First Morning As Lovers

Is there something called loving someone 'too much'? Is such a thing even possible? 'Maybe not.' Is what someone might say. But, when you look at Kanade… you might not think the same.


The morning followed as such: Aiba Kanade(First name Kanade, Last name, Aiba), our new member of the normie society and our neighborhood yandere- I mean, girlfriend of Igarashi Daisuke, woke up, washed her face after getting out of bed and continued the rest of her daily routine(eating breakfast, etc) as she does any other day.

After that, she cleaned her house since she woke up a little earlier than usual today and had extra time on her hand.

After changing into her uniform and lastly leaving her house, she is now- she is waiting... outside of Igarashi Daisuke's house. Yes, His HOUSE. Not some made up sanctuary or abandon building or something that she called 'My beloved Daisuke's house', but, his actual place of residence.

''The sky is so blue today. Ah! Hehehe, The morning stars are looking brighter than usual as well. Hahaha.' *Some say love makes one delusion.*

Morning stars? Huh? What? The sun? She looks up at the sky. What's she looking at?!!!! Does she have some kind of special eyes that let her see beyond what a normal person would be able to see?! Could this be the power of being a normie???!!!!!!!!!!!! The power of love!!!!!!!!!???

She brings her gaze to his apartment door. 'He's just beyond that door!' She thought, excited and restless in anticipation.

Just like that, with every second becoming harder to bear than the last, 20 minutes somehow passed by and he finally left his house, all dressed up for school: wearing his uniform with his bag in one hand.

He notices her waiting for him after getting of the stairs.

"Ah, Aiba-san~!" He runs over to her, waving. She waves back at him with a smile.

"Good morning, Igarashi-san," She greets.

"Mornin'~" 'I never told her where I live, how'd she know?' He thought of asking how she knew where he lived, but thought it didn't really matter. 'Oh, well, who cares.' You should care more!!!! Maybe he didn't care she might know one day. "I'm sorry, were you waiting for long?" He continues with a worried look on his face.

"No, I pretty much just got here," She says with a smile. Yeah, she totally 'just' got here. 20 minutes ago, that is. Those 20 minutes are pretty much nothing to her, she could wait a whole hour him! Or so she thinks. She'd probably break into his house by the 30 minute point. I would love to be joking about that, but I don't it's too far off from reality.

"If I knew you were waiting, I would have came out earlier,"

"It's alright. I can wait. It's also my fault for leaving my house so early." Thinking about how he accepted her confession didn't allow for her to just sit and wait at home. She wanted to see him right away and left as early as she could.

The two start walking down the quiet streets. The silence between was starting to bug them. It was getting quite awkward.

"Um!-" The two say in unison.

"Ah, you first," Daisuke says.

"No, no, you can go first,"

The two just looked at each other and smiled, awkwardly with nothing to say. Sometimes even silence can express more than words. Even a awkward silence can make two people feel in some way, closer. A type of calm silence while subconsciously knowing that your special someone is right next to you. Quite the peaceful sensation to bask in.

Kanade looks over to her side, viewing Daisuke from a new angle. It's quite nice. She really likes it. Being next to him. You could even say this is- was one of her 'dreams'. Her dream wasn't just to stand next to him- well, not exactly. It was a 'little', but, her true dream was to stand and walk next to him not as classmates standing beside each other so the teacher could count if everyone was present at some field trip, but as... something more. Like friends or maybe...

She smiles at him. He seems to have noticed since he looks at her saying, "What's wrong?" with a soft smile. "Do I look that bad with bed hair?"

"No, no! You look cut-" She covers her mouth with her hands. 'Cute', Is what she was about to say, but she cut herself off. He may not like it, and he might think she's weird for already complimenting him even though they just started dating yesterday. *He totally wouldn't find you weird for coming to his house first thing in the morning. He also wouldn't find you creepy for knowing address. Mhm, never*

"I see, thanks!" It seems he knew what she was going to say. And although he appeared to be used this and although he didn't seem to react much, his inside her erupting like a volcano. "I normally try to fix it, but I was too distracting with the homework from yesterday. Did you finish it?"

"Ah, Do you mean the homework from math? Yes, I have."

He places both his hands on the back of his neck. His bag, that was in his hand was also at neck height now.

"Ah~ I bet it was easy for you. You're like suuuuper~ smart! Meanwhile, I'm here. Sigh- Oop!" He covers his mouthing thinking he said something that can be offensive. Even though he was joking around, some people find being called 'smart' offensive because of something related to this intelligence such as some kind of trauma/past experience. "Sorry..." He also felt his tone was a little... rude.

"Hahahahaha!" She starts laughing with her hand in front of her mouth, hiding it a little. There's no way she'd find that offensive. To hear such words from him, was one of the greatest things ever. And, no matter how rude his tone may be, she'll always love him, forever and ever and... ever. "If you ever need help with your work, I'll gladly help. Whenever you want." She smiles at him, making him stare at her, mesmerized.

Both surprising, and luckily, they got all their classes together. And no, Kanade didn't threaten the teachers/who ever is in-charge of the course schedule with a knife or something. It was pure coincidence. Who knows, she might have been a really a good girl in her last life. And thus, some of her good deeds/luck were now presented to her in the form of having all her classes with her beloved.

"Then, I'll take you up on that!"

She's happy she can be of use to her beloved.


After that little exchange, they went back to walking in silence. No new development, at all.

Even though they both wanted to get to know each other more, they didn't know what to say. Kanade knew quite a bit about Daisuke, it was mostly him that wanted to know more about her. Aside from the 'Aiba-san' he sees in class, he doesn't know much more about her.

Daisuke didn't want to say something 'rude' by accident and Kanade just didn't know what to say(Same applies to Daisuke as well). Like at all. She wanted to walk with him to school, but never really thought of what to talk about.

She really could have used those 20 minutes to think of things to talk about, but no. She didn't. She stood in that one spot, stared at his door, and thought of the moment he comes out of that door. Thought of how she would be able to see him again.

Kanade glances over at him, looking at his empty hand, but turns away, blushing. Would he really allow her? Probably not right?

This continued a couple more times, until finally, he starts to notice.

"What's wrong, Aiba-san?" He asks, looking at her confused.

"A-ah, nothing!" She starts waving her hands in front of, hoping he'd believe her.

"I see."

They just continued to walk just like before. After stealing another glance at his firm hands, she lets out a deep sigh of relief but then feels the sensation of a hand connected to hers.

She turns her head a little upwards and looks at him since it was his hand. He's looking ahead of him. She smiles at him, while blushing and just like that the two joyfully continued their bountiful journey to school.

Her wish- or rather, the temptation of holding his hand while walking was fulfilled at last. It wasn't one of those couple type of holding hands, just the regular, hand-in-hand type.

Nothing really changed though. The two didn't really say anything. The only difference now rather than before was that they were holding each other's hand. Kanade didn't mind one bit, this is something straight out of her fantasies. She could never complain. But, Daisuke on the other hand... wasn't feeling same.

He felt that Kanade wasn't really happy with this. And plus, it was kinda awkward(uncomfortable). The silence that is.

But before even thinking about things to talk about, he has other things to worry about. Like for example, him holding Kanade's hands! They're warm and very soft. This is probably what you would think of when you think of a girls hand.

He noticed she was looking at his hand- or at least, she probably was, and so thought she wanted to hold it, and so, and so! He just reached out for her hand and held it without even thinking about how she felt. I mean, they'd just started their relationship yesterday. Even then, it was just confessions and boom. This is their real first day as lover. To holds already is a little- very, strange. Right?

He turns his eyes to look at her, without her noticing. She has a soft smile on her face and she's looking down, a little red, but happy.

'She's so cute.' He thought, but then immediately turned his head away, feeling like he shouldn't stare too much.

Although he just held her hand without thinking much, she doesn't seem to hate it. 'Does that mean she's okay with this?' He doesn't mind, like at all. If she did mind, then that would kinda embarrassing. She might have pulled her hand away it would have been like 100 times more awkward then it already was.

He looks around the area. They still have a couple of minutes before they get to the school. Meaning, they might have to suffer in this silence for a couple extra minutes. That is, if he doesn't do anything about it.

He looks at her once again, thinking he could come up with something to say.

She still has the same expression as before, but then he comes up with a sudden thought.

'No way, could it be...'