr. Friel Lewis can save him whenever and wherever. So, he will do everything to make this man on his side.

But contradicts the Duke's thought. Friel Lewis knew that the Duke will be coming to him and befriending him. But he hasn't thought of siding him since he only waited for the Duke because of something else. But it's a good thing that he catches his eyes on him. It will be an easy job for Friel.

"How was your study in Garner? I hope you've been well there since you've also worked as a public detective for some time." The duke said.

"I can manage to be a student and a detective at the same time. Besides, I only accepted cases that are easy but interesting to solve." Friel smirked as he remembered his times in Garner.

"HAHAHAHA! I like you! Hope to meet you again. You're quite amusing!" The duke laughed delightedly.

Friel pat duke's shoulder as he spoke, "Thank you for the remarks. But I think we'll meet soon."

As Mr. Friel Lewis said those words, the Duke thought that Friel already decided to join him. That thought made him at ease. Meaning that the outstanding professor-lawyer will be sided with him soon.

'So, my name is that powerful to the point that this man is siding with me, huh? What a magnificent!', Duke of the Crux family thought.

"I'm looking forward to our meet-up soon! HAHAHA!" He laughed again. "Then let me congratulate you formally, Mr. Lewis—or should I say, Attorney Lewis? Anyway, this is one of the best crests of Crux's family. It's made of silver and gold that cost over a hundred thousand. I will appreciate it if you accepted this as a congratulatory gift."

Friel mentally stabbed his brain, 'Your Crux Crest is nothing for me, bastard!' He smiled and accepted the box with the crest inside. "Thank you for this! I didn't expect to receive a crest for a well-known family, like Crux."

"It's nothing." The duke looked at his watch. "Bueno, I need to go now. See you soon, Attorney Lewis!"

Friel smirked at the Duke. "I'm looking forward to meeting you soon, beloved Duke. Well, see you soon."

As the duke walked out of the reception, Friel followed his traces. He saw a carriage waiting for the aristocrat. He smiled inwardly.

'See you soon in a dark jail, Duke. I'm looking forward to what face you will show if I will drag you to the jail.'

He left the cluster of people and carefully went backstage. The sound of his shoes echoed through the dark hallway, where only a few lights were on. He slipped his hand inside his pocket and fished out the box of cigarettes and a lighter. He opened it and picked one cigar then put back the box inside his pocket. He lightened his cigar as he clipped it on his lips.

He releases smoke from the cigarette as he walks towards one of the rooms, where someone's waiting for him. The creaky sound pierced his ears as he gradually opened the room.

A young guy wearing a gray polo paired with a black jumpsuit was busy managing a tracking device that he made.

"How's the signal?" Friel asked as he lean his back on the nearest table.

The boy glance at Friel with an unbothered look then continues what he was doing. "Stilled."

Friel didn't mind the simple words that coming from his mouth 'cause he knew that this man isn't that talkative. He's content on a one-way question and answers without nonsense stuff or anything unrelated to say. The guy stood up and reach the gun above the table. He readied a bunch of bullets and pack them into his gun pocket.

"We'll move if the duke passed thru Fifth Street," Friel inform, standing up properly before he point out the red mark on the device. "He's moving faster than I thought, seems like he can't wait to go home, huh? Or maybe someone's chasing him? Hmm... either of them, why could it be?"

"Neither." The guy murmured while arranging the pieces of equipment.

Friel furrowed when he heard his answer. He places his hand on his chin as if he's thinking hard. "You're right. But the plan is planned. We can't think of anything else now but to chase down that damn duke."

The guy settles both hands on the table as he looks at Friel. "Duke of Crux. Tracking device."

"Hm-mm..." Ferid Lewis is smug. "I stuck it to his shoulder. I'm certain that no one saw what I did and that no one will notice that tracking tape on his shoulder since it is transparent."

The guy just nod, responding to what he said. Friel's comrades and he already plan everything. The event that will lure the duke to come and from this chasing. Friel stuck the tracking tape when he thanked the duke a while ago. He made sure that no one saw what he did and that he neatly place the tape on duke Crux's shoulder.

But the two guys still puzzle about why does the mark indicates the location of the duke moving fast. Not too long ago, Friel made an announcement.

"Hey, Garin." He called. "Let's move, the duke will turn left after he passed thru Fifth street. We need to catch up with him."

Garin just sighed, nodded. Both of them went out of the room and smoothly went out of the event. Friel and Garin didn't show any signs of anxiety while working. As if they are used to this kind of thing. Surely, they are teamed up for two years ever since Friel works as a detective in Corizon.

"What the fuck!? Are you blind!?" The voice of a man echoed the whole place.

There's a server of liquor, lowering his head in front of the nobleman. Seems like the server accidentally spills the liquor to the man, making him furious.

Friel stopped and scan the commotion.

"I'm sorry, Marquess. I'll just wash your suit if you want." The server insists.

"Ha! Do you think how much cost this suit is? This is more costly than your life!" The noble shouted angrily. "I don't know that they will hire someone like you. Who's your boss?"

"I'm the manager. Sorry for the trouble, I'll make sure to make it up to you." a man appeared, holding a tray.

"Then how do you make it up to me?" The noble scans the man. "With your body?"

"What a pervert," Friel mumbled meters away from them.

Garin noticed the change in Friel's expression. He looked at the scene and sighed lazily. He knows that Friel will interrupt them.

"Do you have a bunch of money there, Garin?" Friel asked.


"Can I borrow five thousand coins? Do you have that?"


"Hey! Where's your money? I'm sure you have in the carriage right? I'll go get it. Thank you in advance!"

Friel runs towards the carriage. Garin just sighed and sighed. When he's with Friel, he's always broke. He's thinking about the materials that he will buy, but there is Friel who always borrows his money. He's a count but he doesn't have money.

Once again, Garin sighed.

"I'm sorry?" The manager froze.

"Heh. You're the one who suggested it. What? You don't want it anymore?" The Marquess asked, smiling perversely.

"Sir, that's inappropriate to say!" The server shouted.

"Hmm... yeah, but he's the one who suggested it. Who am I to refuse, right?"

The manager gulped and sighed defeated. "I'm sorry for the inconvenience, Marquess. I hope you'll forgive our staff here. I'll do anything you want, just don't look down at our employees with your money."

"Is that a yes?" The noble smirked happily.

"Manager Lee! What are you saying?" The server whispered to him. "He's a pervert!"

The manager lowered his head with humiliation. He was just a contractual manager who happen to work to serve at the event. Though, in his three years of work, he experienced a lot of inevitable things. Being a bar manager isn't only for serving and managing liquors, for him, it is also serving the customers for what they want.

Or so he thought.

"I'm the one who spilled the wine to you, sir. I think I am the one responsible for this, not my manager." The server said with dignity. "Although I cause you trouble, it isn't right to say those things. You're a noble so act as a noble!"

A couple of gasped was heard after the server yelled. A lot of people looked at the scene curiously. They are the ones who asked what happened and they side with whom.

The server, wearing a black suit and white ribbon necktie stood firmly. Glaring at the Marquess despite the status. He just thought that he will fight for what is right. The manager's eyes widened in surprise but he just smiled at him.

"Ha! Don't you know who I am?" The Marquess is smug. "If you don't know then you're not a resident here. Who else doesn't know me? You're just nothing compared to a bug of this kingdom."

"You're nothing compared to me."

Friel suddenly showed up beside him with a smirk. He was holding a bag of coins in his left hand while crossing his arms around his chest. The three were surprised by his appearance but never get a chance to ask.

"Marquess, they say?" Friel asked curiously. "But I don't remember that there's a Marquess with a face of yours. Are you an impostor or are you just playing around here to cause trouble?"

"Wh-what!?" The so-called 'Marquess' became pale.

"And your complaining about your suit." Friel points his finger towards his suit. "I have a bag of coins here... but as I can see, your suit is just worth of dust."

"Y-you! What are you saying?"

"Hmm... then..." Friel slip his finger on the bag and took one coin. "Is this enough for your suit, 'Marquess'?"

The man gritted his teeth. He knows that he was being humiliated in front of these nobles. Whispers were heard around the area, talking about how the bastard used the nobles to do such a thing. A lot of people agreed that he wasn't a noble since no one saw his face before.

"I am Attorney Lewis. I am also the reason for this banquet but it's ruined because of you. I can sue you for this."

"Um... Ah, Count Friel Lewis." The server called. He's fidgeting and can't look at the count. Friel mentally smirked. "It's okay. No need to sue him."

"Hmm, why?" Friel arched a brow.

"We don't want to further this issue. So," The manager looked at the man who caused the ruckus. "Just accept the apology of my staff."

"And apologize to him," Friel added while pointing to the manager.

The man didn't say anything other than an apology. He immediately runs out of the scene where everyone looking at his back. The manager and server thanked Friel for his heroine. The people come back to their doings while the three were talking.

"Thank you, Attorney Friel! You're so cool." The server praised happily.

"It's nothing. Everyone has the right to complain or fight even you're a noble or not. So, do what's the right thing to do, okay?"


"Attorney Lewis, if ever, can I invite you to come to our bar where we work at? We want to treat you." The manager said.

"Uh? A bar? Hmm. That's good. Is that the bar near the plaza? I heard the place was cozy." Friel said. "Sure, I'll come to visit if I have time."

The two smile excitedly. Although they knew that Friel has a lot on his plates, he still considered going to the bar and what's surprised them is he knew about the bar. The manager knew that the bar is famous 'cause a lot of aristocrats go there to have fun, but he didn't expect that the Count of Lewis family will know this.

The kingdom knew that Lewis has only two noblemen. And the elder one, Duke Ferid Lewis were working as administrator beside the king of the kingdom. The Corizon is known as a civilization kingdom next to the Garner kingdom. Corizon is known as the home of the business industry but lacks agriculture. Even though, this doesn't stain its development of it.

That's why the two were happy. The righteous noble was in front of them showing its soft and kind aura.

Not long after when Garin called out Friel for work. The three bid goodbye to each other. Friel's expression changes from being soft to being dark. Garin is already used to it since that's the real Friel. They hooked up to the carriage and followed the duke of Crux. Garin busied himself tracking the duke. It still moving fast but what's bugging him is the carriage where the duke was in turned right instead of left.

He told Friel what was happening and the latter was also confused. He called his comrade waiting at the end of the left street to move fast to the right and corner the carriage. After the call, Friel's frown face is evident, thinking about what's happening. He thought that maybe the duke found out the device and he will lure Friel's company somewhere. A lot of thought is ringing in his head but the plan is planned, he just needs to finish it smoothly.

The carriage was running faster than expected. The Duke of Crux scaredy-cat curled to the side muttering something. The butler smirked and fixed his black hat. He instructed the driver to be slower since they will soon reach the end of the street they were entered.

"We lured some time to those rats but seems like they're still catching up. Fortunately, we did the job easily. Right, Duke Eric?" The butler asked the Duke evilly. He was playing with a pen in his hand, swirling it professionally.

The duke just banged his head to the door and muttered something. He was sweating cold and pale as if sooner or later he will faint.

"Thank you for your cooperation, Duke Eric of Crux Family of Corizon Kingdom. Your politeness will always be remembered."

Several screams roared and blood flows through the whole carriage as it hit the big tree at the end of the street.

Two bodies were found when Friel and Garin reached the carriage. The investigation indicates it as a driving accident.