Old Flames

Was looking forward to meeting Eliza again. Heard from the casino staff that she quit and that she didn't even hand in her resignation letter. Probably got a lot of money from Mr. Hawthorn and didn't find the need to work. Guess she got lucky in some way.

[Health: 100]

[Armor: 100]

[Wanted Level: 0]

[Reputation: Trusted Associate]

[Status: Stable]

Returned to work after getting the car towed. This time I took a cab with me. Got the car back and drove it back to the hotel and casino for some maintenance. Mr. Strauss called me. Handed me a pilot license he acquired 'legally' through bribes and some persuading. Told me that he intends to keep me in light and dark. I had no work so I had fun in the casino while regularly hoping that Eliza would come.

Stayed in the bar browsing my phone when Alfie called me. Met with two folks who were discussing something.

"Here will be your pilot for today. He'll fly you around."

They scrutinized me for a moment before nodding to Alfie "Alright, Alfie," said one of the men as they motioned me to lead the way. We took the stairs. I was walking when one of the men asked me if I really do know how to fly. Best thing I could say is that I flew a helicopter while being under fire. The rest I let them think for themselves.

Boarded the helicopter. Started the engines and flew them to Coleman. While flying to Coleman the men complimented me for my flying. They say that it was smooth and did not shake too much. Doubt that it would shake with me handling the stick. Flew them to their destination and landed in one of the buildings. There was this awful smell of oil around Coleman and from a distant street were the police watching. I remained ready to take off when a gunman rushed out to the landing pad. He told everyone that there were police asking around.

With that warning I flew them back to the Brooks. My radar was telling me that there were followers so I made sure to lose them by flying in different altitudes to lose them. The man had many questions but gave up when he saw the ones trying to find us.

Landing the copter on the landing pad. The men with me were greeted by Strauss and Hawthorn. It was then that Gail, who was accompanying the two, asked a question to the men in hush tones. Didn't hear what they were saying, but got an idea that it was something I didn't need to hear.

After they talked for a while. Hawthorn gave me my cut. Strauss said that there was no work booked for the girls and the car was still being maintained. I checked on the girls first before leaving the hotel and casino. I was walking on the sidewalk when I saw police going in the direction of the Eastbrooks. Thinking that there might be trouble I opted to wander Sullivan Street. Entered this small street road where there was a pretty nice cafe and little noise to be found.

Browsed my phone most of the time. Didn't think of anything other than the contents of my phone. After hanging out in the cafe for an hour or two. Took a cab back to Eastbrooks when someone called my number.

I asked who it was. They told me that it was the previous university. So I went and told the cabby to take me to the university instead. The university was modern and the campus was so large that they probably covered about fifteen football fields. It might sound absurd, but considering how many students are in the university now. It made sense. I entered near the sports fields so when my perception was thrown from first to third-person. I knew that there was something coming in my direction.

I caught a ball. It was a soccer ball. The one who kicked it whistled. I kicked the ball back and then went inside the campus. The program head of the campus was Mrs. Shirley Alberon. Upon meeting me she looked at me from head to toe and greeted, "It seems like you're doing well, Mr. Orlov. You look good. Better than the last time I've seen you.

The pictures that I had seen from my phone consisted of photos of random objects, a photo of my lanky looking self, and another was a photo of a beautiful girl who was my old flame. Katherine Mary Bethany was her name. I don't have much to do with her after we broke up. I think she broke up because of mutual disagreements. Nikolai Orlov originally was such a fool towards her. She wanted more than her current life. She did not want to stick with Nikolai because she thought the previous self wasn't that reliable as well.

She probably wouldn't recognize him now. Since there was a lot of change with this body that it made him look like an adonis compared to the dock worker. Also helps that there was a dangerous look and aura because of the damn scar around my head.

Mrs. Shirley was a kindly woman. She got me through the hectic stuff and even patted me on the shoulder because in the end I didn't give up on my education. At least she thought that I didn't give up on mine. In a way I had many ups and downs. Nonetheless, I still reached this place.

After speaking with Mrs. Shirley for a while I decided to wait in the lobby. It was then that I spotted a group that was coming for their records as well. Someone among them squinted at me before shaking their head as if saying that it couldn't be me. When the group left I got most of my records and finally I could say that I was a graduate from Goodman's University of High Garden.


Nikolai Orlov didn't see the woman watching from the side.

If Nikolai had seen her. He would know her very well. She walked over to Mrs. Shirley with a listless look.

"Ms. Bethany? How come you are here?"

"Was that?"

"Oh, that was Mr. Orlov. Ah, you knew him right?"

"I did. What is he here for?"

"He came here to finish the process of his graduation."


Then Mrs. Shirley went on a long talk about how Mr. Orlov suddenly called to finish his course. From answering the relevant exams with gusto and coming out. She even added how she knew some of his secrets.

Back when he quitted she had actually looked up where he went to as part of her concern for her student. She found out that Nikolai was working as a dock worker to fund his school activities and concluded that only after working for so long that he was able to finally get to complete his course.

"It is admirable for a young man to struggle and finally get what he wanted."

Katherine listened with a sullen expression. She nodded quietly before taking her leave after getting her binder. She wandered through the halls before looking back.

He looked good after so many years. She wondered if it was because of working on the docks. She recalled him being thinner and from his outline she could see that there were great changes and he was more toned. She almost couldn't recognize him if not for his side profile and Mrs. Shirley talking about him.

She walked to one of the campus buildings and then went straight to the research building located not far from the main entrance of the campus. Entering her lab she found herself listless before going through her work like an automaton.

After finalizing some of her work. She returned to her apartment in Coleman. It was a big apartment since she had the ability to pay for it after graduating with high honors. She was in the process of completing the last phases of her master's degree .

Returning home she sat on her study desk. She opened a folder she had not touched for years and looked at the pictures. There was a gallery of old photos of her college days and even during her time in high school. One could say that they've known each other since highschool and have been together at least until the last years of college. It was only then that they somewhat broke up. It wasn't that bad either. It was simply that the time that they have for each other was not enough and different ambitions and pride collided. It was the peaceful breakup that bothered her. If they had broken up while shouting at each other, perhaps she might have been more forgetful and resentful.

Her Niko was always sweet and calm. She knew that in a way he was trying to be strong by finishing his course out of his own hard work. Nonetheless, they simply drifted apart.

She was glad that he still found his way. In any case the days where she could assume such a peaceful life were over. Nonetheless she still persisted despite that. After all she didn't want her Nikolai to be part of the schemes of the family.

She received a call. She pressed the accept call button and a person appeared on the screen.

"Sir Ross."

"Lady Bethany. There is something we must attend to."

"Speak, Sir. It is not your nature to talk indirectly."

"Then I will speak frankly. The families have secured many of our company's resources. Not only that, they robbed us of our items. They are trying to cut some of our shares."

"Does this include the Linton Family? Who isn't against us?"

"The Solomons aren't in cahooch. But they did compensate us with the acquisition of the helicopter that they used to escape. Other than that they are transporting huge amounts of diamonds in the market… mostly from the mines of their associates."

"Sir Ross. Do you think that the Solomons are deliberately acting neutral?"

"I don't think so. The Solomons aren't usually competitive and as long as their cash flow doesn't stop. They won't take action. Nonetheless, we might need to be on-guard with the Solomons."

"Of course we would need to," she said as if it was a matter of fact. "Nonetheless, continue keeping an eye on the families of Pacifica."

Sir Ross quieted. "Madam, about your father… we have transferred all the rights back to you."

"Good. My master's degree will be over soon. I will take care of the affairs personally. Tell the clan that I will be expecting them. Those who do not come will be warned thoroughly."

The cold-blooded tone of voice. Even Sir Ross could only nod and act as if he was waiting for this.

"The Bethany Clan will rise again, Milady."

"It is the wish of my father and I shall allow him to do so. Pacifica has robbed us and has forgotten who has laid the foundations of this city."

The mask fell off and the demoness raised by the devils of Bethany appeared before Sir Ross. This old family has long been living in Pacifica and with the Families doing something drastic.

Even the heir of the family was finally acting. It has been long since the Bethany family raised hell and even the calm and composed Sir Ross couldn't help but lift his spirits.

"We will make sure that all preparations are good to go."

Katherine nodded. She turned off the screen and found herself staring at the gallery again. The cold and fierce face that she showed vanished, replaced with that of a longing before it was extinguished.

Katherine Bethany was somewhat glad that she got good memories. Responsibility for her clan and the people working under weighted against her heavily. If anything she was glad that they didn't meet up, knowing that there were still some parts of her heart that were longing for that warmth.