Browsing and Deliberating

The morning run did come to an end as it usually would.

Alexander took his morning wash and wanted to enjoy the rest of the day for what it is.

The first of January was a time of reflection and contemplation for many, so there was not much trouble with going along with that trend.

Ignorant kids would think about whether they'd be naughty or nice due to their Christmas gifts, teens were probably more about their dreams and showcasing their rebellion, adults were more on the prospects of making do with payments and their job moving forward.

Elderlies were most probably reminiscing about their youth and how to change up their idleness while babies were probably doing baby stuff. If Baby Geniuses were to be believed, then babies were probably more philosophical and organizational than how they usually convey themselves.

There was also the ailed and troubled kind who just hopes that their new year would be better and turn out to be greater than how hopeless everything already is.

However, Alexander didn't fall much with those generalized categories as he is a man reliving his life in his younger version while thinking more about his franchise pursuits as a newfound little businessman.

Of course, there was also the slight smidge of deliberating about how the altered history would move forward.


Alexander just happen to do so in front of the TV, so he could gauge much more on how things have changed and how things might change.

The couch in the living room was just perfect to lounge, watch, and deliberate on how he should approach the upcoming tomorrows.

It was a futile effort to think of 80s TV as a reflection of society though as it isn't as comprehensive as the World Wide Web within Internet-linked computers.

What was prevalent from all the channels that were present was how things were all themed about the New Year and all the stereotypes that come with it.

Things such as "Happy New Year", "1985", and "New Year's resolutions", were being sounded out by the audio box. How voiced-out Bumblebee could have wished to have one of those?

If Alexander could time his channel browsing perfectly well, then he might have a chance to make a fun jingle.

He wasn't using the famed image box for the fun and entertainment it provided though as he was more on finding out how past-future and the new future had been mixed up.

Alexander could only assess from all the New Year-oriented programs that he was browsing and compare it to what he knows.

Fortunately, there are always niche channels that don't follow the 1985 welcoming trend and went on with their more scheduled and important programs.

Alexander didn't even bother with knowing the channel as it was all the same for him. As far as the propagandic news coverages were saying, Reagan and Bush are set to continue on with their second term as President and Vice President respectively.

If Reagan's colon problems would still persist, then Bush would have his limited and windowed spotlight in the presidency sometime in the year.

There was also no doubt that the long-running Cold War would still ensue from this and the Iran-Contra affair should still probably happen. Of course, 1985 should also still be considered as the 'The Year of the Spy' for many.

Troublesome wars and complicated politics would probably not be affected much by Alexander's flaps though but he was at least at ease with the Reagan jokes that he retained in the first Back to the Future film.

If the president suddenly changed midway, then the 1955 BttF film production would be horribly botched.

Still, Innovative Rob and Curious Bob was hard at work on that movie and the release date should be around this year.

Back-to-back filming with post-production on the side was no joke but fixed schedules and creative passion should drive the Rob and Bob duo to work as hard and the best they can.

Aside from those matters, Alexander also caught a glimpse of entertainment matters from his TV browsing and could tell that 'We are the World' is still set to arrive.

The song had a timeless appeal but the ensured timeline of that song's release meant that the entertainment industry's music progression wasn't affected much.

Even the struggling game industry should find reprieve this year as Nintendo's Nintendo Entertainment System should be arriving in the U.S. market later the year.

Alexander could pretty much garner that toys and comic books are what he had ruffled up to varying proportions.

His influence on toys would probably coalesce as the ongoing months would ensue while comic books would continue to be stormed up further than what it already has been.

The Butterfly effect had pretty much cleared up on those fronts and unaffected ones might not stay that way for long. The effects should eventually cascade towards that or be directly turmoiled when business expansions reach those points.

They are major and minor things that Alexander did not have much control though but there were aspects of the 1985 weather that he was much troubled about.

A flap of a butterfly is theorized to form tornados on the other side of the world. From that, Alexander had to put certain attention to stuff related to tornados.

It just so happen that on March 31st of this year, a disaster struck major cities with forty-one tornadoes that distributed across Ohio, Pennsylvania, New York, and Ontario, and killed about 76 or so people.

The impactful Live Aide concert had pretty much been mobilized due to such coincidences unfortunately happening and striking on the same day.

Alexander had been fascinated by chaos theory as he chased after faulty codes but it was no longer a matter of fascination when truly dangerous consequences are likely to happen.

The chaos monster incident had already convinced him of the dangers and likeliness of him affecting weather patterns should be considered.

Maybe the 41 tornadoes would bump up their numbers to 45 by basing on his age before tempering with world history.

Of course, everything was just an overflowing of worries and overthinking of things as postulating on theories wouldn't necessarily translate into reality.

Even the karma retributions that he had been troubled about at the beginning of this re-life hadn't been troubling him much of late. It was still better to avoid those troubling major incidents though as he wasn't granted superpowers just an advantage in memory and future foresight.

As far as Alexander was concerned, his re-life would probably just move on as he wills it to be. He just needed to map things out well enough, so that it would be as efficiently smooth sailing and success inducing as can be.

It would seem that aside from his 1985 New Year's resolution school project, he still had to make an outline of how he should approach the rest of the year.

It was a good thing that he already had a good headstart on both of those as he had prepared Mr. Legalities about certain copyrights and Mrs. Montgomery should give him a fair grade either way.

At the very least, Alexander could say that his rudimentary channel browsing wasn't that much of a waste of time.