Demands Of The Dead 1

After that whole mess. Jisoo asked me why I was staring at Katherine Bethany. I didn't dare to complicate matters and just said that she reminded me of someone I knew. Jisoo gave me a scrutinizing look before she told me to go with her. She already removed her exoskeleton suit so she looked the same except this time she didn't have her favorite jacket on.

David and Michael were like two peas in a pod so they left after the job was done. It was rare to be on the West Side so I toured the city while keeping my mind off Katherine. She has her own path while I wandered my own path knowing nothing.

But maybe because I didn't talk too much shit that Jisoo wondered if I fell for Katherine. Of course, she wouldn't know about the other things. Not that it matters to me since it was this body's past life. It meant nothing to me and even if his soul craves for her. Mine did not. It was a strange feeling. Like I was torn by two opinions at once.

We got a huge pay and the best part was that I didn't have to mind the collateral. I wasn't that heartless, but my mind was telling me that it wasn't my fault those people died. I felt sickened at my own damn self, yet nonetheless it was easier to cope that way. Since I became an associate of the Solomons she had started to call herself or at least treated me as her driver. Maybe I really did overdo it when I treated her as if my life depended on it.

Pressing the right buttons gave me a good impression. And since then she really did treat me like I was her friend. Of course unless I pushed more buttons, she'd still think less of me than her clan.

She clearly had spent time in this part of the city so I let her take the lead in exploring which place was the best to explore. There was an eastern town-style market in this part of the city. We ate in this pavilion with a huge pond behind it. There were koi fish, paper lanterns, and the waitresses wore qipao that showed their whit legs.

The most noticeable thing about this pavilion was the pink lotus that was quite mutated. In the middle of this pink lotus was a statue sitting on it. There were many suit-wearing men and women in the pavilion. Those who didn't wear suits wore designer-made clothing.

"Miss Kim?"

I was staring at the statue when a woman with braided hair rested on her left shoulder. Freckles across her face and makes an inquisitive gaze to Miss Kim.

"Fuyumi, it has been long."

"Indeed. Forgive me, customer. But is he your new partner?"

"Might be. Fuyumi, this is Nikolai. Nik, this is Fuyumi. If you need work then come and find Fuyumi. She can hook you up with jobs."

"It seems like Miss Kim is quite confident in your skills."

"I am. Too bad that he doesn't do anything other than running, driving, and piloting. But if you need someone who can do that well. Look no further."

"Is that so?"

She scrutinized me. There was a trace of disappointment after knowing that I exclusively do only those things, but she quickly wiped that bit of expression.

"We have a fight going on this evening. Would you two like to attend?"

"Not really. We need to go back to the Eastside after this."

"A shame then. Enjoy your meal."

Stir fry and ba-chui. She also ordered spicy noodles. I ate the ba-chu while she took care of the stir-fry. We were served cold ice tea. After the meal we watched the school of koi fishes before we left the Eastern Town's pavilion. Other than the Eastern Town. There were only a few places here that could entertain us. The shopping district here was quite… astonishing. Their prices were sky-high and every item had a minimum price range of ten thousand dollars.

There were also places that sold weapons. The popular self-defense weapons looked flimsy and truly only meant to defend them once before it breaks. It was a gizmo that was overpriced and meant for rich brats. The other weapons were clearly meant to kill or threaten anyone. She bought an interesting piece of a knife. It had a flowing water pattern on the flat of the blade.

"Interesting. It's wootz steel?"

"It is. I have been eager to buy this. It's a pretty knife and sharp too."

It cost fifty thousand dollars and was ten-inches long. I bought a pair and after engraving my name on it. Jisoo stared at me strangely.


"Buying the same thing as me. You really are easily influenced, Nik."

"Why? It's pretty steel and from the looks of it, useful for me. So I bought it."

It came with a pretty sheath. I stored the dagger in my inventory slot and discarded my other knife. Jisoo, who saw me place it in a bin asked.

"Where did that come from?"

"I'm pretty good at concealing items."

"That another skill of yours?"

I flicked my wrist and transferred the dagger on my other hand. With a flip of my wrist it appeared on my right hand again. She squinted her eyes, but she did not see me throwing my knife. How could she see it when I was just taking it in and out of my inventory slot?

"Isn't that great? You can be a magician as well."

"Thank you very much. I'd make sure to invite you if I ever decided to proceed as a magician."

"Maybe I'd become your assistant who'd accidentally slash you in half as well?

I hid my dagger in my inventory slot and walked away from the store. She followed after and placed both of her hands on her waist. She wiped her forehead with her left forearm and let me drive her back to the Eastern Side of Pacifica City.

Since no one was stopping us. It was a smooth journey to the Eastern Side. Jisoo had to report to her superiors so she dropped me off at the Solomons' Hotel. Boss Alfie waited in his office alongside Mordred and Strauss. Mordred left after speaking with Alfie while Boss motioned me to come alongside him.

"I heard the news. It seems that things have gone wrong and you were able to manage. This competence of yours makes you valuable to us, Nik."

"Thank you, Boss."

"Sit down."

I agreed. I leaned forward. Boss Alfie joined his hands.

"I admit, Nik. I'd rather keep you employed. Keep you doing runs. But you know why I allow you to be a freelancing associate instead of keeping you here?"

"Cause if I do successful runs for you in the name of the Solomons. It means that the Solomons are going to get some face and reputation."

"David told you that?"

"Ms. Kim actually."

"Good. It seems you understand. That Ms. Kim is part of the Red Sun Clan. You listen to whatever she says. She's a vicious merc."

"That she is. But she's been helping me."

"That's great. Nik, this relationship of ours is born of trust and benefits. You do good out there and promote the name of the Solomons. We'll be cool. But if you end up bad and you mess up. Then we have no connections. Understand?"

"Of course. I won't forget the Solomons who took care of me. In a way the Boss will help me out too, right?"

Boss Alfie nodded. He slapped the table.

"With that said. Good job. As always we'd call if we have jobs like these in the future."

I left the office. I walked out of the building. Found my car parked and drove it back to my apartment. Before I reached my apartment. Timotei, who I haven't heard from for a long time, asked a favor to pick him up. Seems like he had been busy running for Boss Shawn. I took him to Coleman where he carried his luggage without a care in the world. I hurried back to my apartment. After reaching my apartment I crashed on my couch. I brought out my phone and saw that Jisoo texted me a picture of her making a thumbs up in front of a stack of cash.

I then threw my phone aside and thought of the day. Katherine De Bethany. She was a beautiful woman, and knowing that she has been active made me think of what may come. If she's the Madame, then it means that the policy will be implemented. It's already clear that there are many Augmented Mercs in the market. But if the policy is implemented and the folks here are going to be wild for the next few months.

I don't know why I have the powers. I was quite doing well considering. But there are extremely dangerous Augmented Mercenaries who will appear if that policy is implemented. There are also the Mutants who have natural strengths and abilities who are also far more dangerous than the normal Augmented. Especially that Leiko bitch. She packs a punch and if it wasn't for my abilities. I'd be a dead man.

Still, this heart of his longed for nothing. I am particularly split between two feelings. Nik's feelings and mine. I wanted nothing to do with such feelings. I think that one should not think highly of anything or anyone to the point of obsession. It isn't right and it shouldn't be done.

I clambered up to my apartment's rooftop. In this place I was alone. I was free. I didn't have to think of anything other than what may or may not come. I got out of my body and for a second I faced myself. I was the ghost staring back at my body.

"What do you want?"

"What's your desire?"

"Hey, Nikolai, you, buddy, what did you think during the time you were executed? When they thought they had killed you? When they tried to drown you into the river? Did you ever think of anything else? Tell me, Nikolai. What do you want from me? Tell me?"

I didn't get a response. Then I found myself letting go of the imaginary buttons holding back. Then I saw emotions spring into action.

"Why did they kill me?"

"I did nothing wrong."

"I just wanted to live peacefully. They killed me. I cannot go back now, can I?"

As if the last vestige of his consciousness remains. His feelings were around. And that feeling wanted to have his death justified. He wanted to know. He desired. He demanded of me to seek justice for him.

It was the price that I needed to pay.

If you want this body fully.

Then make them pay for killing me.

The one who owned this body.

It told me that. At least the consciousness that glared back wanted to.

"Do you know what that means, Nikolai? If we do this. If we truly do this. Both of us will be crossing the line we hated to cross."

And yet he returned with silence. That last vestige of memories from a consciousness who tried his best in this damn city. Only to be executed because he was in the wrong place at the wrong time.

And now I owned his body.

There was jealousy and envy.

And hope that I would be able to seek justice for what had been done to him. It didn't take long before the consciousness vanished. My body became expressionless again. With my ghost floating just in front of my body, like a third-person spectator.

The demand of the dead.

And here I was thinking to myself that I wouldn't be like them.

That I would never kill as long as I am not forced to.

But now the old consciousness demands me.

It demands me to avenge him.