Chapter 1

** Cynthia GUEU **

Denise: I'm in love with you Cynthia.

What me ?

I watch Denis waiting for him to tell me he's kidding but nothing, I burst out laughing without being able to hold back. It's the funniest thing I've been told in three years. I laughed at my ribs !!

Me: What did you say? (I sit down laughing) No you're not serious ... You Denise? In love with me? Oh my God I can't laugh anymore.

Denise: What's so funny?

Me: Ahii can't you see? Well wait, I'm getting serious again. (I clear my throat). Honey coco you and me this is just for fun, nothing else, so sorry quickly suppress the feelings. Besides, I think we will stop seeing each other. Tchieu, what do you want to get me into? Love ? Sorry I'm leaving before you propose to me.

I take my bag and leave his house. Little fun we want to do there he wants to put in real real. Hmm, that bullshit doesn't work with me anymore. Ko I love you, shit. It was because I spent the night at his place that he had the courage to tell me that. That's why I don't do more than three months with a guy. You just want to distract yourself and they take it seriously. They say nice words to you and then break your heart. My eyes are open now so no one will get me. I finish taking my shower when I get home, take a nap until 11:30 am, and when I'm bored I decide to go find Maya to have lunch with her. She works in the box LES MAISONS ET BATIMENTS YOUL abbreviated MBY. I can do it in under 30 minutes. As soon as I step into the building I see the big boss Mr. Terry YOUL arrive, bent as always in a suit that fits him like a glove, accompanied by his faithful bodyguard and two others who work here. I quickly pull over to a corner so as not to be in his path. When he passes everyone stays at attention. He is not mean but physically he is scary. Someone you never see their eyes because they are always hidden behind sunglasses, better not provoke them because you don't know what they are thinking exactly. Once he's outside I see people hissing, as if they've been holding their breaths as he walks by. I run to find Maya in her office before the boy turns around. I walk into his office without knocking.

Me: I'm telling Maya how do you manage to work with Terry YOUL?

Maya: He's not mean, just too serious. I got used to him eventually and I know how to handle myself so as not to get his wrath. Well, let's go, I'm starving my darling.

We go to the little restaurant a bit far away. I tell her a bit about my adventure with Denis this morning when I don't know why my eyes leave Maya's face and fall on the face of someone who is sitting right behind her. She follows my gaze and when she sees who I'm looking at she shakes her head. Jessica begins to beat in my underwear. I look at this handsome fair-skinned guy in front of me and I keep telling myself "Cynthia, you need it". Yes I have to. He's too beautiful, too cute, too sexy, too hummm for me to let him slip through my fingers. I don't have a guy to warm me up anymore so he'll do the trick. When he smiles looking at his cell phone my heart skips a beat. Ouch, my eyes hurt. The beauty owed him a debt so in compensation she poured out a lot of it on him.

Maya: Stop looking at my colleague like that.

Me (in a low voice): What? Damn Maya you know this kind of creature and you don't even introduce it to me. No you are a witch you.

Maya: Cynthia stop looking at him like that. You will end up passing for a seductive there.

Me: Madame Molière, sorry drop me off here. No for real, this guy is hot

Maya (looking down) I know.

He looks up at me and our eyes meet. I pretend to eat so he doesn't think I'm spying on him. Well at the same time that's kind of what I do. If I knew that by inviting Maya to lunch today I was going to stumble upon such a miracle, I would have made myself all dapper. Look at the dress I'm wearing. I bought it for 600 fcfa at the market. All because I wanted to get some fresh air so I have some really nice dresses in my wardrobe. In any case, this is the last time I left the house dressed like this. Well, I don't care.

Me: Maya tell me where you know him exactly.

Maya: We are currently a work colleague but we have known each other since high school. He's the big brother of the one who was my classmate and best friend from high school to college back in the days before you and me met.

Me: So life got him back on your way like that. Um, it's because of me.

Maya: Don't even think about putting him on your list of many suitors there. I warn you.

Me: This is no longer at your level.

Maya: Cynthia !!!

Me: Hey Holy Maya let me breathe in peace no. What is there even? My darling is watching him coming towards us.

I laugh to make believe that we are in the middle of a debate in a conversation. With each step that brings it closer to our table, my heart dances. It's her scent that first reaches us. Virgin Mary mother of God! How good this guy smells!

Him: Maya!

I haven't even finished smelling her scent yet, as her voice disturbs me. Cynthia you have a real male in front of you. He must not escape you.

Maya: Oh Ryan. I didn't know you were coming for lunch here.

Ryan: It wasn't planned. It was an old friend who invited me.

I clear my throat to tell my dear best friend I'm here in case she forgot.

Maya: Oh Ryan, this is Cynthia my best friend and roommate. Cynthia Ryan a long time friend and colleague.

Me (with a sultry voice): Nice to meet you my dear Ryan.

Ryan: Me too. Well, I'm going to leave. The break is already over. Cynthia look forward to seeing you again.

Me: Me too.

Ryan: Maya are we going together or are you going to take a little more time?

Me: Oh we're already done. I will return.

Ryan (to me): Are you coming with us or… ???

Me: Oh please Ryan we can talk to each other. Finally if you don't mind.

Ryan (smiling): Of course not. So let's go ?

Maya: Yeah.

We get up and all take the direction of the door. Once outside, Ryan shows us his car and unlocks it. It's a nice black AVENSIS in the sports car style.

Ryan: Shall we drop you off somewhere?

Me: Yes I have to go shopping in the store just a few meters before your building.

Maya opens her eyes wide in surprise, she knows I'm lying but doesn't say anything because she understands that this is a way for me to get closer to this hot handsome man. All the way, it's just Ryan and I talking. Maya she is content just to manipulate her cell phone sitting in the back seat. I'm not going to complain about it. I send conversation topics and subtly educate myself on Ryan's life. He put a smile on his lips and it hasn't left him ever since. He is cute when he smiles especially with his beautiful white teeth. No, I have to do it to myself, this guy. When we arrive in front of the store I refrain from saying a bad word because we arrived too quickly. I don't mind giving him a kiss on the cheek as a thank you. I wink at Maya who rolls her eyes and go downstairs. Once the car was back on the road I wrote a message to Maya, "Make sure you put us in touch. I want it. ". I take a taxi home with a smile on my face. I am Cynthia GUEU and I love guys. Good-looking guys with what it takes, where it's needed. I am not a prostitute nor an easy woman. No. I like handsome guys, but I don't sleep with everyone. I have principles. I hang out with several men whom I consider to be my pigeons so I take advantage of their well-stocked pockets. I'm not looking for a serious relationship because my previous ones were catastrophic. I followed disappointment in love after disappointment and there I had my fill. So I decided to just have fun and from the start I mean it to avoid misunderstandings. I am a party girl, outgoing and always ready to set the mood. Anyway if you're friends with me make sure you're going to talk a lot even though I usually don't remember what I'm told. Let's say I have a lot of stuff in my head to kill myself with remembering everything I'm told.

As soon as Maya walks into our apartment, I jump on her excitedly.

Me: So tell me did he say something about me?

Maya: Good evening sweetheart, yes I had a great day and you?

Me: Hooorrr leave that. If you are stopped in front of me it is because you are fine. So I listen to you.

Maya (going to sit down): How nice you look and how beautiful you are.

Me: Yes!

The door opens again for Olivia, our other best friend and roommate. The three of us met at university when we were in undergraduate and we haven't separated since. As I said, I am more of a bandit, Olivia, she is the happy medium. She knows when to have fun and when to stop for work. Maya, she is the holy, the calmest, the sweetest, the most serious. Finally, the embodiment of perfection. She enjoys playing the big sister role even though I'm the oldest of the three of us and she the second. Well it's only 1 year between us and her and Olivia are the same age. Maya is just a month old. Whenever I make a gourd, it's Maya who comes to the rescue while Olivia slaps me on the fingers. Olivia is the type who doesn't take her words off. What she thinks she tells you and what happens. Maya, she tells you the truth with more gentleness, more tenderness.

Olivia (closing the door): Hello girls.

Me: Here you are. I need some advice on getting closer to a super hot and hot guy.

Olivia: What are you in love with?

What me ? No ! I just want to charm him and have him close to me without it being something really serious.

Olivia: And who is it again?

Me: A longtime friend of Maya.

Maya: Ryan Krizo.

Olivia: Ryan Krizo? The same one you told us about?

Maya: Yeah.

Me: Really? Have you ever talked about him? I don't remember it.

Olivia: Cynthia you only remember the dates of your diesel (show) apart from that, nothing. I wonder how you do at work. But I thought you were Denis.

Me: Sorry, leave him there. I'm done with him now I'm moving on. So like I said, I need this guy urgently girls.

Olivia: And you, Maya, do you agree with that?

Maya: Okay if she wants her to do it. Either way, he doesn't sound like someone looking for a serious relationship to me.

Me: So that's good. Okay, I'm suggesting something. Since it's now that you've met again, I suggest you invite him over to dinner this week and like to talk about the good old days. Plus you told me he had just returned home so he must be a bit lonely and out of place.

Olivia: You just met him and you're already so excited about him. You should calm down a bit. He might have a girlfriend.

Me: So let him tell me himself otherwise I consider him free. So Maya what are you saying?

Maya: Okay okay that's understood I'll talk to him and see what he says.

Me (hugging her): Ooh thank you you're a sweetheart my girlfriend. That's why I love you so much.

Maya: I love you too.

Olivia: Let's go back to Dénis. I thought you were starting to like him.

Me: This is one of the reasons that prompted me to break up with him. I don't want to make love love. I prefer we quit before this attraction turns into real love.

Olivia: He was good though.

Me: I know that. But I feel better alone. Okay, back to Ryan. I need to think about buying myself a new dress and everything that goes with it. You know what I mean.

They shake their heads as I keep thinking about the scorching night I'm going to spend with him and if it's a good fuck, I think I'll keep him to myself forever.