We woke up while hearing a voice.
- Hear hear, little children. The dominator of minds is here.
It was an unfamiliar woman's voice. But the dominator of minds means that it could only be one person.
I didn't know why, but I felt like I must go where Siel'Kel was as quickly as possible. So I go there with Low and we see Siel'Kel with a tall elf woman with snow white hair. The elf starts to speak.
- Good, you're finally here. Now where we left off again?
- Delir, what are you doing here?
- Oh don't be like that. We are friends now right. Why can't I visit a friend every once in a while?
- We met just yesterday.
- Details, details. Look, I'm just here to say hi to an old friend of mine. Isn't that right vitreus.
- What?
I look at Siel'Kel, who then says to Delir.
- It sertainly has been a while. How have you been?
- Same old, same old. And you probably do the same thing as well.
- Nothing much has changed.
- Good for you!
Low ask Siel'Kel the same question I was about to ask.
- Are you seriously friends with this monster?
- "Friends" is not the term I'd like to use. More like... roommates.
I ask.
- Roommates?
- Yes, we exist on the same space. Even you exist on the same space.
- But don't we all kind of do in a way?
- Delirus literally exist in the same exact space you are standing right now, in this moment. She is everywhere, yet nowhere. It is impossible to avoid her if she wants to meet you.
- But why aren't you worried? Is it because you can see the future?
- No, I just know that is meaningless to fight back at her. If she chooses to invade my mind, I'm powerless to stop her.
- So she can invade your mind too? That would be catastrophic.
- Every mortal is usable in her hands. Even gods and demon princes are wary of her.
- So that means, if she decided to use one of the demon princes.
Delir says.
- Pimpom! That is correct! I can absolutely devastate the whole world if I so choose.
- Then why haven't you done it?
- Simple I just...
- You just?
- Choose not to.
- You simply choose not to?
- You catch on fast little boy! Even if the father and uncle explained it to you earlier. Yet, good job!
- So we are hanging by the threat whether or not the world is destroyed.
- You make it sound so serious. Why do you do so, I wonder? Oh yes! It must be because you are fan of me! Do you want an autograph?
- I pass.
- Bummer. Now what should I do now? Oh yes! Remember the town you were first, boy?
- Thorn, yes I remember. What about it.
- Remember the guard and the tavern owner?
- Yes...
- I made them, as many others, lose their minds and start killing each other when you were in Hou. Ahh, so juicy that town was.
- You did that?
- I was actually playing with the townsfolk a bit before I started it. Little cheating here, some friendship ending lies there. The poor town head didn't stand a chance with all the accusations. Smart people managed to leave the town before it went to chaos, but even then I plaqued their minds with horrors.
- You just toy with innocent people like that? For your enjoyment?
Delir starts walking around while speaking.
- I thought it would be quite clear right now. I've been watching your movements ever since you visited that town. I was there watching as you traveled with that man. I was one the line waiting in Taican. I was one of the guards you killed in Nearn. I was there when you first met one of Rahasia's bodies. I was on the group that watched you being tricked in Kecanduan. I was on the line waiting to see holy lyre of Cantio. I was there in the festival when you fought. I was on the boat when you first visited Ikujää. I was on the train that was excaping from the shade of destruction. I was one of the zombies you slew in Sharaf. I was there watching when you had a little date with Mary. I was watching you gather information in Lákkos. I was one of the researchers in Grey. I have watched you for a long time.
- You sertainly have been then.
- And I continue to do so. Though this time, I might join in the fun you're having while I'm there. After all, It's not good to hog all the good things to yourself.
- I rather you didn't, but I don't think I can stop you.
- No one can! I do as I pleace in my lucid dream! Feel free to call for me if you are having fun. Don't worry, I will know. After all, I'm everywhere yet nowhere. Now then, I suppose we talked about all the things I planed to say today. If I ever want to chat again, I will just barge in. Oh, but before I leave. Low.
Low answers.
- Yes?
- If you ever give up in the world, feel free to call me and I will erase all of your emotions and let you do as you wish.
- I... keep that in mind.
- Excellent! Now like rain, I must depart so that the ground can feel the warmth of the sun. Adios!
He the vanished from sight. Yet, now I feel like I'm always being watched. I guess I have to learn how to deal with that. But most importantly, I have to live with the fact that I can't do anything to stop Delir. No matter how much I try to oppose him, he wont be affected by the slightest. If there is ever a chance for me to lessen the impact of Delir's fun, I shall do my best. But for now, I must start looking for somewhere else.
I ask Lex if there is anything we can do. Then he says.
- If you want to do something about it, try to obstruct the priests of the one who dreams. They are bunch of people who got involved with Delirus one way or another. They do the same sadistic kind of things that Delirus does, but they are just mortals with the knowledge that Delirus gave them.
- Shouldn't we worry about angering Delir?
- If that's what you're worried about, then you should look at the person in question and think "does me hindering her followers mean a lot to a person who chooses not to destroy the world just because?"
- You have a great point. But what if we manage to anger her?
- Then you're done for. There is not a lot you can do at that point.
- That's good to know. Do you have any leads on where those "priests" might be?
- I have a rough idea of couple of them being inside Atlas and some parts of Ihm. And well, there is great deal of them near the place where we sealed him long ago. Though I don't recomend you go there without a good reason.
- Where is this seal located?
- In one of the islands in Dia.
- Then could you send us to Atlas?
- If you so wish. Just be carefull. Though Delirus might let you go, I doubt her followers will if you get in their way.
- I keep that in mind. Now send us.
- So be it.
He sends us to Atlas in some alleyway. We go looking for some information that might help us, so we go find Mary. It took a moment to get there, but we were able to pass the guards thanks to her badge. Most of the conversations went like this.
- Who are you? What is your purpose here?
Low shows her badge and says.
- Does this mean anything to you?
One of the guards look at her badge and suddenly start to panic.
- Oh it's you my lady, please go ahead.
- Thank you.
And then we go inside. There were couple of other guards who wanted to know our business and we repeated the badge thing. Then we finally go to a room that Mary was in, doing some paperwork. I say.
- Hi, how have you been?
- Nor and Low. So it was you two. Don't tell me you brought me more work to fill out.
- Well... not exactly, but we need to ask you about some information.
- Depends what the information you need.
- We are looking for priests of the one who dreams. Do you have any info about them?
- Oh, you mean those people. Yes I know of them and they are notorious group that keeps advertising themselfs as saviours. They brag how they know lot about illusion magic, but since practising illusion magic is illegal here, they get into a lot of trouble when they do so. We have couple of them in a prison with shackles that make them unable to use their illusions. By the five, they have done countless things with their illusion magic, but the top wont budge and ban them entirely.
- Why wont the pope ban them?
- Because it would mean that we suppressed another religious group in a holy city. That would cause a lot of mistrust among the people in the city. Even if they are notorious, they still have people who support them. Even couple of the high priests have told me explicitly to not harm them.
- Then what if they are proven to be doing something illegal in the city?
- That would give me a proper authority to halt their little group. But trust me, I've tried.
- But why are they allowed to practise illusion magic?
- There is a loophole that makes the use of illusion magic something that can't be proven. Of course, we aren't allowed to bring any devises that could prove that illusion magic was used there either. Bunch of bureaucratic bullshit.
- Aren't you a bureaucrat?
- You point being?
- Nothing. How about we infiltrate the cult and try to find evidense that forces them to be liable for their actions.
- If you can do something that my agents couldn't, then go on ahead.
- We try to bring an end to this.
- I would be thankfull if you did. I show you where their base is on the map.
She shows me the location and then we go out of the main church. After a while of walking, we finally found the base. We go inside and ask how to initiate.
- Sorry, how can we become part of your group?
- You need to first pay the initiation fee to a mouth and you are good to go.
- Awesome, where can I find the mouth?
- She is out for today handling business, but she should come back in couple of hours.
- Then we wait here.
We wait and chat to the members. All the members seem to be wearing similar robes. They all seem alright and saying it's the best choise the have made. Some of them are carrying boxes, some of them are reading books, some of them resite words on the books and some just ask questions about their craft.
We waited for about an hour and a half and then we saw a group that seemed to have the mouth we are looking for. She was an elf with blonde hair. We saw the members treat her with respect so we carefully asked about initiation.
- Excuse me, are you the one we have to talk to so that we can join the organisation?
- Ahh, new members. Sure, follow me to my office.
We follow her to her and she sits on her chair and start speaking.
- Well, if you are trying to join our cause, then the payment is 1000 lux per person.
- 2000 lux, got it right here.
I hand her the lux.
- Excellent. Now we need you to do couple of basic tasks before you initially become a member.
- And what would that entail?
- First you need to start learning about the craft. Go to the basement and ask Argesh how to do it.
- Basement and Argesh. Got it.
We go to the basement and meet up with Argesh. He is a demon man with lots of demon tatoos all around his body. He doesn't wear a shirt, but he wears a jacket. We tell him what we came to do and he explains us the basics of illusions. Then he explains how to cast illusions like a small animal. Low managed to catch on pretty quick but I had a bit trouble to figure out how to do it. Argesh then said.
- To some people it takes more to learn how to cast it. It comes all up to imagination strenght. The more you can immagine a thing there, the more real it can feel. For example, if you take drugs that make you see things, they might feel real to you. We are trying to make people believe in our illusions.
I got a little bit what he said, but I still didn't quite catch on. Eventually I managed to make a image of a bunny. Low figured out how to make things move by the time I managed to do my first illusion.
We spend couple of days practising illusions and I finally managed to make them move. Low was quite talented and even impressed Argesh. He even said to Low.
- Sometimes there are people who are gifted on the art of illusions. They are quite rare to find thanks to illusions being illegal in most places. With that much skill you could become finger one day.
- Thanks.
- Now that you learned how to cast illusions, it's now time for the second phase.
- What is it?
- Go on and advertise our organisation for 8 hours on 3 days and you may start the third phase.
- We have to advertise?
- Yes. Everything you need to know is in this handbook. Memorize it and hand out the pamphlets you are given.
- Understood.
We then spend 3 days on advertising. We got quite a few glares during that, but we managed to pull one person in. We even managed to meet Mary in day 2. She was quite annoyed looking, but held herself in. Then we returned to the base and talked to Argesh.
- Good, you even managed to pull one person to our cause. Now to the third phase. You read the handbook right?
- Yes we did.
- Now you should read the real things. Read "History of illusions", "The patriarch of illusions", "About illusions act I, II and III" and "The folly of the five". But before you can access these books, you have to pay 3000 lux per person.
- So 6000 lux. That's a bit much but sure, here.
I hand him the lux.
- Good. There will be a test about these books after two weeks, so be sure to study hard.
Then we spend the next two weeks studying all the books that we were told to study.
"History of illusions" was what it's title suggests. It told us about glory days when illusions were practiced more openly. It told stories how use of illusions have made the world a better place in many instances.
"Patriarch of illusions" told us about the one who first casted illusions. It seems to sugest that the person in question is Delirus, but it doesn't explicitly say so. It tells a story how the patriarch brought light to people and showed the true way of life.
"About illusions act I, II and III" Basically told us many illusion spells and how to use them. Invisibility was something that cought my interest. There also were lots of spells that could manipulate targeted person's mind in many ways.
"Folly of the five" Basically tells the truth about original powers and their creation of gods. It was writen in a way that suggested that gods were false rulers of this world and original powers were the true lords of this world. And it mentioned Delir's creation in more positive way than it was and since Delir is considered one of the original powers, he is to be treated as a ruler of this world.
After reading all the books, we soon had to take a test considering our studies. I got a pretty good score, when Low got near perfect. Argesh was pretty proud of us.
- Good. You two will be an excellent adition to our ranks. Now is your fourth and final phase. Meet us in the basement week from now at midnight. But first we need 5000 lux per person.
- Sure, here. Take 10 000 lux. Who is joining us?
I hand him the lux.
- Good. Rihin the mouth will be joining us.
We enjoy a meal and spend rest of the day chating with other members. They told us not to worry about the final phase and just let it happen so that all will become clear. I was bit worried about what will entail, but we still proseeded.
Then at midnight we went to the basement and we saw an altar with some sort of black liquid in it. There were five newcomers besides us. Then Argesh and Rihin told us to come near the altar. Rihin said.
- Kneel before the altar.
We do so.
- Now then, we have gathered here today to let seven of our new members in to the priests of the one who dreams. We ask for your blessing patriarch of illusions Delirus. A blessing that will harden our bond to stay together and do your bidding.
The black liquid started to glimer with purple lights.
- Ahh, praise be to you patriarch of illusions. Praise be. Now, new children of Delirus, take a drink from the blessed waters of our patriarch.
Argesh hands us all cups one by one. We take a scoop of this liquid to them. I asume we have no other choise now but to drink it. We look at each other and drink it. At first there wasn't anything happening.
- Good, now the bond between us will grow to a beautiful bloom.
Then our heads start to hurt. Like the time when we got closer to the truth in Vorno village. But this time it was more paifull. We start to hear wispers in our head and our vision starts to fade to black.
- They will betray you.
- The gods have forsaken all of you.
- The patriarch is your only salvation.
- Prepare for the reconing.
- The dreamer will set you free.
- On this circle of falsehoods.
- You are his children now.
- What is done can only be.
- Undone by patriarch.
- You are so far from the truth.
- Walk the dreamer's path.
- Because you are chosen.
- Fall to his gifts.
- For you are still weak.
- So very weak
- But the dreamer will fortify.
- And shield you from the fall.
- Now sleep.
- Sleep.
- Sleep.
- And awaken as dreamer's servant.
Then we were unconcious. I don't know if she saw it too, but I saw a dream that for some reason brought me joy. We were in a village where people were being torn limb from limb by Low who's laughing. It was wonderfull! The others were runing to catch the fleeing villagers. I feel like I'm saved.
What is this? This isn't how I feel. Watching other people suffer doesn't bring me joy.
Rip the ribs from the children's bodies and skever their mother with them! Tear their father's head from his neck and kick it trough the window! Hear the people scream! Show them blood rain from the blood red sky. Beast eating their corpses. Feasting on them as well!
No! That isn't me! Stop. Stop. Stop. Stop!
It is too late. We are already...
And I wake up in a bed. My head still hurts and I have a weird feeling in my stomach. I go outside the room, and I find myself in the same base. I go downstairs and see breakfast being served. I go and take a bite and then I hear Low behind me I ask her.
- How are you?
- I'm fine.
- Good, then grab a bite.
She nods, sits next to me and starts eating slowly. While passed and all of us newcomers were sitting eating on the same table. When the food was eaten, Argesh comes from somewhere and tells us to follow him. We all do so and we find ourselfs in the mouth's office. There she says.
- Good, you are finally awake. How are you all hanging?
We all say that we still have a little headache.
- That's normal. Don't worry about it. Did any of you see any dreams while you were asleep?
Only I answer yes.
- Really? What did you see?
I describe the dream.
- Interesting. Now all of you return to your lives and we will call for you when we need you. Bye!
We all look confused and walk out. We leave the building and suddenly Low tells me that we must go somewhere. She said.
- I don't know who it is, but we must go there.
We then walk couple of hours to an alleyway where we saw a poor looking human man who then started to speak.
- Didn't actually think you two would go through with that. And yet, here you are.
- Who are you.
- It's your budy Delir of course! Now let me see... Ah yes, you still have couple of memories in you. Must be because the Soul.
- What do you mean by having memories?
- Oh right, you are a bit slow so let me tell you slowly. AHEM! The dream you saw... was real.
- What?
- Yeah, how it feels to become a maniac for a couple of days?
- You mean...
- How was your taste? Since you haven't eaten any before it must have been exotic.
I throw up. Low puts her hand on my back and asked.
- What's happening?
- We... slaughtered... a village.
- What?
- I saw you... tearing peopl... limb from limb... while you laughte.
- No... that... that can't be.
Delir laughs.
- HAHAHHAA! You see! This is how my followers operate! Make others drink a formula that will bring you to a state where you go for a sleep for a while, then you go absolutely berserk. You recognise others like you, but everyone else is fair game. You end up shouting "all hail the dreamer!" all around. Ahh, it was fantastic to watch.
- What have we done.
- And you are one of the lucky ones. Most of them lose their entire personality or memories when they enter that state. You still recongnise each other, so your memories are still intact.
- What happens now then?
- Oh why should I spoil the fun! It's best to be surprised than blankly know the truth.
I grab his colar and say to him.
- Tell me!
- Now now, shouldn't be so rough with your new boss.
- What do you mean?!
- Once you drink that liquid and mouth releases a sertain frequency, you will come to her and do her bidding. If she wants to silence you, she just needs to say the word and you can never cross her. So now you're stuck!
- That's...
Low punches his face and it detaches from the neck. Then she asks.
- What do we do now?
- We must report to Mary immediately, before...
Our heads starts to hurt again. We hear Rihin's voice.
- You two, come to my office now.
We feel like we can't refuse the order, so we go there with haste. When we were at her office, she says.
- It was worth keeping an eye on you two. Who would have guessed you made contact with our patriarch. Now you two must be special. Now then, you boy.
I can't move and she grabs my head from the chin. Then she licks my left cheek. Low then asked.
- What are you doing?
- I'm just sampling my new pet. Now that you've drank the waters of our patriarch, you cannot defy me.
- But...
Low then stands even straighter than she did before, like she was forced to not move from that spot.
- Now then boy. Come to my sleeping quaters and we will have some fun.
- Urgh.
I start to move, but slowly.
- What's this? You can refuse to some extend? How facinating you are. Now I want you even more! Now start moving!
I can't control my movements. She then opens a secret door that lead to her bedroom. She pushes me to the bed. She starts to take off my pants and she just has a dark smile on her face. I feel a deep awfull feeling in my spine. She took off my pants and now my lower part was naked. My dick wasn't up yet, but then she commanded me.
- I order you to want me deeply.
Then my dick just rose up. I was being controlled and yet I could feel the wrongness down my spine. She took off her pants and then she started to slide my dick in. I couldn't do anything to stop her while she was doing it. It then went in and I could feel her insides. She put my hand on her butt and started humping.
It was agony, but in couple of minutes I came inside her and I was hoping we were done. But no, she was going for the second round.
- You think that I will let you go that fast.
Then I heard a glass shatter in the office and runing. Rihin went to check and asked.
- What is it?
As she walks out, I notice that she is tackled by a woman who put shackles to Rihin's hands. It was Mary. The Rihin tried to order us.
- Stop them! Don't let them get away with this!
Neither of us did nothing. In fact, the stiffness that we bouth felt was lifted as soon as Mary put the shackles on her arms. I then put my pants back on and got out of bed. Still in shock. Then Rihin asked Mary.
- What is this?! Why aren't any guards coming in?!
- This is a raid. Your little group has been accused of mind control and mass murder. And to top it of, you have been accused of rape as well.
- This can't be! What of the high priests that supposed to back us up!?
- They were found to be being manipulated by illusion magic. And sinse the people who were found to be casting those illusions that were once my agents who infiltrated this cult. it was easy to proof the higher ups that there was something shady going on.
- But... But... our patriarch...
- If it comes to safe you, then bring it on.
- No. NO!
She was then dragged by one of the guards. Then Mary spoke to us.
- I'm sorry that you bouth had to go through this. To be forced to do all those horrible things. And Nor. I'm... I'm sorry that I wasn't fast enough. If it makes you feel any better, she is going to be in prison a lot longer now. Who knows, perhaps she will recieve a death penalty. Now.
She hugs me tightly.
- It's all over now.
I hug her back and shed a couple of tears. A moment passed. When we were done, Low hugged me as well. A bit too tightly. Another moment passed and she let me go and I pat her head a bit. Then Mary says.
- Come by my office later when this clears up. I will treat you a meal.
- Thanks.
She leaves and so do we. I spend couple of days just resting, until Low said that she went to check Atlas and it was all cleared now. So I should head for that meal. I hesitantly rose up and went to Atlas and met up with Mary. She had couple of thigs to take care of first, so I waited a bit.
When she was done we went to a fancy restaurant that apparently had great food. Apparently the line to get here takes couple of months to take, even if you are important person like Mary. That means she had planned this for a while now. My outfit was a bit off to this sort of restaurant and Mary had a beautiful dress on.
We chated, ate and it was amazing experiense. She teased me a lot and asked me to join her organisation again. I bluntly refused. She looked quite saddened but told me she understood. I asked her how the sittuation about Low was going and she told me it was a headache.
We then left and went to see other things in Atlas. But first she had to change clothes. We went to lot of places I've been before and lot of places I haven't gone. It was a wonderfull experience. At the end of the day, she kissed me on the right cheek and then she left with a smile on her face.
Mary didn't even mention about what happened to the priests of the one who dreams. I know she was worried about me. Whether or not she planned to do this with me before the incident, I don't know. The kiss seems to indicate that she cares for me. But when she kissed me on the cheek, the memory of Rihin licking my left cheek. I know Mary didn't mean to do so, but it did. I wonder if I ever get over it.