
I returned to Siel'Kel and Lex with Rin. The look on thy had surprised look on their faces whan they saw her. Lex asked.

- What is that?

- It my new companion, Rin.

- A raven called Rin, huh. Then how did you get it?

- Well... Rahasia turned the fragment into a shape of a raven and so she was born.

- She did what?

- Yes, Rahasia just turned the fragment into a raven, just like that.

- That's... Of course she would know a way to... wait, let me check something.

Lex started casting some kind of spell on Rin.

- I see. So she did make the fragment in to something harmless. At least to the world as a whole. *sigh* If only I would have as much as time as she did researching them, I would probably do the same. But I only found this complicated way of doing things, so I'm bit frustrated.

- Cheer up. You at least have found one way of solving this problem. I probably wouldn't have found anything in my lifetime.

- That tells more about you than it does about me. I'm literally the oldest thing in existance and I have only found a measly one way of solving this problem. If I had the powers I had in my prime, I would have solved this in an instant. Well anyways, back to the matter at hand.

- I just tried to compliment you.

- I don't need any compliments. I need results. And why did you have to name the bird Rin?

- Rahasia wanted a cute name, so I ended up with Rin.

- *sigh* Of course she would do that. Do you want to know why I don't like the fact that you named the bird Rin?

- Since you seem to have a problem with it, yes I would like that.

- It's because my sister had an immortal bird, just like you, and it's name was also Rin.

- Wow. That sure sounds like a lucky coincidence.

- No, it's frustrating to know how much you share with her. Honestly, what would I do to make these memories not come around again.

- Why you have such a big problem with remembering her?

- It has nothing to do with you.

- It does. I have the fragment of her soul in me, so it does have to do with me.

- ...

- Why are you hesitating?

- Look... Sometimes it's easier to just not remembering the past.

- You are still grieving. That explains it. You don't want to remember her just so that you don't feel hurt.

- ...

- Even though it has been so long, she still was the light in the end of the tunel for you. A ray of sunshine after the storm. After she was gone, so was your willingness to care about anything else than your obsession to find the limits of magic.

- It doesn't matter... She is gone and that's it. No ifs, no buts. Just cold hard reality. After all this time, I shouldn't be grieving. So I just ignore what I feel and move forward. It has always been like that.

- But she wouldn't want to see you like this, wouldn't she? She would like for you to enjoy life more and take in all it's luxuries.

- That does sound like something what she would say. I get your point, now let's focus on the matter at hand. The equipment.

- You sure?

- Yes, now the reason why Aktor isn't here is because I asked him to fech some items for me from Toros and Jorm. You on the other hand, will go gather aetherium from Aeternus. We will use it as an coating to store the Stoor's digestive fluid.

- Aetherium? What is that.

- It's an substance that grows in a crystal form in the core of the Aeternus.

- Grows? Isn't that kind of bad?

- It only grows to a sertain extent and stops growing after that.

- Why does it grow.

- The core of Aeternus was created by the Creation and me to resist all kinds of corosion and spread the protection around the island. It does this by radiating energy around it. The aetherium is a substance that comes as a byproduct and does not grow outside it's confinement.

- I see. Then is it mined regularly?

- Yes it is. It is used as alchemical ingredient and after that it dissipates in to a pure magic which is then absorbed by the user naturaly.

- You can make it in to a coating?

- Yes. It's a proses that only few know. Even if you turn it into a powder, you can't just make it a liquid. To turn it into a liquid, you first must use a special kind of magic frequency to make it malleable. Then you must keep the magic going and then keep squeezing it between your hands. Then it should turn into a liquid. To turn it back into a solid, you need to use another magic frequency. Then the coating is done. Now any other questions?

- Where can I obtain it?

- Just go to the marked and by it of. We need 20 kg of it, so be sure buy a lot.

- Do I need to use my own money?

- Just use the lux you got from this Din fellow.

- So it will cost that much, huh. Well then, send me to there then.

- Be sure not to make fool of yourself.

He casted his teleportation, and I was on a marked of what looked like the capital Atlas. I look and ask around, and I'm lead to a store that looks like to be selling alchemical ingredients. I go ask the shopkeeper for aetherium.

- Hey, do you sell aetherium in here?

- Yes we do. You an alchemist?

- No, but my friend needs some for an... experiment.

- I see. Then how much would you like?

- 20 kg pleace.

- Ok, that would be 200 000 lux.

- Excuse me, what?

- It's 1 000 lux for 100 g. 1 000 g, meaning 1 kg, is 10 000 lux. So 20 kg will be total of 200 000 lux.

- I... uh... don't have that kind of money.

- Then I'm afraid you have to give up.

- Do you know any other place that would sell it cheaper?

- I'm afraid that is the market value sir. So no, I don't think you can find it anywhere for much cheaper.

- I see. Thanks anyways.

Then I hear the door bell ringing as familiar voice started speaking.

- Ah, so my intuition did not fail me when I heard that you were looking for aetherium.

I look closer and I see the female high priest Mary.

- It's been a while Nor. How have you been?

- I'm fine, if going to demon princes realms is what you are aiming for.

- You have been in other realms? That's impressive. I'll ask you more later, but first, let's get the business you're doing started.

- Well... the problem is, I don't have 200 000 lux on me.

- I see, well it can't be helped.

- I know.

She goes to the counter and hands the shopkeeper a bag of 200 coins. The shopkeeper looks at the coins and is surprised.

- The- these are.

- It's 200 gold lux coins. Meaning that you now have your 200 000 lux. Is the amount unsatisfactory?

- No, um, wait a moment pleace.

The shopkeeper goes to the back and brings out a bag full of aether.

- Here, 20 kg of aetherium, as promised. Glad to do business with you.

- Now then Nor, take your aetherium.

I look confused.

- You're giving this to me? But it was so expensive.

- Don't worry about it. It's a small token of gratitude for what you have done for us. Now take it with you and come with me.

- Wait a moment.

I call Lex and tell him to teleport the aetherium to him. He sounds a bit confused but does it anyways.

- Fancy trick you got there.

- It's thanks to a verry skillful mage that I can do something like that. Now where are we going?

- To a small cofe near here, I'd like to have a small chat with you.

- Lead the way.

I follow Mary to the cofe and we order our drinks. Mary orders some sweets for herself. The orders come and we start talking.

- So, what do you want to talk about?

- Oh this cake tastes amazing! Here, try it out!

She takes a piece of the cake and offers the piece for me. I take a bite and it tastes good.

- It tastes good.

- I know right. I come to this cafe all the time when I don't have work.

- You sound a bit more, chiper.

- I do? That's probably because I had a good day today.

- What happened?

- Well, for starters, I got a compliment from the leader of our organisation. Then I saw my favorite bird flying from my balcony. And lastly, I met you.

- Why is meeting me a good thing?

- You helped us quite a lot, after all. If it were me, I would appoint you as part of our organisation.

- I'm happy to hear that, but I will refuse.

- I see. Well I'm sure you have other things going on right now. Why else would you need 20 kg of aetherium.

- I can't tell you exactly what I'm doing, but I'm doing it for the sake of all.

- Sounds kind of big. Well anyways, tell me about your visits to another realms.

I start telling her few of my stories.

- You fought Saat himself?! And you survived?! Call me impressed.

- It was a tough fight.

- ...

- What is it?

- No, just...

She cast some kind of spell around us.

- Sorry to keep you in the dark. Now that nobody can hear us I can tell you.

- So there is some bigger fish on the play here than just chating with me.

- Yes, the fact is that I'm currently investigating remaining corruption in Aeternus. The high priest that carried out pope's dirty business has confessed and has provided some information about shady dealings in Aeternus.

- Well... not all of them are necessarily bad people.

- True. We will look past less harmfull dealings and focus on the bigger picture. Some shady dealings is to be expected, but the gravity of them is highly looked out for.

- Then what does chating with me have to do with your investigation?

- While investigating myself has its benefits, the defect is that I have to have a reason of being here. As a high priest, I can't be seen doing minor things such as shoping or eating in restaurants. However, doing some huge purchases and talking to an acquaintance while having a bite at the cafe, does make people less conscious about my presence. Though some unease is to be expected.

- So was your visiting this cafe on your spare time, a lie?

- No, I do visit this cafe every now and then. I'm just lucky that I'm in the area right now. Now people might get suspicious soon, so I'll take out the field.

She cancels the spell.

- So, how has your day been then?

- It's been fine. Just had to go to Tak Bersuara to fech something. It's the place I got my raven Rin.

- Tak Bersuara. If I remember correctly, it's the realm of secrets. So that's where you got her from. It must be no ordinary raven.

- Yes, her begining was... complicated.

- I see. Then can she talk?

- Sure, I think. How is it Rin?

Rin looks at us bit confused and says.

- *craw* Yes I speak. *craw*

- Oh, what a good girl you are. Be sure to look out for your master. He is someone who is bound to get in on something serious.

- *craw* I will, look out, for master. *craw*

- Good girl. Here, have a snak.

She pick some cookies from her pocket and offers them to Rin. Rin gets to the table and gladly eats them.

- Good girl.

Mary starts to pet Rin.

- Who's a good girl? You are a good girl!

- *craw* Good, do that more. *craw*

This is all happening while I'm drinking the coffe and Rin is standing on the table. Some time passes and Rin and Mary seem to be finished.

- Now then. Back to work, I guess.

- Do you need some help?

- I appreciate the offer, but I don't think I need your help. I just have to visit few shops and ask some papers. And if I see something suspicious, then I will have to deal with them.

- Oh, good luck to you then.

- Thanks. And good luck to whatever you're doing, as well.

She then waves and leaves with a smile. And then I realize she didn't pay for her part, but I suppose she paid enough for the aether so I just pay her part without complaining.

Then I ask Lex to teleport me back to where thay are. I see Aktor sweating a bit on the corner and buch of equipment in front of the soul tree. I ask Lex.

- What happened?

- Oh, I just asked Aktor to bring me some stuff. Like I previously explained.

- Yeah, but why is he sweating in the corner?

- He just had to carry all of these out of view from everyone in the visinity, so that we don't cause much of a disturbance.

- But I'm fine teleporting as I pleace?

- I do prefer if you're out of sight when you teleport, but this seems to not have occured to you.

- I see. Then I will be more carefull in the future. What are all these for?

- Are you stupid? Don't answer that. They are the equipment for the purifier. Though it maight look like a buch of random stuff is laying around, in the end of the day, these all will be part of the purifier one way or another.

- So you are aware that it looks like buch of garbage.

- How rude. They all are carefully crafted by profound craftsmen. Don't you go describing their work as garbage.

- Okay, I get it. They're valuable tools for the purifier. Then do tell me, how much all of these costed?

- I don't know. I pay no attention to what's on the market. All my underlings just bring what I order them to.

- So you had no idea how much aetherium costed.

- Of course not. It is easy to harvest, so it must not be much.

- It was crazy expensive. I think it's expensive because there are so few places that you can get it from compared to it's demand.

- I see. That does sound like a valid explanation for it price to rise over the years. Well at least you got them.

- I was surprisingly lucky on my end. But how was it on Aktors end.

Aktor rises his hand while shaking and answers.

- Oh, I just used all of my savings to get these. It's no big deal. It's not like I spent years to save that much. Money is only part of the fun after all. Haha.

He sounds so defeated.

- See, there were no issues for either of you.

- I think you need a reality check.

- Nonsense. You got the items and thats all that matters.

I start to think he's a lost cause when it comes to money.