Freelancer Associated With the Solomons

The world keeps on turning without you. Lying low made me unable to realize the schemes and fights happening behind the scene. There are many who are after the items stolen in the auctions. It wasn't until I met up with Jisoo again that she told me of how things are lately. She herself was busy and could only tell me the bare minimum.

I was not active in the scenes. My refusal to enter the same stage was what kept me from being part of whatever game they are playing. I have an understanding of how things are and it was because of that understanding that made me recluse.

They say to never ignore your Boss. Mr. Strauss felt like I haven't worked for a long time so he berated me. At the same time he didn't want to lose me since I really am his pilot now and instead went to Boss Alfie. And that the only person who could convince me was a call from Boss Alfie.

Jon Locke also knocked on my apartment. I drove him and Ingrid to their destination. Jon wanted to stay in the car, but I held on to the steering wheel and ignored his pleas. He escorted Ingrid to the building while I stayed in the car, listening to the radio.

Rain started to fall. The crown became restless as they rushed in and out of the building. I almost fell asleep when I was honked by a caravan of cars to tell my car to make room. I didn't want to make trouble so I moved away. From the looks of it there was a huge security detail.

I had no beef with them so I allowed them. It was only later that I saw a group of armed escorts guiding a woman inside. They called her Madam and were so respectful that it made me wonder who she was. Nevertheless the thought of offending the group made me not do it.

I remained in the vehicle while staring at the rain pounding on the hood of the car. I should have known that there was something going on the moment I saw that caravan of cars. Who knew that one of the most important events in Pacifica would happen and I wouldn't know it?

Something happened. But the contents of what happened during that day showed very clearly on Ingrid and Jon's face. I asked them what it was, but they refused to say it. It was like someone was threatening them. After taking them back I tried searching for information regarding what happened, but I saw no information that came out. It was a private meeting that was hosted to accommodate and explain to its shareholders about the direction that a certain company was heading.

All they had to say was that it was a company with a big influence in Pacifica City. Not to mention that it also introduced what seems to be a new policy for the city.

It was two days after this strange scene that Boss Alfie called me to his office. He told me to sit down and then told me this. "How confident are you in piloting an Arsenal?"

"I had an idea on how it works."

"Hmm, you only need to make it stand guard. We have an Arsenal and we need a pilot who can and might be able to protect the transfer. I can see it on your face, Mr. Orlov."

He was polite. There was no familiarity. The tone on Boss Alfie was business-only.

"You are not required to harm an individual in this. No, we require steady hands to complete this transfer."

I got up and raised my hand.

"Tell me, Sir. Is this related to the Bullion?"

"It is, Mr. Orlov. I understand if you do not participate in this affair. However, if you do this for us, then we will modify your contract and allow you to work for us as an associate and you will not be fully required to take the girls to their work. You will have a required amount of time to escort them, but that's it."

"Why, Sir?"

He frowned. His brows met.

"What do you mean? Ah, I get you. You are a valuable asset, Nikolai Orlov. A good driver and a great pilot who acquired us the cash. However, you are not so special that we need you. You lack the moral strength to pursue a much deadlier career. So we will compromise but you will do this for us."

"I am not a full member."

"I know. However, you are a good pilot. And if you are familiar with an Arsenal, then you will be a great help to our cause. So are you willing, Mr. Orlov?"

Boss Alfie's eyes remained on. His face without emotion. His posture was calm and there was this expression on his face that told me that he was confident that I would want to take this job.

Fuck it's so tempting because he told me that it was an Arsenal. Every boy, man, and old person who has once thought of seeing walking machines that does not violate the laws of physics have always wanted to at least see one or ride one.

I am not an exception to this. And I know that beyond this city. Beyond this planet there were a lot of things that required this Arsenal. Advanced technology like an Arsenal was something that no one would miss. The conditions that Boss Alfie offered was also tempting and yet knowing how high profile this job is. It made me hesitate on what I should do.

"Can I see the Arsenal? Test drive it first?"

"It will depend if you are willing to do this for us. It is every man's dream, no? Piloting a giant robot for you to use. It may be lacking what you see regularly, but Arsenals were made to accommodate mining and construction needs. So, are you willing?"

Of course I was willing.


An Arsenal could be ten to fifteen tall. This Arsenal was in between and should be about twelve foot tall. It was a heavy looking humanoid arsenal. It was heavy looking. This beast was meant to be a space vehicle where gravity wouldn't be able to affect this vehicle.

It's basically an over glorified exoskeleton that was made to do heavy lifting. If I remember right, in the setting it was meant to be used in asteroids and outer space operations.

Here on this planet it was going to be a sluggish beast. To make it move precisely you would need to make sure that you used the rollers on its legs to move it and adjust the weights on its body to balance it.

"So you can pilot it?"

I turned to Boss Alfie.

"I'll try."

"You are a natural so you can probably pilot it. I wouldn't be surprised. You better can since the fucker over there is not happy about this. Now, you might be confused on why we are using this beast instead of a crane."

"Is it in the middle of nowhere and you need it to be fast?"

"Yes. The contents are best not mentioned at all. No, you should know that you will pilot the beast yourself. David and Michael will be your protection detail. Michael will take the reins as you exit and pilot the Arsenal instead. Then you will transport the cargo.

"You're going to enter the Badlands, Mr. Orlov."

"Ah," I muttered.

There were parts of the world that have been wasted. These badlands are like desert, but no vegetation would grow on them. The badlands was a place where even the most hardened folk wouldn't dare to stay unless they wanted to be sickened.

I saw Michael and David entering. From the looks of it they were already ready.

"Looks like we'll start soon. This must be a rush job, Boss Alfie."

"Yes, we're desperate enough to make you do this. It seems that some of our associates are fools and this is the only way to solve their problem. The Solomons will not forget this favor if you do this for us, Nikolai Orlov."

"You make me nervous."

"This city has changed. The Syndicates and Crime Families will be experiencing a storm that will make it hard to operate. This is the only window that we have until we make a new way to operate, so we will use this opportunity to obtain benefits."

"Is this related to that new policy? What is it?"

"A terrible policy that targets us hard working men. You must have realized the raids and the recent attacks on us. The Consortium will decide on how to handle this sooner or later."

"Is that why you're sending me out, Sir?"

"Yes, if anything your contract will be a complicated one. You will be commissioned by the group… no, I shouldn't lie to you. You have been a good employee so I will make it clear to you."

His face showed that he was going to be straight to me.

"We will allow you to work as a Freelancer. Of course, there are conditions, but it will be worth your while."

"Why treat me like this?"

"We are the Solomons, Nikolai Orlov. We know what value is and we see it in you. So we choose this path. You're not the only one who has been valued."

I had nothing to say after that conversation. I walked up to David and Michael. They told me that they were ready so I climbed up to the transport vehicle. I switched to third-person and piloted the vehicle carrying the Arsenal on its back out of their storage and went to the coordinates.

"You can even fly this damn thing," David commented. "No wonder Alfie wants to make you a Freelancer. Hell, he could have made you into a true employee, but I guess it's better to make a connection."

"What do you think he'll do?"

"Recommend you to a bunch of folks and take commission for it. We found a job. We send you to them and then we take some cut if we find you the job. It'll benefit us more than it'll benefit you, believe me. This ain't being nice, friend."

I kinda somewhat guessed that would be the case. No one works for their own benefits and these people are not so kind that they would do this without reason. I'm doing them a favor so that they can do themselves a favor and earn from recommending me to other people.

I erased the thought for now. Piloted the damn thing to the badlands. I started to hover the vehicle while Michael, who had been silent for the ride, took over the controls and responded to the carrier group that was stuck in the badland's sands.

I lifted the back of their carrier truck and then pushed it. The Arsenal that I was riding made creaking sounds. Controlling the damn thing was impossible without my third-person instincts. Took me a while to lift the containers on my shoulders and then carry them back to the carrier truck. The carrier truck had tank-like treads and was manned by many folks. The crane that they were using seemed to have snapped and then they got into this kind of trouble.

My radar showed bright yellow when faced with the containers. If anything it made me realize that they were carrying valuable jewels and plausibly enough wealth to buy a city or a country in these containers. It looks like the Solomons saw the changes in policy and transferred their wealth to another place.

Why there were no other security details made sense since the carrier truck itself was fully armed and ready to massacre anyone who might try. After loading the containers back properly, I escorted the carrier truck out of the badlands while clearing obstacles for them.

I had Michael tether the Arsenal and when I boarded the aerial vehicle. I asked David why they didn't use aerial vehicles to lift the containers instead. But he looked at me as if I was a prized idiot and scoffed.

"And attract the attention of sensors and anyone curious enough? One vehicle and one Arsenal isn't as noticeable and it's faster. Anyway, good job, Nikolai, you are now a Freelancer sponsored and recommended by the Solomons."

When David says it, it felt somewhat horrible to hear.