Love Letters And Gossip

Luckily for them, their lockers were right next to each other. Daisuke never knew this whole time, somehow. I mean, the school year just started about a month ago, so it hasn't been that long.

Kanade slips out of her outdoor shoes changes into her indoor ones, closing her small locker door as she finishes. She looks over at Daisuke. He still hasn't even opened his locker yet.

"Is something wrong?" She asks.

"Huh? A-ah, no. I'm just a little surprised. I never knew your locker was right next to mine this whole time."

"Oh, I see. Quite a coincidence, don't you think?"

"Yeah," He says, as he opens his locker and a pile of pink and white letters fall out. 'Huh?' He thought, as he looks down at them.

He picks the couple of letters that fell on the floor. They are all love letters. Every single one of them. 'It's way more then usual. What is actually going on?' Did he wake up in some alternate version of his original world or something? (Obviously not). Is it because he started dating someone even though he always rejected girls? (Obviously not). Is this his punishment? (Obviously not).

There were some people that were pretending to be looking at something else but occasionally stole glances at them. Or so he thought. Each time he'd look back, there was no one looking at him. There were people, but they were just passing by.

'Am I already starting to go senile?'

He could feel their eyes latching onto him, but, no matter how fast, nor how times he looks back, there is no one watching him. Now he's left confused.

As Daisuke looks over all the letters and is completely confused as to where to put all of them, as his locker was filled with a couple and now his hands were too- he also couldn't read them all in front of Kanade, making it even tougher to figure out what to do.

In amidst Daisuke's turmoil, Kanade glares at the letters. Just the sight. Just the sight of them. 'Why? How?' She is starting to get a little pissed off. 'Tch! Just because I stopped for a couple of days to concentrate on letter(that was given to Daisuke), it piled up this much. What's wrong with these people! How dare they, how dare they, how dare they, how dare they!!'

Daisuke looks up at Kanade, seeing her reaction to this. She's smiling.

"You sure are popular, Igarashi-san,"

"Ah, yeah. I guess. I'm not really sure why though." He says, unsure, looking away and locking his eyes on the letter, not sure if she's being sarcastic not.

'Indeed, why DO all those girls love you! I'm the only one allowed to love you! Only me!!!' Is what she is thinking, but, her face just had an pure and innocent smile.

Daisuke stands up, now leveling about a head over her, and takes all the letters out, gather them into a pile and put them in his bag, with no alternative choice remaining. After changing into his indoor shoes, he makes his way to class along with Kanade.

Just the very existence of those letters are getting her annoyed. She stares at his bag, thinking about how they're all in 'his' bag.

'Too bad this school doesn't have an incinerator(and there isn't any near me). I would have burnt them all.' She wasn't joking about that.

She thought of other methods to get rid of them- as if she's thinking about torture methods to use on a death row criminals.

"Igarashi-san, what are you going to do with those letters?" She asks, curious.

He stares at her for a second and then realizes why she's asking. "Don't worry, I don't plan on accepting them, Aiba-san." He smiles at her, trying to get rid of her worry. 'Indeed, she must be worried I might accept one of the letters.'

Well, there was that too, but, one reason she asks is so she can see the letters disappear. How dare these 'girls'(Sex driven animals in her eyes) take advantage of her disappearance(How she didn't get rid of the letters).

'Well, It's alright. Heh.' She grins. Everything is going well. She didn't really plan this, but, 'this'(all the commotion) will allow her to get the girls around Daisuke away from him. And then, slowly but surely, he'll become hers and only hers. Now, she just has to wait for a little.

Patience. It's all about patience. You can even say this is now a direct battle with patience-san.

Honestly, she really didn't expect it to be this easy. She was expecting more of a challenge, but oh, well. Its better like this. She's not one of those honorable fighters that want their enemies at their best or something. She'd rather not have any obstacles rather than to have any.

After a bit, they are in front of their classroom door, still holding hands. Weirdest part is that, the students in the hallway are all looking at them. Some even stopped themselves from entering the classroom, just to look at them. They all have those same eyes, those same looks. As Daisuke is about to turn the door knob, he notices that they're still holding hands.

He lets go of her hand, and enters the room, of course, with her being right behind him, and just like everyone else so far, the students currently in class all look at them, as if they're spotting some kind of scandal.

Ignoring the gasps/whispers and stares, they make their way to their separate desks.

Daisuke sits at the very back, right next to the window, while Kanade sits in the row beside him, 3 desks ahead of him; the second closest column to the teacher.

"Yo." Greets the person sitting in front of Daisuke, turning his head to look at Daisuke while his body is facing the row beside them. His hand right hand is placed on Daisuke's desk.

"Good morning, Akito-san." They've never really talked, even if they sit really close to each other. This person in front of him is lucky he's a 'him'- or rather, a male. If 'he' was a she- or rather, a female... Kanade... Uh... Lets just say, it would be not be great. For him that is.

"Hmm~ Akito-SAN? C'mon, what's with the distance? Just call me, Yuji,"

"Uh, then, Good morning, Yuji,"

"Mornin', Dai-chin," He grins.

"Dai... chin?" Daisuke says, confused. He's gotten a nickname before, but never really from boys.

"Hmm~ What's wrong? You don't like it?"

"I didn't mean it like, but, I'm still confused,"

"I mean, we're sitting so close to each other; you might as well call us seat buddies, and so, we should become friends. Ya know?"

"Um, Okay, sure,"

"Great! Anyways, Is it true?"

"Is what true?"

He leans in a little and uses his hand to block one side of mouth, as if he was about to tell some kind of grand secret.

"Is it true you're dating Aiba-chan?"

"Huh...? Yeah, how'd you know?" Daisuke asks in the same soft voice as Yuji did, perplexed. They'd just started dating yesterday, how does he know?

"How do I know? What do you mean? Haven't you already noticed?"

"Notice what?"

"All the staring! Also, the whispering and stuff!"

"Ah, that. Wait... is it because we're dating?!"

"Yeah, duh." He says, bluntly as if thinking 'Isn't that obvious? How dumb can you get?' Or something along those lines.

"How'd they even know though? I never told anyone, and I don't think Aiba-san did either. How?" He asks, genuinely confused, looking down at his desk with a confused expression while his thumb and index finger are on his chin.

"I mean, you guys were holding hands. Even I saw it It's pretty obvious ya know."

It finally hit Daisuke. 'It all makes sense(Kinda).' He didn't even think about whether people would see him or not. It's like he was in this separate world that was cut off from the rest of the humongous world.

But still, there are many couples in the school... "Why are people making such a fuss over us?" His thoughts leak out and he accidently say them aloud.

"I mean, both you and Aiba-chan are popular, so It's just a natural side effect."

Even though Daisuke got many love letters and has been confessed to many times, he'd never really thought of himself as 'popular'. I mean, what does popular even really mean? Like, being a celebrity? Famous? What determines whether someone is popular or not? If many people know them? If you did something for the earth? Do you have care about the person for them to be called popular? Can someone just be 'ah. the guy that made that computer?' and they are now popular?

He never really cared- and probably won't ever care, and so, he doesn't think about it much.

"I see. So that's why."

"Anyways, the homework from yesterday sure was annoying, don't you think?" He asks, changing the subject.

Finally, someone understands Daisuke's pain.


It seems they can become good friends.

Just, like that, the teacher came in after a couple of minutes and their day 'began' at last.