The Medvedev Matriarch

Lady Ingrid had always been the kind of woman to hold any man with her fingers. You let her grab you by the balls, then you lose all kinds of excuses to give her. Best way to go against her was to keep silent and not react at all. Since she wanted me in this scheme, I attended as her escort. She wore a suggestive dress. That dress of hers barely hiding the tip of her breasts. Her shoulder line was bare and the smell of excessive perfume. Goodness, how anyone could try and resist her was something she asks me all the time.

Then again, she kinda fucks you over with her overwhelming sexual appeal. If I was in first person I'd pop a tent on my pants. For some reason she thinks of that as an insult to her beauty -- what a narcissist she can be.

"Nik, try and look forward, okay?"

She said. She let her hair drape on her neck.

"I am looking forward."

"Well, I don't mind you looking at this. Nevertheless, you are my escort, and your focus should be on me."

"I never get why Jon Locke doesn't act like this."

"I did try to get Jon involved. Well, Jon doesn't usually act like he's a cold-blooded celibate and eunuch so he gets rowdy. While you, Nik, seem like you don't care about us three. A shame about Eloise, I was starting to think she was a sister of mine."

Miss Eloise left the care of the Solomons. Mr. Callahan took her away and from what I heard from Mr. Callahan himself. They started living together. I thought it was a twisted kind of relationship, but for once it was quite a normal one. Well, as normal as anyone could be while being associated with a bunch of folks who are greedy, self-serving, and scheming.

One of the men scanned her nastily. I stared back with a face that could make a man shrivel. Seeing the man shrink away. Ingrid held me and pressed the side of her chest slightly against my arms.


"Don't feel nothing."

"Cause you are sick in the head, Nik."


"Silly man."

I shrugged. She dragged me near the champagne glasses. She raised her hand and I offered her a glass. She took a sip of the glass while motioning me with her eyes to look at the gentleman that she'd been trying to scam-- I mean seduce.

"Zachary Jeremiah. Middle-aged man. Has quite a temper, but the best thing about him is that he owns a jewelry store in high-garden."

"The Solomons and their associates… always so eager to get jewels and gold."

"Because tangible assets are a specialty of the Solomons. Drugs are small-time compared to the worth of jewels and gold. They have a fixed price and the older and antique these jewels are -- the more they are desired by those who collect them. Consumables are indeed nice, nevertheless the value of these jewels we sought are far more important to the Solomons more than anything."

I held no opinion about the matter. Seeing a container of gold was enough to make me understand why they loved these things.

"Anyway, I'm going in."

She sauntered to her target while boldly swaying her hips. It was not hard to attract the attention of the keenest men around. If anything, the way she walked alone made those who have greed for her kind of beauty salivate. They wanted to sleep with Ingrid and by God they are foolish for thinking they can get it easily. Ms. Philippa and Lady Ingrid… they aren't easy women.

It didn't take long for to attract the attention of Mr. Zachary. After a few talks and sweet smiles. The foolish man was hooked and intoxicated by her beauty. I left them alone and got myself a cool drink. The folks in this party were friendly and amiable. Maybe it was the suit and dead fish look of mine that somewhat strangely attracted others, thinking that I was some big shot, when in truth I was some lowly driver working for the Solomons.

After a while Ingrid got the man fully baited so she returned to me. She waved her hands at the Mister before the Zachary guy left somewhat happily.

"What a douchebag."

"You look fine talking to him."

"I was until he revealed how much of a douche he is. Truly, what a waste of his looks. Smart man with a good grasp of business, but a fool nonetheless for beauties like me."

The way the women of the Solomons speak really makes me wonder if narcissism and self-confidence was a basic requirement. Maybe she detected what I was thinking. She thumped me in the head and shook her head as if disappointed.

"Now, now, no need to be rude."

"But I haven't said anything."

"Oh believe me, I know what you men think sometimes."

"The percent of how sure you are, ma'am?"

"About fifty percent. One day you will crumble before us, Nikola Orlov. And on that we will be sure to pick you up by the arms and have a taste."

She wetted her lips and stared at me as if she was a predator. I shrugged and looked at the party guests.

"So other than that guy. Who is the other person that we are going to deal with?"

Zachary Jeremiah was merely a side hustle for Ingrid. There was something that Ingrid needed to deal with because of Boss Alfie's orders. The situation in the Solomons was tight that even the girls are doing something for him.

"It's Sofiya Medvedev. She controls most of the clubs and is the head of the Medvedev Family. She's the host of this party and let's say she's a customer of mine. She had a lot of use for me back in the day, ah, I missed her."

She looked around for a second before her eyes sparkled. I followed her gaze and saw a crowd gathering around a single woman. Long blonde wavy hair. Red lips. Mantle around her shoulders. Red wine business suit with black stockings. She had a crazy look on her face and she was tall for a woman. A big and fit woman with an intimidating pressure around her.

She scans the crowd. She met eyes with Ingrid and sauntered towards her while opening her arms as if welcoming her into embrace. Ingrid was usually the dominant woman, but in front of Madam Sofiya Medvedev, she looked like a little girl.

"Ingrid, I have missed you. How are you?"

"I'm fine, Sister."

"Good. Good. Who is this?"

She spotted me. I was about to introduce myself when a clawing hand tried to provoke me. It was a motion made with ill-intent that my body moved without moving. I caught the hand of a burly man, and made a steely grip. I feel my hands squeeze the man's hand. He almost shouted but held his mouth in. He didn't want to embarrass the Madam it seems.

"Oh my, forgive him, he's usually aggressive. Nice reflexes, Mister?"

"This is Nikolai Orlov. He's the guy who I told you about."

"I see. So you are that guy, eh. Release him, would you?"

I released him. The man glared at me before retreating with huge exhales and inhales. He went back to the crowd. Madam Sofiya smiled at everyone. She told them how she had urgent business and so she led Ingrid and me to one of the private booths of the party.

As we entered the booth. Ingrid sat next to Madam Sofiya and she acted like a damn kitten. It was strange to me how she was acting so… submissive to this woman. Then again if she's the Matriarch of the Medvedev Family. Then there is a reason why she's on the top.

"You have strong arms. That man usually doesn't fail in making anyone squeal. You made him squeal which elevates my evaluation of you. The man who got shot in the head. What is your beef with the Lintons, Nikolai?"

"Nothing much. Just in the wrong and the wrong time."

"The Lintons shot a sheep dressed in wolf's clothing."

"I wouldn't go that far, Madam."

"Are you telling me I'm wrong?"

"No, I'm not. I'm simply a driver."

She laughed then glared at me.

"A successful runner… successful enough to rise from being a lowly associate to a trusted one that even made the Solomons and that snake who wanted to be a mayor richer. I've heard of what you did through the girls and you are an asset that I could use. No matter how you deny it. You are quite desirable. Although I sense some sort of resistance… no, it's more of you don't believe that you can do such things. That placid confidence, and that awful outlook. I wonder why? I heard you don't kill?"


"Ah, don't worry. I won't insult you for being a coward. I will not at all. If anything I would prefer if people that I work with are people who do not easily kill."

Ingrid placed her head on Madam Sofiya's chest. She was so meek and submissive that it would have made me frown. But as I watch over my shoulder. Not a single emotion leaked out. No matter how much she smiles and moves her body. It wasn't getting to me because I could look at her from a third person's view. I could tell what she was doing, like a watcher viewing someone.

She waited to get a reaction, yet my face remained simply still. She banged the back of her foot on the table. It was loud enough, personally I was feeling surprised. My body didn't react.

"Ah, a man of few words. How boring. But I like strong and silent types who can listen. Men usually don't listen. They usually push their chest out thinking that they can dominate the other speaker. That's what men do in my personal experience. To be a good listener is a gift so let me tell you clearly. I want you to collect the payment that my underlings have not returned to me. See, there is this fear in their hearts that if they come to me. They will get their money stolen. Now, I know what you are thinking. Why not send it to the bank? Of course, that would be profitable, but seeing that you are here then it means that you know the people I deal with. Money can be questioned when it is in large batches, but when a lady owns jewelry, it usually is because she is a big spender who loves them."

She took something out and held it to me.

"This is a list. Addresses of the people who owe me. Take it will you? While I enjoy myself with Ingrid here."

I took the list and then as I closed the door. I saw Madam Sofiya touching the tip of Ingrid's chin. Ingrid usually was so sisterly and assertive that seeing her with someone who could tease her and kiss her so easily made me wonder if she has a crush on Madam. Not to mention the Madam seems fond of Ingrid as well.


"Looks like he's gone."

Ingrid, who was smiling at Sofiya, returned to her seat. She took a cigarette case and a lighter from his purse. She lit her cigarette and took a drag of it.

"Hmm, you are right," Sofiya lit hers as well. "This new golden boy of yours is quite solid. Not even a pop on his tent. No, I'm not losing it, right?"

"Nope. I made sure to check and I'm still doing it well when attracting others. If anything he's just that resistant to this kind of stuff. A professional, I would like to call him."

"Got good hands as well. Strong, tall, and solid enough. I can't believe you girls haven't tried to forcibly persuade him."

"No. We actually like Nik so we don't get too pushy. Well, that can change if he tries something. We might just… cooperate."

"I see. Good for him. Though from the looks of it you girls are satisfied with someone not ogling at you three for once."

Ingrid nodded. She leaned on Sofiya before saying. "He should be back sooner or later."

"Good. If he comes back then it means that he's the right man for the job."

Madam Sofiya smiled.

She was expecting much from the newcomer.