Next day I wake up feeling rested. I hear a commotion hapening on the halls. In a glass that shows something from affar comes news that something is happening at the northen most place. Some figure has emerged and has killed many magical beings. It was observed at the station 13. The figure came there and made short work of the miners and the whole station. Station 13 was no more, as it was leveled to the ground.
The figure was on its way to station 12 and people were panicing. At the station 12 they have started evacuating the people. Me, Aktor and Revon meet up at the trainstation in station 4. We were all headed towards this figure. Then in the train Revon ask me something.
- Would you stay in the station 11 to help people evacuate?
- Why aree you asking me? I'm coming to help too.
- Unfortunately, I don't think you will be much of an use for us. The figure seems quite powerfull and even I'm unsure of whether I will make it or not.
- But...
Aktor says.
- I think you should help the evacuation as well.
- You too.
- This... thing, doesn't seem like anything I've ever seen. You should back down.
- But... If I'm realy a burden to you.
Revon says.
- You are not a burden. You just aren't mach for the figure we are facing.
- I... understand.
I stay at the station 11 and Aktor and Revon head to the station 12. I help the people evacuate from the train. Then I hear a cry of a woman.
- What do you mean my son has not come yet!? He was at the station 13 on a simple visit and was just headed back to station 12! He must be okay!
- I'm sorry mam, but we have not heard anyone coming from station 13. Everyone who was there has been marked as dead.
- You mean you aren't even going to go and check!? What's wrong with you!?
- I'm sorry mam, but we can't do anything about it now.
I put in.
- I'm heading to station 12 so I will check if anyone has come from station 13.
- Oh thank you young man, thank you! Pleace bring my son back safe.
I run at the train that is about to depart to station 12 and make it just in time. I see Revon and Aktor staring at me. Then Revon starts to yell at me.
- What are you doing!? You said you will help the people evacuate!
- I thought that I will help people evacuate in station 12 and check if anyone has come from station 13.
- You... you must have a death wish! The train that is about to depart from station 12 is about to depart full of people! There is now way for you to return!
- I'm aware of that.
- You are something else.
We then wait in silece with other soldiers that we reach our destination. Everyone here looks like they are prepared to die. I decide to call Lex just in case.
- Lex, we might need your help.
- When do you not need my help? What is it this time?
- A mysterious figure flatened the whole station 13 to the ground and its heading towards station 12 now at alarming speed.
- I'm here now. This sounds serrious.
- You should have seen the people. They were in complete panic.
- I can imagine that. Hope you didn't make any promises you can't keep.
- How did you...?
- I had a feeling you would do that.
We reach our destination and it is pure chaos. people are pushing other peoplr out of their way to get to the next train. The soldiers barely can control the people in the trainstation. We finaly get out the trainstation. Lex does some magic things and Revon and Aktor look ready to fight any time.
I then go runing to see the trainstation that is connected to station 13. I see no train in the trainstation, so I get little worried. Then I hear talking coming from the tunnel and I see people coming there. I run and ask them.
- Are you all alright?
- Do we look like we are okay!? We just barely managed to slip throgh the fingers of that thing.
- Can I help, I can heal?
- Then help the guy who's leg is broken. The rest of us will be heading towards the next trainstation.
I start to heal the persons leg and I heard him murmur.
- It's not ower yet. The end has come. We are all doomed.
- It's going to be alright.
- So you say.
I finish the healing and I help the man to get to the trainstation. There, the train was almost full of people and he could just make it. The train started to move until we heard a loud noice coming above our heads. We saw the shadowy figure breaking the sealing on the station and everyone started to panic. The train was still moving though so that was fine.
Aktor and Revon charge at it and start to fight it. I saw Aktor smack the figure with his spear and it went flying to the ground. There was a small moment of silence untill the figure started blastin some magic balls at them. The balls seemed to break right trough the material and both of them realized that they must dodge them. Aktor manages to slip trough the enemy's attacks and he pierces the figures chest with his spear and then try to slice it's head off. The spear managed to get to the middle of the figure's head until it stoped. The figure then tries to puch Aktor but Aktor managed to dodge just in time. The wounds that Aktor made didn't seem to heal, but the figure didn't seem to mind.
Then the figure looks at me and it started to shriek. The shriek was so loud, I'm sure they heard it at the station 11. Then the figure charges at me and I start to panic until Revon punches it away. It stoped just for a moment until it started it's charge again. Then Lex pulls out the huge spell he was making all this time that caused a bright light to come out and it manages to damage the figure to the point it was limping.
Then I saw that the shadowy figure was pulling his hand out for me as it walked towards me. There was no hostility coming from it and I just stood there waiting for it. Even Aktor, Lex and Revon didn't wish to stop it. Once it got close enough of me, it touched my chest and said in an eery way.
- Sisss-terrr.
Then it disapeared like smoke on the wind. It seemed odly satisfied with itself. What was it? We reconvene at the trainstation and Revon calls the other stations to tell.
- The threat is over. I repeat. The threat is over.
We then take a breather.
- I figured out what that was.
- You did? What is it then?
- It is an materialization of the original power of destruction's will.
- Original power of destruction's will?
- Is that what we should call it? What even is original power?
- No, I think more fiting name is shade of destruction. Unfortunately I don't think that is the last of them. And original powers are what came before the gods
- Oh, I see. Wait them?
- Yes. Unfortunately there probably will be more of them. Original power of destruction nature was like that.
- How do you know that?
- That is... Because I'm one of the original powers. Original power of magic. And by proxy, an original power of time as well.
- You are... then you were there when I saw... But you were so different back then.
- You must speak of the memories of original power of soul. I have changed my form many times so it wouldn't be that surprising.
- Then... You have always existed. Even before time?
- Yes.
- I'm so lost.
Lex explains the original powers to Revon.
- Oh, I see. So you are basically god to the gods.
- Not... exactly, but close enough.
- So... What is the purpose of life.
- You are asking that? Well, life is to individual what they choose to do. It is not what your fate is set out to be, but the choises of which lead you there.
- That feels a bit disapointing.
- Well, we did create life to do an experiment. Experiment that's purpuse was unknown to even us. We just wished other living beings to make choices like us original powers did.
- So, why don't you use your god magic to clear out these shades of destruction?
- I'm not as powerfull as I used to be.
- Why not?
- Because the world tries to find an equilibrium. It is not apparent in mortals, but to us that which were brought to existance with immesurable power and a lot of time passing feels that change. It is just how the world works. I have the power to return to my original state, but I'm not sertain that I could do anything else.
- So, what you are saying that if you are powerfull enough, eventually your power will wane.
- If you are powerfull enough and lot of time passes, then yes. But only mortal that has experienced is Siel'Kel, the guardian of the great soultree. It doesn't affect you in much in mere hundred years. Gods are only exception to this rule, as they exist in their own realm. You also can counter the loss by gaining more power.
- So why are these shades of destruction returning? What even happened to the original power of destruction to cause all of this?
- It happened long ago. Back in the time when our powers were still so great that we could destroy or create an entire continents. Our sister, the original power of soul, used her power to mend people of their injuries of soul and body. She even used her powers to mend our souls.
- But eventually, her power grew too weak and she collapsed. Once she collapsed and started fading, we tried our all to make her better, but none worked. She managed to convince Creation and I to stop trying to stop the inevitable. But Destruction wasn't convinced. He tried all his might to make her better. But he still couldn't succeed.
- Eventually Soul disapeared and we lost our dear sister. The first of us that disapeared. But her disapearance didn't stop Destruction. He tried to use a fragment of her, his and Creation's souls to make her come back. But that only created an sixth original power, Original power of Illusion.
- Destruction still wasn't finished and became obsessed on returning Soul. He created many more demons, some of which became demon princes. He tried to bend the world to his will and even make the gods do as he pleases. But this went against what we agreed at the start of the world's creation.
- So me and Creation sealed to the only place we could think of. A place which he had created. The opening between the sea of original power and Norbul. The sun. There his wrath would bring warmth to other. Forever watching the world we created together. There his powers would wane, just like mine has.
- Until this day.
- Yes and no. I have been keeping my eyes on what is happening on the world, and I have witnessed this happen from time to time. But they were lot tamer. Only small burst of destruction and that's it. Sometimes it just caused an volcano to erupt. But this time, he gained a will that that became physical and lasted for an hour. This is something that hasn't happened before.
- Then how do we stop it from happening again?
- Well, the most obvious choice is to block out the sun.
- Most obvious choice?
- But since that is not an option, we can go and destroy the fragments of his power that still exists physically. That would make the consetrations of his will little less powerfull.
- Destroy fragments that original power of destruction left behind, poetic.
- If only it were that simple.
- What do you mean?
- First of all, they are scatered around the world and even I can't easily track them. Secondly, destroying them normaly will only release the destructive power inside of it.
- Then what should we do?
- Since getting rid of the fragments is our only option, I will try my best to track them. I will also try and find a way to get rid of them without releasing the destructive power around.
- Do you have any idea where we should start?
- I know that a sizable fragment is located in the great volcano Pont in Isle of Dia. Other fragments might be in possession of demon princes, but I'm not sure which.
- Should we try and ask Siel'Kel for assistance?
- I was going to ask for its help myself.
- And then there is Tur.
- Who is Tur?
- A demon prince of secrets.
- Rahasia. Yes, I remember her. She has dealt with me many times in the past.
- Do you think that she might have one?
- I wouldn't be surprised if she did have one. The problem with her is what to offer her in exchange.
- Shouldn't you have some secrets that she might like since you are the oldest thing in existance?
- I have, but I rather not use them.
- You were talking about me?
- Of course you would appear.
- Hey, aren't we friends? Feel free to ask me anything.
- Then do you own a fragment of destruction?
- That old gem? I do, but what's in it for you?
- We need to lessen the original power of destruction's will to cause havoc around the world.
- That sounds like it's bad for business. I'm willing to give it to you, but with one condition.
- What is it?
- Tell me how to make a god, and I will give it to you gladly.
- What will you do with that information?
- I'm demon prince of secrets. Knowing things that others don't is my whole deal.
- That... is something verry valuable.
- You going to tell me or what?
- Fine. I will tell only you. For the sake of the world.
Lex whispers something in Tur's ear.
- That is some fine intel indeed. Now then, the fragment of destruction.
He opens a small gate of some sort and puts his hand on it. Then he pulls out a head sized gemstone.
- Here, catch.
He throws the gemstone to Lex.
- You could have just handed it to me, you know.
- It's not everyday you get to speak to a creator of gods.
- Now then, you wouldn't know anyone else who might own one of these?
- I do, but I won't tell you.
- How about paying me for telling a message from Kiat?
- You realy know how to pull my strings. I do know that demon princes of ignorance and change both have them. I do have a sneaking suspicion that demon princes of pride, rot and dreams have them, but I have no cocrete proof. Kiat also might have it, but I doubt he will give it easily. And as a bonus, I will tell you if anyone else has it, should I find out.
- That's a lot of demon princes to visit. As for Kiat, I got him talking last time so maybe I can do it again.
- I think you were just lucky and that he didn't tell you the whole truth and he somehow managed to trick you.
- I agree. It is the demon prince of tricks after all.
- Well Tur managed to guess the return of original power of destruction.
- I just guessed. Even I didn't expect this to happen even if I said that. Oh, that reminds me. There might be one burried deep in the sands of Hiék and the mountains of Baru.
- I also have suspected that there might be fragments of destructions somewhere in those regions.
- Then my job is done here. Bye.
He disapears like smoke in the wind.
- And now I have seen one of the demon princes. Who would have guessed that.
- If you are going to tag along with us, then you are going to see much more.
- I think I will pass on that. I still have my job as an North point to do.
- It's a shame, you would have been great company.
- It sure would have been entertaining. Now then, bye.
We wave our hands as to say goodbye.
- Now let's stop this evil person causing more harm.
- Pleace don't call my brother evil.
- Why not? If he had his way he would destroy the whole world.
- That is because of what he stands for. Destrucrtion. He represends the end of everything. Everything has it's begining and an end. That is how we made this world and you can't see otherwise. He doesn't wish to destroy everything. He just wanted to do something that was outside of his sphere. To reverse the ending of our sister.
- Then if you had to bring an end to him, could you do it? Or would your consciousness prevent you.
- If that is what it takes to protect our beautiful experiment. But deep down, I know that he doesn't want to destroy the world entirely.
- You sure about that?
- I have faith.
- Well then, where should we start?
- I believe it makes more sense to go to the realm of ignorance. Though it won't be easy.
- We have been there before. But how do we exactly get it from the demon prince?
- Either by making a deal with him or by stealing it.
- You suggest that we steal it?
- With the demon prince of ignorance, stealing it is an suitable option, since taking it by force isn't an option. He may just let it go if he loses it.
- Not that I plan on fighting him, but what happens if we anger him?
- He does what he always does with people who angered him. He will lock your in place for all eternity untill the world ends.
- He can do that?
- He can put people on a state that ignores all outside input. His victims are never freed unless it is by his will. Even I couldn't reverse it's effect when I was still in my prime. It is one of the most powerfull abilities in the world.
- Now I'm second quessing myself.
- Look at the bright side. At least you get to sleep and dream for the rest of eternity.
- That doesn't sound like a good thing.
- Well, considering that you won't suffer anymore. Some people see it merciful. Especially the worshipers.
- Well send us to Siel'Kel and let's get this done. Don't want to risk any more of the shades of destruction from appearing.
- Though your precense might have already changed his will.
- What was that?
- Nothing, I'll send you to off now.
And then me and Aktor were teleported to the great soultree.