The Rumors Continue(2) And The Unexpected Proposal

Kanade grins from ear-to-ear. "Y-yes!" She flushes a light shade of red.

The trio's eyes widen.

"Congrats, Kanade-sama!"

"Sama? Please don't address me with 'sama', we are all equal." She smiles softly at the girls with her face still red.

"Y-yes... I'm sorry..." One of the girls say.

The trio's eyes gleam at her kindness. In their eyes, Kanade was a literal goddess that shines on this dark world. They all have their own reasons for thinking so.

Inwardly, they pray to her while hoping to become great friends with her. Maybe one day the Kanade religion(current name: N/A) will become an international thing. Just kidding.

"It's alright. And thank you. We just started dating so I would like to learn even more about him... I also hope we can become closer and that... he starts liking me more,"

"Kanade-senpai- ehem, san..." They say in unison, mesmerized. Yes, they said all those words in unison somehow.

Right now she looks like some normal girl in love- not some goddess.

"Don't worry, Kanade-san! I'm sure everything will go well!" The girl on the right says.

"I hope so too. I love him alot after all." 'You wouldn't even understand how much I love you, my dear Daisuke-kun...'

Well, no one really wants to know either way- ehem.

"Yeah! I'm sure with time, everything will go well!" The one in the middle says. The girl on the left nods in agreement.

"I hope so," Kanade says.

The girls continue converse with Kanade, talking about almost anything they can think of. Just as the girls wished, their relationship with Kanade slowly became stronger and slowly, they were becoming closer and closer.

Kanade learned that the three girls were actually all first that had met just about a month or two ago: when the year started.

This came as a bit of a surprise to Kanade as it looked like they have been friends for quite a bit of time. They seem really close. Though, Kanade had seen quite a few girls back when she in middle school bond just as these girls did: very quickly. What she didn't realize, is that her relationship with Daisuke is also one that is progressing quickly.

One might say the bonds and relationships between humans are one of the very few unique and interesting things that distinguish humans from animals.

Slowly, time passes, the final bell rings and teachers let the students out, at last.

As Daisuke packs his things up, he glances over at Kanade, whom is also packing her things but in an unintentional graceful way.

There had been some rumors that she was from a rich family. Everything about her gave off that kind of aura. From the way she spoke to her peers to the way she walked, and finally to the way she ate. Everything would be expected from a typical rich girl you'd see in anime and movies.

Were the rumors true? Who knows. No one was able to find out. No one dared to find out. What if some big bodyguards came out of nowhere?

Having uniforms in the school- much like any high school you'd find in japan, didn't help. How would one know whether one was rich or poor? The quality of their uniform; whether or not it's clean or dirty? Your uniform being clean wouldn't make you rich. If that were the case, then about ninety percent of the school would be rich- though, that is in no way true.

The school Kanade and Daisuke go to is a pretty average high school- neither the best nor worst. If placed on a scale, it would place a little above the middle line. Overall, it wasn't a bad school- at least generally speaking. No bullying, the teachers are pretty nice and students aren't that bad either. Though, many rivals exist throughout these halls. Many rivals that can get in Kanade's way.

She stood up, and so does Daisuke, whom is still staring at her.

"See ya tomorrow." A voice calls.

Daisuke snaps out of his dream-land and notices that Yuji's fist is out- signaling something.

"Yeah." He clashes his fist against Yuji's, and he leaves the room, well, before shooting him a thumbs up which probably means, 'Good luck'. He gets a little embarrassed as he understood what he meant.

Daisuke finishes packing the rest of the things in his bag and he looks up again, he notices Kanade's gaze. For whatever reason, she's staring at him.

He pushes his chair in and when he turns around, he finds Kanade right in front of him.

"Shall we go?" She asks, tilting her head.

"Yeah?" He responds, both confused and surprised.

Daisuke walks ahead and she makes her way to his side.

Just like that, they walk out of class, together, and eventually stop in front of their lockers.

The conversation along the way was mostly lead by Kanade, surprisingly. Daisuke had almost no idea what to talk about. He didn't know much about Kanade- and yet, just like all the other students in the school, he fell for her charm and now he's dating this mysterious girl. Maybe he should have considered more, but as they say, 'A man in love is no different from a blind person'.

Just cause his knowledge on her is quite low doesn't mean he regrets his decision.

He's quite happy with the way things turned out, plus, now that he really thinks about it, he also asked her out. He'd be the biggest trash the world had ever seen if he tells her he now that he doesn't like this relationship.

Even if he doesn't know anything about Kanade, he's hoping to learn. It may take some time- lots of times, but he's willing to spend that time no matter how long.

Kanade on the other hand seemed to know quite a lot about him. He had no evidence, but when talking to her, it almost felt like they knew each other for much longer than a couple of months. Maybe it was because they were classmates, maybe not.

'Lately, I've been feeling like I'm being watched... what if...'

Indeed, 'what if', The two words that produced almost everything in this world- ranging from novels to cellphones and maybe humans: 'what if' the main character was handsome?', 'what if' we were to make a portable computer?', 'what if' these ugly, savage apes were more beautiful and more intelligent?'

He put the thought away as it was quite rude and illogical. Maybe it was just him thinking he was being watched. He never saw the person. He never caught anyone watching him- much like today where everyone was staring at the two of them. He also didn't know the person's sex, height, face, or really, anything.

Inwardly, he apologizes to her for coming up with such a grand acquisition. Even if he was right about being stalked, there's no way Kanade would be the one to do it. Impossible.

Though, what he didn't know was that, it really was Kanade. The girl he thought was soooo innocent.

He opens his locker and changes back into his outdoor shoes just like Kanade is doing.

As the two finish, Daisuke leaned against his locker. Kanade stared at him, confused, holding her bag in front of her while facing him. Were they not supposed to go home? They might not have said anything about going home together, but with the way things were going, it seemed pretty obvious. Or was it just her that thought like that?

Could it be, he didn't want that?

But what he said next... threw her by surprise.

"Wanna... go on an (after-school) date?"