Punishment for ones crimes

I'm now at the capital Atlas. I hear that Aktor and John are waiting for me at the same pub where we got the device. I almost forgot how to get there, but luckily I found it. There I see a familiar face.

- So you are finally here. Now let's get this show started.

- Before that, I must inform you about what is happening with the other high priests.

I inform Aktor and what I assume is John in disguise about what happened during my travels.

- So they are doing that. Well, I hope that the finger we have now isn't unnecessary.

- You mean to tell me I lost my left pinky finger for nothing!? By the five, why couldn't you be here sooner.

- Well, what's done is done. Who knows, we might be able to reattach it back.

- That type of healing is something that even us high priests can't do.

I state.

- Perhaps I can help. I went through some hellish training.

- If there is a chance to reattach my finger, then I will take it. Let's do this.

We try to put it back in. It took a couple of tries but we managed to attach it back.

- Oh, thank the five I can keep my pinky! It hurts like hell, but it's attached!

- He is practically crying.

I put in.

- Let him have it. It is something that means much to him.

- It is? Oh well, now that that's out of the way. Now we shall wait for the high priests to return.

We stayed hidden for a couple of days until we heard about the high priest's return. We ran back to the main church and we ran across the female high priest and the rest of the high priests.

- So how did it go?

- Now that we have all the high priests, we only need to head to the meeting hall and make the decision to resign the pope. Though he won't take this lightly. I only hope it will end smoothly.

We head to the meeting hall and start the meeting. The pope is also there. The pope starts speaking.

- Now let me see. In this meeting we are deciding whether... Let me see... The pope is reassigned from his position!? What is the meaning of this!?

Female high priest starts talking.

- We have all witnessed a crime committed by our current pope through the Eye of Aeon. Crime that we are charging the pope against is a mass murder through demon fungus.

- That is outrageous!? Why would I, The Pope, be charged like this?

- All of the high priests have come to unilateral decision that the Pope Kristoffer the IV is guilty of attempted mass murder. Does anyone have any objections?

- This can't be. They were just puny beast folk and elfs! The humans there should suffer the same weight as the rest of them! My will was justified!

- In the Book of Mors, it is stated that "death of a person is always the same, no matter what race you are from, no matter what class you are from, no matter what age you are from, it is always the same kind of death".

- B-but in the Book of Vita it is said "All of the things might not be born equal" so my actions are justified by god Vita!

- It continues "but all things may grow up to be equal, no matter the origin".

- Thats...

- Any more objections.

- Guard! Seize them! They are against the pope himself!

The guards look confused at each other.

- What are you doing!? Seize them! Kill the filthy traitors!

Some of the guards start to point their spears against the high priests and some of them stand confused. Aktor puts in.

- Oh watch, servants of gods, for you will taint your hand by the will of the wicked. Are you not ashamed?

Female high priest says.

- The Book of Iter, chapter 12.

- You have studied well. I personally like that book more than the other four.

- Huh, My personal favorite is the Book of Cantio. But let's stop it at that. Now what will a lot of you do?

Now the guards who were pointing their spears at us stand confused. Then one drops his spear. Then others. And the other. And then the rest of them. Female High priest says.

- It is over now Kristoffer. You no longer have the power.

The guards start taking Kristoffer to prison.

- You little rats! Mark my words, you will regret this day for the rest of your lives!

- Quiet you!

- Do you hear me! I will have my vengeance! The gods will make sure of that! You hear me! I was the one on the right! I was...

He kept shouting more as he was dragged to prison.

- Now then, we need a new pope so let's vote.

The voting lasts a while as we wait with Aktor.

- Now that everyone has voted, let's count the names. 3 for Mary and 4 for john. So that concludes our vote. The next pope shall be Pope John the II.

Everyone is clapping their hands to congratulate John. He then says.

- Thank you all. Now let's gather our people and show them their new pope.

We do just that. The whole city gathered in a wide area. Then John gave us a speech that was worthy of praise. Then the crowd clapped and I noticed the female high priest leaving.

- Where are you going? We are about to start a feast.

- My job has been completed here. I'm not one that likes to party. Other high priests and the pope will also not party much as we are in a position that we cannot party much. I rather go look at some papers that the last pope didn't let me look at.

- Then... Might I join you?

- If you want to. Though, as a high priest, I shouldn't let you look at the document. But as it will take a huge amount of time to sort it all, I gladly accept you to come with me.

Then we head to the archives and look long and hard at some papers while the rest of the people are partying. During which I saw Aktor look at me for a while and went back to a party. It was honest work I was doing.

Then the morning came and I realized that I fell asleep. The female high priest, who I think is named Mary, was still looking at the papers.

- Did you not get any sleep?

- I'm used to this kind of thing so I powered through the night with some coffee. It is something that was found in Nearn recently.

- Oh right, do you know what Nearn is like?

- Now it's only a shadow of its former self. The principality of Nearn doesn't exist anymore but there is a place called Nearn. Now there are five small kingdoms forming inside it. I heard the battle over the territory is quite bad at some places, but it is mainly peaceful. Well, compared to what it was four years ago.

- I see. Let me go look for more help.

- If you can then that would be helpful. And Nor...

- What?

- Thank you for helping us. Me and the organization I belong to are grateful for your actions.

- It wasn't all me. Aktor helped as well.

- But you were the one who used the Eye of Aeon to discover the thing that in the end decided the fate of Kristoffer. It was you, so I and the organization thank you.

- Well. I shall take that thanks and boast about it to Aktor then.

Mary laughs a little.

- You go do that.

Then I go looking for Aktor and rest of the high priests. I saw Aktor speaking to a nun about something. I do hope he is not hitting on her. John is also walking this way.

- Hey, Aktor!

He looks at me.

- Hey, how was your night? Heard you were with Mary the whole night. How did it go?

- We sorted some papers.

- You sorted some papers?

- Yes, what did you expect? We are professional.

- Why were you looking for me? Do you finally want to get out of here?

- No, I was looking for people to help with some papers that the previous pope left us.

- Oh that yeah. I... sure. I can help you.

- Then how about you John?

John also said.

- Of course I agree. They are my responsibility now. Has Mary been doing them all night?

- Yes she has.

- That won't stand. As a pope, I must work as hard as she does.

- Well good luck with that. She seems the type who does work first and then finds new work to be done.

- I... I will treat her like an inspiration.

Aktor and John go to Mary and I keep searching for the other high priests. Eventually I find all of them and guide them to go through some papers.

I also go back there and we all do some paperwork for a whole day. Eventually we get to the point where even Mary is satisfied and we go to sleep. Aktor and I go to the spare rooms.

The next day I wake up feeling well rested and then I go find some breakfast. I found a hall that looked like a dining hall and I went to get some food. I eat the food and then I go find Aktor. I don't seem to find him anywhere inside the main church. I ask around and no one seems to know where he is. My final option is to call Lex and see if he knows something.

According to Lex, he left early in the morning to go to a ship that was headed towards Ihm, the Isle of man.

- Why do they call it the Isle of man.

- Because long ago, humans only existed in those islands. Meaning that they originate from those islands. They then sailed in masses to populate the continent Nearn was in, Arch.

- So why did Aktor decide to go there now?

- Don't know. My guess is that he is going there just because.

- Just because, huh. Sounds a lot like him.

- And what are you going to do?

- I will wait here until Kristoffer receives his punishment.

- Well then. If you need me, feel free to call.

- Bye.

Then I waited for a couple of days until Kristoffer's punishment came public. He is to rot in jail for the remainder of his life but his grave will still be in the same soil as the other popes before him. As he did, in time past, do good things for the world.

- I see. Well, at least he didn't get freed.

Then I call Lex.

- Can you tell me how far Aktor is?

- He isn't even halfway in.

- Then I will travel for a while in Aeternus. After all, I haven't seen all of the holy sites.

- I see, well you know when to call me.

- Right, bye.

I then go to another holy site. A place where the holy lyre of Cantio is. I traveled for four days to get there but I'm finally here. I see a huge line again before me. Then I wait for a half a day to get to see it.

It emanated a strong aura that I felt far back in the line. It even made some people puke. But it wasn't that it felt bad, it just felt like there was a strong presence coming from the lyre.

Visitors weren't allowed to touch it so we only could watch it and pray. Apparently the only one who is allowed to touch it is a holy maiden blessed by Cantio herself. Those without her blessing fell unconscious upon touching it. To find the blessing, the girls with potential are allowed to touch the lyre for a moment and if they don't fall unconscious they are branded as a holy maiden of Cantio.

Then I headed towards the Waterfall of Iter. The water that comes from the waterfall is said to have restoring effects on one's soul. It took me another eleven days to get there, but thanks to my Bell, the ride took a couple of days less as ransu are faster than horses.

I took a drink of it and I instantly felt great. I decided to meditate there for a day before leaving for the last holy place. "The stone of death" doesn't sound appealing, but it was one of the holy places.

It took me seven days to get there and the place was surrounded by tombstones. When I asked one of the priests to elaborate why there were so many, he said that it is considered good luck for the dead soul if it's buried near the stone. Apparently most of the space was already in use so new ones have to get a place from farther back. I went to touch the stone and I instantly felt a cold feeling in my spine. But at the same time, I wasn't scared. I felt like if I would die right now, my soul would have safe passage. A calming feeling for the eventuality of my death.

Then I called Lex about Aktor. He said that he has reached the Isle of Man.

- Can you teleport me there?

- Sure, but why do you want to go there?

- Whenever I am with Aktor, something interesting always happens. I'm a traveler so where I go is up to me and I choose to go where Aktor is.

- If that is what you want. He is currently in the eastern islands.

Then I'm teleported to the tavern and I saw Aktor immediately.

- You just can't go anywhere without me.

I sat opposite him.

- I just find following you interesting.

- Whatever, it is your choice.

- Then why did you decide to come here?

- I came to see how the Northern point is doing.

- Northern point? You mean the northernmost place?

- No, it means... How do I explain this? Ah, here in Ihm there are four powerful people who are appointed to protect the people of their islands. There is Northern point, Eastern point, Southern point and Western point.

- So they are people.

- Yes and they have impressive fighting potential. Even I might struggle to handle all of them.

- How about one of them?

- There is only one of them that is experienced in fighting humanoids. I think I can handle them one on one.

- You sure have your confidence high.

- It is the lack of powerful opponents that makes me like this.

- Then why didn't you focus on protecting Lex when fighting Joshua?

- I wanted to make you earn experience.

- Of course you would do that.

- Now that we are here in the eastern islands, we should try finding the Eastern point.

- Why? Weren't you looking for Northern point?

- I think the eastern point will give you good practice.

- I see. Then where should we start looking?

- There is no need. He is already here.

- What?

- Hey Jane! Could you come here for a second!?

A woman approaches.

- What do you need me for?

- I need you to train my friend here.

- I'm busy with protecting the eastern islands, but if you pay me 700 lux I'll do it.

- It is a deal then. Well then I must go.

Aktor starts leaving.

- Wait, where are you going?

- I'm going to go meet the northern point and you are going to train with Jane here. Goodbye!

- Wait, you bastard, wait!

Jane grabs my shoulder.

- Now that I've been paid, I will do the job wholeheartedly.

- But...

- No buts. Let's go to the backyard. I have permission from the owners to use it as I will.

Then my week-long training camp started.