Flappy Birds II

When the 4th game of the Creed Games roster became available... it was incredibly impossible for someone to not notice it.

As long as one owns a Creed Chaos System and turns it on, one is sure to be notified of this new addition.

How could one not notice an obvious thing such as that?

To think that as early as the 80s, gamers came to know what a digital notification truly is.

In any case, their attention was piqued and Flappy Bird became the target of their intrigue.

They shifted their D-pads to the display on 4/4 and as they pressed [Select] to enter... the experience was not what they expected.

[Insert GameKey to Enter] 

A reminder that this was no longer the free-to-play game that they were familiar with.

The Flappy Birds display was now a locked door and surprise surprise... a game key is needed to open it!

They all eyed the obvious side indentations in their respective consoles... and it was high time they got to know what could be positioned there.

Instructions on where to go were unclear... but a trip to their local comic book store was in order!

This mysterious GameKey is what they want to see and perhaps they might pick up a Creed comic book or two while they're there.

Whether the average consumer knew this or not... it was truly frightening to note how Creed Entertainment has positioned most of its commodities in such a prime spot!


Anyways, the demand for the GameKey of Flappy Birds had appeared out of nowhere.

Fortunately, the supply to meet this demand has long been prepared.

Comic book store owners were really ready to do Creed's bidding with this one.

From comic books, to volume books, to toys, to video game consoles... Creed Entertainment had yet to fail them.

If GameKeys were the next in line for this roster, then so be it.

They ordered units in bulk and they just needed to sell.

Their usual Creed-enamored customer base would most likely buy, after all.

At some point, these comic book stores have really become Creed's unofficial retail locations.

If things truly become official... then Walmart, Toys R Us, and other nationwide retailing franchises probably wouldn't expect a competitor to come from something they overlooked.

Indications of such a turn of events were nowhere in sight though... and it was best to do what they can in the non-hypothetical now.

Flappy Birds-intrigued, GameKey-interested, and un-busy Creed Chaos console owners came in droves...

All the stores had to do was accommodate!


Everything ultimately converged toward the blasted new Creed Game that was being sold.

To think that all this fuss was for a thin, tiny card-like, cartridge alternative that had the Flappy Birds display printed over one side of it.

With just this gamekey, it was hard to know what it truly was about...

Fortunately, it came with a manual about the game... and the gamers got to know about Flappy Birds from there.

Interestingly, it was just flap, score, collect coins, and buying birds.

That was the whole gist yet the weird caution about inducing rage and potentially addicting gameplay made you think twice.

Creed Games might not be kidding around.

After all, the high price of this little gamekey plus the printed manual was no joke.

Of course, the priciness did dissuade many but that didn't stop the financed few.

The whole drama of this progression didn't matter since it was going to end up with Flappy Birds being played in one way or another.


And play Flappy Birds, they did.

This was going to be an easy game, they thought!

They pressed A to flap, yet lost.

They played again, again they lost!

They tried and tried again but the result was more or less the same.

Wasn't this supposed to just be a simple game?

Why was it so frustrating and driving them insane?

However, all they could do was complain.

'Cause they were already in deep trouble.

The game's charm had gotten to them as they were now chasing the impossible!

100 was the current top score, something they didn't even believe to be possible.

Slowly but surely, they tried one-upping each other.

Turning against sister, turning against brother, turning against father and mother.

Unknown to most of everyone, the Flappy Birds mania had just begun!


Exaggerated rhyming aside, the 4th game in the Creed Games roster didn't disappoint.

It was unlike any other game out there.

The single-point score system particularly stood out to many.

Gone were the bloated 10,000 points in one game since the facade of multipliers is taken away.

Every point mattered, making it more valuable, cherished, and earned.

Then again, the frustrating mechanic is partly to blame... but it's best not to talk more about it.

Flappily moving forward and not hitting anything should have been easy. Failing such an easy task, however, was completely infuriating.

Of course, if it was that frustratingly infuriating, then why didn't they just return or trash the game entirely?

Well, the spirit of competition is strong in this one. Even more so with the real-time leaderboards where you can compare with each other.

Seeing 2,000+ other gamer ranks with pitiful scores in the 10s was both sympathetic and hilarious.

It also made high scores in the 20s and 50s all the more awe-aspiring.

Much more so for AlexanderCreed at Number 1 with 100 points. This was someone that should be given applause.

This man not only developed this new albeit irritating game... he also scored that unbelievably high and shoved the annoying NESisBest-NESisBetter accounts to the dust.

Of course, the novelty didn't stop there.

The coin-hoarding, bird-buying, and bird-collecting element was strangely something for one to be invested in.

Coins were rare and hardly anyone has one this early... but being able to play multiple other characters is something that other games rarely offered.

With the promise of a new landscape and obstacle design for special characters, this simple flappy game got all the more dynamic as well.

Just the promise of a Dragonball landscape via the expensive Puar and Nimbus characters was enough for Dragonball fans.

Even the rebirth premise of the most expensive, legendary, cool-looking flappy bird- The Phoenix, was exciting to many people.

Notably, River Phoenix and his little Phoenix siblings now have something Phoenix-y new to gawk about from Creed. Aside from Phoenix Wright, that is.

The grind to buy the legendary Phoenix and special other birds was on. Inevitably taking the addictive factor of this video game to really be ramping up a notch.

Without a doubt, aside from the rage-inducing warning, the addictive caution from the manual was also something that should not be dismissed.

Other than Flappy Birds, it really has a lot of other things to offer. From nuances, and caveats, to other whatnots like the gamekey... wasn't this game just so many little things bundled up in one lump sum?

Also... just what exactly was Alexander Creed intending when he developed something as strange as this?