What it means to be a dragon hero

Today I was summoned to do the anual hunt for Qtsiopta. I went and killed many things in the forest, but most of the time was spent bringing what I catch back to the city. I spent couple of days doing this and in the end I was exhausted. But one thing I noticed during my hunt is that I can move with much more ease, I don't get as tired as I would before and my attacks are much more efficient than they were before.

After hunting for couple of days, I was to spend some time with Teno. To be more precise, I needed to attend a party of sorts to show my face. Of course I used illusion magic to make me appear like a demon. During that party, Teno actually praised me for "being able to put on a good face." The party was mostly for important people in Teteocan. I met many people and it became increasingly obvious that Teno was the last of her bloodline. I didn't get an answer directly, but I can guess from the way they talk that her other relatives had died during the golem war. No one on the current Lotkutsku bloodline exist besides Teno. That means that the original bloodline of dragonewts started by Quetzalcoatl himself has gotten to only one living person. That means that Teno has a great pressure of making more of her bloodline. I need to talk to her about this someday.

The party was also enjoyable given the interesting music that was going on and exotic foods. The music was played by weird instruments I have never seen, though there were some similarities. The food also had definetly a different kind of feeling than in other places. The texture was something I haven't tasted yet. Must be because of the spices that were used.

I also learned very valuable lesson during this party. Don't read people's minds if you don't have to. I have seen some pretty weird things during this party, so I will think how I use the ability a bit more thoroughly than I did before.

After the party ended, we went back to our home with Teno and we chated a bit. It was strange for her to want to talk with me. When the topic came to the point where I told her that I had Ryū's ability to read minds, Teno looked worried for a second and said.

- I order you not to read my mind.

- Why is that?

- I'm just telling you that you better not do it, or there will be consequences.

Out of curiosity, I looked inside her mind. There she said "I just hope that he wont know that I want to have kids. If he would know that, he might get the wrong idea of me actually liking him. On the contrary, I despise him, but this could be the opportunity for me to get kids. He has proven himself worthy of being called a dragon hero, so that proofs that he is no mere mortal." Then she asks.

- What are you looking at?

- I... Accidentally looked in your mind just now. I heard about your kid problem.

She gets red and punches me in the guts. Not hard enough to send me flying, but hard enough that I almost fell unconscious. Then she says.

- Do not get the wrong idea. I'd be happy if it were anybody else. Or rather, just an non-human. But since I only have you as my blood bond, my choices are limited to only you. There were even people asking me about the purpose of our blood covenant. Many assumed that it was for the purpose of babymaking. Do you understand?

With great pain in my gut, I manage to utter.

- Ye... Yes.

- Good. As long as you understand.

- ...

- But now that you know, I suppose we can talk about the proses now.

- Can it... be any other time?

- We aren't going to do it today? Even if you are a dragon hero, you seem to be a bit of a weakling.

- Perhaps... you are just that strong.

- I am the last heir of Lotkutsku bloodline. I must be strong enough to dominate others, as well as guide them. If you are that much in pain, I suppose we can postpone the proses to tomorrow. I will go to sleep. Don't you dare come sleep with me.

I sleep the night in the floor. Luckily, the pain was enough to actually make me pass out in the end. Well... not good, but it sure helped me to get to sleep.

The next morning, I wake up alone in the house that I was left in. I don't see Teno anywhere. She must have already got up and do her duties. I spent the day hunting some food as I killed time. I returned couple of times to the city to give the prey that I hunted to the people. In those trips, I went and looked if Teno was home, but she wasn't so I returned hunting. I was carefull to not hunt too much, as to not break the future supply of food.

When I returned in the evening, I saw Teno waiting for me in her room. She said with annoyed look on her face.

- Took you long enough. Here I was starting to think you ran away.

- I was hunting as I waited for you.

- Well now you have made me wait, so you are the one in the wrong.

- I see.

- Then, let's get this over with. Come here.

- There is a two issues that I have with this.

- What is it.

- First is that I'm a bit traumatized about sleeping with women.

- Ahah... and the other one?

- The other is that I'm not a pedophile.

- Pedophile? What has that has to do with this?

- Well... You look like... a child in my eyes.

- Well, it's true that I am tiny and my chests are small. But I'm undoubtedly an adult. I'm 924 years old by the lord's sake.

- But to me you look like a child. In any case, those reasons will make it harder for me to get the equipment ready.

- *Sigh* Fine. I prepared couple of things just in case there was an issue. Here, drink this tea.

She hand's me a warm cup of tea and I drink it. Surely enough, after a while, I feel super horny and I push her down to the bed. She then starts to speak in angry tone.

- Do you not remember what you promised? Lotkutsku bloodline cannot be dominated by any other. If you don't move, I will punch you.

I calm down a bit and I start to lie down. Teno gets on top of me and I realize something that I had to ask.

- Are you... even fertile now?

- Why else would I've given you those drugs?

- Oh, I see.

Then we did the deed and I got shoved away from the bed. The next morning I wake up with Teno eating her breakfast. I ask if I could join her and she let me, so she called more food on the table. When we were eating, she said.

- You animal.

- What?! I did as you asked!

- You still have tainted me with your human seeds. This is something that is deeply embarasing to happen to Lotkutsku bloodline.

- Well, I'm sorry that I've tainted you. But just so we are clear, I only look human. I'm actually homunculus of sorts.

- That makes me feel a little bit less disgust.

- At least you are now talking from your heart. Oh and also, I don't age.

- What kind of homunculus are you then?

- The kind that has a godlike soul in his body.

- Is that so. I need to inquire about this with my lord.

- I'm sure he knows what kind of thing I am.

- Is that so.

We then continue to eat in silence. She then tells me.

- We have no longer use for you at this time. Please feel free to leave.

With that, she left our house and I decided to go back to Atlas where I'm welcome. Nina was deep in study, so I didn't have time to be with her. She really has grown a lot. Hopefully she doesn't overdo it.

I spent couple of weeks in Atlas, while going out to help with Low with her training. Or rather, I just joined on with her training to keep my skills sharp. We didn't spar much with other soldiers, so we sparred with ourselfs. It was apparently a spectacle to behold when we fought and the other soldiers got inspired.

Then I got a call from Lóng that said "We are holding a party here in Tianlong where all the important people will enter. I request that you come with your friend Low and that you don't hided your true face. Come here as a human. The party will be held in a 16th of this month at 18.00 so be prepared to come then. Or rather, I will just summon you two here when the time comes. Oh, also the other dragon lords will be coming and they will be expecting you. Regards, Lóng." So I have to go to a party full of people that think humans as a lesser beings. Just great. But since he will just summon me, I better have a proper attire on me when he does summon me. I better inform Low about this.

I told Mary about this and asked her to help me find clothes that will be appropriate. She was bit sceptical on me going there, but she didn't outright stop me from going, since it was an order rather than request.

So the 16th came and we were summoned. We were surrounded by important looking people. Behind us were Lóng and who I assume is humanoid Ryū. I think it's her since she has a blue draconic tail and the same presence as she had when I first met her. Lóng starts by saying.

- Welcome honored guests. We have gathered here today to comemorate the coming of the third dragon hero. Nor Los.

Everyone started claping and I'm a bit confused. What do you mean Nor Los? Since when did I have a last name? I wave to the growd and when I'm done, I ask Lóng in a small voice so no one can hear.

- What do you mean my name is Nor Los?

He speaks in a small voice as well.

- It's to make people think that you aren't nothing. Having no family name means you are of low birth. So I gave this name to you while consulting with other dragon lords.

- Is this true Ryū?

She answers.

- It's a tittle that is given to the most powerfull normal dragons. We deemed it would suit you. If you don't like it then feel free not to use it. Just know that you have all the dragon lords blessings on using that name.

- I... guess I will take it then. It's an honor.

Then I hear a strong voice.

- As you should be.

It was a man with quite tribal clothing and a green tail with feathers at the end. It must be Quetzalcoatl. Lóng says.

- I told you to bring a proper set of clothes.

- What do you mean? This is an honorable outfit that my people wear.

- Just because it's honorable outfit there doesn't mean that it's so in the rest of the world.

- Then you should have chosen your words more carefully.

- So it seems.

- Back to the topic. Nor, you should feel honored to get the name of Los in your name. It means might to all us dragons, so feel honored.

I answer.

- Then again, I'm honored. One question though. Can the name Los be inherited as a last name?

- Usually that's not how it works, but as long as the one who inherits the name doesn't claim that they got it by themselfs, it should be acceptable. And come to think of it, it shows that you got your genes from a person who got what it takes to get that name, so sure, let them use it as their last name as well.

- Thank you.

- And now that that's out of the way, who is this young man over here.

- She is Low and she's a woman.

- A woman you say. She doesn't look like that to me.

- I don't blame you.

- Well anyways, Low you seem quite a peculiar being. Who are your parents?

- Technically I don't have parents, but I do call Kiat my father.

- I see. Then let me rephrase that, who are your creators?

- My creator is Carbon. The one who provided my ingredients were Kiat.

- And what were those ingredients?

- A fragment of destruction and the blood of a god.

- Those are some valuable ingredients. Your father must have done great deal to obtain those.

- He tried to use me as an anchor for his accension to godhood.

- He tried to become a god. Huh, so grandiose plans he had.

- He ultimately failed.

- I can see that.

- Also grandfather gave quite a speaking to Kiat.

- Grandfather? You mean...

- His name is now Relse.

- I... I see.

Lóng says.

- Wait, you didn't know?

- How could I know?

- You stare the mortal world so closely from the heavens so I expected you to notice.

- How do you know it then?

- Voidborn magic told me.

- He did? Why didn't he tell me then?

- You didn't ask.

- That's...

Then we hear conflict from the crowd.

- Hey! Leave some for us too you brute!

- Yeah! Back of a bit!

We all deside to go and investigate the issue. There seems to be a person who is eating all the food on the table. He had a very thicc dark grey tail and he was very tall and wide. Lóng taps him in the back and he says to him.

- Come on Stoor. Remember that there are other people who try to eat. Come with us.

- I... Oh... Okay.

We go to back where we were and start talking. Lóng starts.

- Honestly, it's the first time we meet in centuries and you just go and disrespect my guests.

- I'm sorry. I wasn't thinking.

- Still, it's good to see you moving every once in a while.

- You too.

Then two women come to us and starts talking. The other one is Akhekh.

- Honestly, I was thinking I should pass on this party. But luckily this seems to be an good opportunity to catch up in a formal way.

- You should learn to talk a bit more politely sis. We are technically guests here.

I presume the other one is Tiamat. She has a tail that changes color every once in a while. Lóng says. She seems to wear some pretty skimpy but expensive clothing.

- It's good to see both of you too. How are your kids Akhekh and Tiamat? I heard Akhekh gave birth couple days ago. Are you sure you are okay coming here?

- I found a babysitter just fine. They turned out great in the end. It was a good choice to get the new dragon hero's genes in my children. How are you Tiamat?

Tiamat answers.

- I've been better. Those rascals really tear in to each other. If they end up killing one another, then so be it.

Akhekh says.

- As cruel as ever with how you raise your kids.

- It's the correct way to raise kids. Fafnir would agree with me.

- Speaking of which, I haven't seen him yet. I wonder if he'll come.

Quetzalcoatl answers.

- I wouldn't push it past him to skip this party.

- Now who are you talking trash about dear brother?

It was Fafnir's voice. I could never forget that tone of voice. He was a head shorter than human and he had an demonic appearance. He had some tatoos in his face as well as many accessories around his body. Necklesses, rings, colars, bracelets and there were even piercings in his face. His suit was black and it looked like it was super expensive. On top of his suit was a warm looking but expencive coat hanging from his shoulders. He also had his tail out which had some accessories as well. He had his left hand behind his back with a glass of wine in the other. He had a menacing aura around him that felt like he was ready to go at it, at any time. Lóng asks Fafnir.

- Could you tone down your presence a bit? You are scaring the other guests.

- Those worms need to know who is the one on the top.

- Still, you are ruining my reputation. Making me look like I invited battle hungry maniacs here.

- I see. Well, I suppose since it will trouble my cute little brother, I will supres my presence for the time being.

Fafnir does so.

Lóng: Thanks, that is appreciated.

Fafnir: Well, now that this little rat has been granted the tittles of dragon hero and Los, what are we supposed to do here now exactly?

Quetzalcoatl: Well we can start by your grief with Stoor.

Fafnir: I will have rest of my soul back. If he doesn't give it to me willingly, I will take it by force.

Quetzalcoatl: If you do, I will rush for his aid. In the first place, you don't deserve to have your power back. You attacked Bahamut by your selfish reasons.

Fafnir: Everything that I deem of value belongs to me. I will get them to myself one way or another.

Lóng: I think that your ambisions are something that are overly destructive. So this time, I agree with Quetzalcoatl's point. However, I will not fight against you, should you attack Stoor.

Fafnir: You know how to get your point across and dodge the upcoming attack I see.

Quetzalcoatl: Why wont you defend him Lóng? He needs our aid should the time come.

Lóng: I simply think it's better for my people that I will not anger our older brother. Should he gain his power back, then he could easily take each of us out without much of trouble.

Quetzalcoatl: That is why we must stop his actions at any cost!

Lóng: You are far too naive to think you will remain unharmed if you go against him.

Quetzalcoatl: Hmph...

Tiamat: Trust me, even I aren't that dumb to go against Fafnir. On my opinion, you should give back the remainder of his soul Stoor.

Stoor: I refuse.

Tiamat: Such a child. How do you feel about this Akhekh?

Akhekh: I don't want to get in between this. I would like if everyone would not attack each other, but I think that we are far past that point anymore. Right Fafnir?

Fafnir: I will take it back one way or another.

Akhekh: And that means I will stay out of it.

Fafnir: I was ready to take you on. But it appears that you have become quite a bit wiser over the centuries.

Akhekh: I learned to be a bit more discreet.

Fafnir: That's good. Now then Ryū, you have been quiet all this time, so I think you arer looking at mortal minds again. Care to explain?

Ryū: It's none of your consern.

Fafnir: Hooh... You think you can just ignore me?

Ryū: ...

Fafnir is starting to get his menacing aura out, until Lóng stops him and says.

Lóng: Wait! It's okay Ryū. While I planned to ask you after the party, but the situation has changed. How are they?

Ryū: At the start most were thinking that human getting the recognission of all dragon lords sound absurd. There was one mind that thought "perhaps humans aren't so bad after all. But they still are quite low class creatures." When they clapped, most of them thought to just not anger their lord. But now that all of the dragon lords have gathered, most of the minds think how dangerous or thrilling the situation is. Overall, I don't think the thing changed much during this party, but there were some minor changes.

Lóng: I see. What a shame.

Ryū: Though most are warry of Nor sinse he does have the backing of all the dragon lords.

Lóng: That's progress, I guess.

Fafnir: So you had an test to try to improve human relationships with these people on top of gathering all of us here. Quite a scheme you done. You have my approval.

Lóng: Thank you brother. But why?

Fafnir: As much as this Nor is a rat, most of these things are just worms. They should respect someone higher than them.

Lóng: I'm afraid that normal hierarchies don't work that way.

Fafnir: So they base their worth with something other than power? What a joke.

Lóng: If only it were that simple.

Akhekh: I think that power can make right. But in most cases, those with power are often blinded by it. Case in point.

She looks at Fafnir.

Akhekh: No, maybe he was just born that way.

Fafnir: I was born in the depths of abyss. A place where none other can travel as freely as I.

Akhekh: Right right.

Tiamat: Hey Fafnir?

Fafnir: What?

Tiamat: Wanna have a child or two?

Fafnir: I refuse.

Tiamat: Figures. You only had your heart for Käärmähät.

Fafnir: That is not true.

Tiamat: Oh, you getting a little defencive. Looks like someone is embarased.

Fafnir: You are my sister, so I respectfully tell you to fuck off.

Tiamat: Oh look guys, he is embarased.

Nor: I think you should stop what you are doing.

Tiamat: What? You think our older brother will cause a scene and proof that he has short temper? That would be fun now wouldn't it.

Fafnir gives us a grim smile and says.

Fafnir: Today you may speak freely, but one day I will show you your place.

Tiamat: Oh this is priceless.

Akhekh: You know, he might actually kill you one day.

Tiamat: That's that days problem.

Akhekh: Don't tell me that I didn't warn you.

Stoor: Even I don't want to anger Fafnir on purpose.

Ryū: Just so you all know, he has a clear picture of a decapitated Tiamat on his head.

Lóng: I will recall this day if Fafnir comes to kill Tiamat one day. I will think of this tragedy as a learning experience.

Queatzalcoatl: I don't blame him from showing his wrath on that day.

Tiamat: You guys are starting to sound like I'm really going to die because of this. Over a joke? Come on. You wouldn't do that over a petty thing like this?

Fafnir has a sinister smile as he says.

Fafnir: You children are so amusing at times. Don't worry Tiamat, I wouldn't hunt you down over a petty thing like this.

Tiamat: Huh, that's good to hear.

Fafnir: However, should I find that you are hiding a treasure from me...

Tiamat: Haha... Funny...

Farnir: Sure is.

Fafnir gets a more rested face. He takes a sip from his glass of wine.

Fafnir: Haaah, it's been far too long since I tasted something like this.

Stoor: There is more of it in the back. I can smell it.

Lòng: He meant this moment.

Fafnir: No, I meant both.

Lòng: Oh.

Fafnir: Where do you get this wine? It's quite delicious.

Lòng: It's exported from Aresia. It's really expencive wine.

Fafnir: I see. Remind me to be carefull to not attack Aresia.

Lóng: Sure will. Didn't think you would like things that mortals consume.

Fafnir: It's rare for me to enjoy something they make, but yes I do enjoy somethings.

Lóng: Don't you love stealing the treasures that they make?

Fafnir: As long as they hold value, I'm willing to take it. While everything has it's value, not everything is worth the effort. I heard that metals have gotten quite cheap resently, so I have bought plenty of them, so that I can sell them later at higher price.

Akhekh: Don't you have the sword of creation for creating things?

Fafnir: I do, but if I just make things out of nothing, it's not going to increase the price that mortals hold. I have my own value on things, so waiting for something to make me able to have more valuable something is a great investment.

Lóng: You sure sound like a business man now.

Fafnir: I learned that it's less bothersome to just get valuables this way. Though that doesn't mean I will stop plundering things from time to time.

Lóng: Well glad to know that you have changed for the better at least.

Fafnir: Speaking of business, I need you to introduce me to some businessmen here later.

Lóng: Will do.

Fafnir: While we have talked, I have been wondering. Who is this lady next to Nor?

Quetzalcoatl: You can tell she's a female?!

Fafnir: Obviously.

Quetzalcoatl: How it's possible?!

Fafnir: First, the smell. She is using a sweet perfume that I know mortal females use.

Nor: Now that you mention it, Low does smell good today.

Low: Thank you. Mary recomended it for me.

Fafnir: So her name is Low. Second, I use my eyes and I can tell that she is dressed as a female.

Quetzalcoatl: I... So THAT'S why some wear skirts and some wear suits! Now I understand!

Fafnir: So you have lived this long and you haven't figured that one out. Marvelous.

Lóng: I mean, his sense of clothing hasn't improved either during this time.

Akhekh: He is someone who acts before he thinks.

Stoor: Even I knew that she was a female.

Tiamat: Honestly brother of mine, learn some etique.

Quetzalcoatl: You... You aren't much better either Tiamat! You fuck every strong thing you see without question if it means improving your bloodline!

Tiamat: At least I can talk to people more appropriately.

Quetzalcoatl: You...

Fafnir: Calm down you meathead brother.

Quetzalcoatl: Even you Fafnir?

Fafnir: It's what makes you cute in my eyes. Now back to the topic. Why is this rat called Low here?

Lóng: I invited her since she has my blessing.

Fafnir: I can see that, but why is there a point inviting her?

Lóng: She deserves to be in her friends, party don't you think?

Fafnir: Is there truly no other reason?

Lóng: Well, that and I wanted to see how she would get along with my other guests. And she has devine blood as well as fragment of our father's power as her building materials.

Fafnir: You so the gods have shown her favor, huh.

Akhekh: Is there something wrong with that?

Fafnir: No just... Never mind. It's not important.

Tiamat: Come on. Tell us what you're hiding.

Fafnir: It's just that I aren't in good terms with them. That's all.

Stoor: What did you do to make it like this?

Fafnir: I... may have stolen couple of religious artifacts in my time.

Ryū: Should have expected that.

Stoor: They can't get that angry at you if you done that. Can they?

Akhekh: I would be a bit pissed off if I was a god.

Fafnir: It's not like I was in good terms with them to begin with.

Stoor: Why wouldn't they be in good terms at the start when they barely knew you?

Fafnir: It's quite obvious when you think about it.

Lóng: Your abyss powers.

Fafnir: Correct.

Stoor: I don't get it.

Quetzalcoatl: It mean that he could corrupt even gods, should he come in contact with them.

Stoor: Oh. Why do you get it?

Quetzalcoatl: I was bit wary at him at start myself. Heck, I'm still wary of him, but I still can be with him.

Fafnir: I don't blame you.

Ryū: Big brother Fafnir?

Fafnir: What is it?

Ryū: You are the oldest one of us right?

Fafnir: I was the first dragon to ever exist.

Ryū: Then do you know where we go after death?

Fafnir: We go to Kolkhis.

Ryū: Yeah, but what happens when we return to the cycle? Do we become mortals or will we be part of the magic that surrounds us?

Fafnir: I know where my fate might lead, but I think once you return to the cycle, you will be born as mortal soul.

Ryū: Then will you ever accept your death?

Fafnir: I was ready to die the moment I attacked Bahamut. That hasn't changed.

Ryū: So you still are...

Fafnir: Ready to die.

Lóng: It's strange for you to ask something like this Ryū. What made you ask that?

Ryū: Just... I wanted to know how Fafnir felt about death.

Tiamat: Fafnir, you mentioned something that might happen to you after you die. What do you mean? Is it different compared to us?

Fafnir: Since I was born in the abyss, my soul might return there, should I die.

Ryū: So that means...

Lóng: That he might not have a chance to meet with Käärmähät.

Fafnir: I do not know what will happen to me after I die, but I was still ready to do so.

Ryū: If it means anything to you, I feel sorry for you just a little bit. Just a little.

Fafnir: I'm the eldest of us, I can live without your pity.

Ryū: I see, should have guessed.

Fafnir: But still, thank you for your consern. Even if it is just a little.

Stoor: Now I'm left to wonder if me eating him made it possible for him to return.

Lóng: It appears that it prevented him from going wherever he was meant to go.

Fafnir: I will still get remainder of my soul back.

Stoor: Feel free to try.


Quetzalcoatl: So Lóng, how is the infestation problem in your end?

Fafnir: Hmmm...

Lóng: We are currently hiring plenty of hunters to take care of the problem. The damage the liishen have caused is getting a bit troubling.

Quetzalcoatl: Same here, though they stay out of the jungle most of the time, it has caused some problems for us. I guess we have to rely on our hero's support.

Lóng: Indeed. Say Nor, what do you think of hunting some bugs?

Nor: What?

Lóng: And Low could join as well while we are at it.

Low: Sure.

Nor: Hold on. What are you trying to make us do?

Lóng: You see, every few hundred years an infestation called liishen come up and cause havoc in Arutos. They mainly live in deserts, but in every few hundred years they decide to move to another place. We would need you to take care of the hives they have created and cleanse the place. You would need to take care of both Teteocan and Tian.

Nor: That's... sounds like a tall order.

Lóng: As a dragon hero, this is expected of you.

Nor: No one ever told me that.

Lóng: You thought that it was simply a tittle with no strings attached?

Nor: Kind of yeah.

Lóng: Well, it's too late now to take it back.

Nor: Sure, but how will I take care of all of them?

Fafnir: Perhaps I can help.

Akhekh: You? Help?

Fafnir: Yes. I have taken a hoby of hunting prey for mortals for a small sum. However, this time I would require a good sum of money to satisfy my needs.

Quetzalcoatl: And how much would it cost to hire you?

Fafnir: 500 million lux.

Quetzalcoatl: 500 million?! Are you insane?!

Fafnir: I am someone who you can trust to get the job done.

Lóng: Indeed. That would be only fair.

Quetzalcoatl: Are you seriously considering his offer?!

Lóng: Considering how much I have to already pay for the hunting, reimbursements and the the ever groving damages, it's sounding a like a fair trade. I accept your offer Fafnir.

Fafnir: Let's sign a form about this later. How about you Quetzalcoatl?

Quetzalcoatl: I... I trust the ability of Nor and this Low person.

Fafnir: It's good that you have some useful pawns to use. Though you probably wont think it like that. Well, at least I don't have to bother with your territory.

Quetzalcoatl: You...

Fafnir: If you start to have trouble with liishen, then give me a call and I will be there for a price.

Lóng: Anyways, I think it's about time we go talk with our other guests.

Stoor: If that's what we are going to the rest of the day, I think I just return to my eating.

Lóng: Just make sure to leave some for the rest of the guests.

Stoor: Sure, but I think most have already had their fill.

Tiamat: I will look for a guy that could be an donator of seed. Though I doubt I will find worthy one here.

Akhekh: I will just try to casually chat with them. But I will avoid those with bad karma.

Ryū: I will just let people come to me if they have anything to say. Though most of them will probably be about my territory.

Fafnir: I will let Lóng introduce me to couple of businessmen.

Lóng: There are couple that come to mind. Let's go.

The group of dragon lord disperses and I'm left with Low. She wants to get a taste of the food here, so I accompany her. She is approached by people who got their eye on her. I was just the odd one out. Oh well, let's just hang around and be patient for a while.

When the party was over. We were sent to where we came from. We told Mary and Nina all about what happened there and Nina seemed quite exited to hear that our last name is now Los and what it meant.

Couple of days later, me and Low were summoned by Quetzalcoatl and that meant that we had a months worth work ahead of us. Maybe even longer.