Partnering Up

They pour resources in killing each other. Or at least in their illegal operations they are doing that. Been a month since I killed Ardo Lisay. Life didn't change much other than I got my apartment locked up.

Didn't bother to call folks either. Got into a bus and walked out of Pacifica the first moment I killed that bastard. There is no guilt in me. No lingering bullshit other than if I stay in Pacifica City, I'd go mad.

So in a way it was a vacation that involved no one. I left without a trace. Didn't even answer anyone's calls and just sent a text that I was going to be gone. Didn't think of much since I'm still a nobody to them. Thing is that a lot of things happen in Pacifica.

With the policy intact there is a lot of policing happening in Pacifica City. Ever since awakening I learned the crazy things and the schemes that I was involved with. After being demanded of something from the previous body. I fucked off. I killed someone. And that disgusted me to the point that I needed a fucking vacation from all of this.

After killing that bastard. I stayed in this coastal town. It is a coastal town surrounded by greenhouses cultivating plants. There is a large crab fishery here that they even made the town famous for. Course there is also a large resort as well and since I got the money I rented close to the resort while hiding like a recluse once more.

Even got into fishing since I had nothing to do. Funny thing is that it really is a small world and while fishing I got to meet Eliza who was hanging out around the resort. I didn't even think of speaking to her, but she noticed me fishing without a care and poked me with her finger.

"Stalking me?"

"No? I'm fishing here?"

"Sure," she grins. "How come you're here?"


"Sure, sure, you just missed me?"


Didn't think of arguing with her. So when she started hanging around and watching me fish, she said. "So want to hang out instead?"

I went with her. Got no reason to refuse a chat. Don't like the idea of her knowing that I was around. We talked for minutes then drank near the docks where she seems busy on whatever the fuck she wants to do. After that there wasn't anything that happened. She was busy and didn't like being stuck around to chat.

Thing is after four weeks at the resort in this town. Jisoo found me and knocked on my hotel room. Didn't even notice her until I was about to take another drink of my beer. She stared at me.


"You vanished."

"I did."

"I know why."

"Well, it's probably easy to tell why. You dig around for clues?"

"I did. You always said to me that you wouldn't kill so easily."

"I wouldn't kill."

"So, what do you do now?"

"I just waste my time. Pacifica's a mess so I thought it's best if I don't stick around while it is messy."

"What about you?"

"My clan was eliminated. I was able to take revenge."

"Oh," I said blandly, "sorry to hear that. I really am."

"The Solomons sheltered me until the storm passed. The Lintons are dead by the way. They were fourth in the chopping block."

"Is that why you found me?"

"Found out who got you executed. Had to dig around for information until I found that Ardo Lisay died of a bullet to the head. Some suggests that it was suicide. But I think that you did it."

"Well, it's expected since you helped in getting my history erased. So are you running away as well?"

"Not for long. I was actually in the next town. I had associates there that would let me hide for four weeks. I thought you were helping the Solomons when I heard from your Bosses and that text you sent. So might as well get me a good driver."

I sat on the side. She sat next to me while opening the can of beer. She placed his sword on the side. Took her red jacket off and loosen the strap around her dress shirt.

"Got to say that I missed you. Didn't think that you'd do that after all that bullshit about not wanting to be a killer and going the extra mile NOT to kill. And then you just went and did it and then fucked off. Kinda funny."

"Is it?"

"It is."

I took a chug of my beer. I leaned on my armrest and stared at the view of the sea.

"Revenge is kinda sweet, and then it's just empty. So empty that it makes me want to sit down and think of nothing. Been working as a driver and a pilot for some folks. Got involved in huge heists and jobs, but the thing is? I can't do them well. It really doesn't pay right for the soul."

She nodded at me. She leaned back and then took a look at the sea as well. "Could have used your support when things went to shit in Pacifica. Maybe my clan would have been fine."

"I'm sorry."

"I don't blame you. If anything, everyone was blindsided. They got kicked in the ass because they thought that it would still be the same. Thing is that the Gov got pissed off when they had their gold and items stolen. So they funded the Gov to get rid of the criminal syndicates that went after it. Not to mention that the Bethany's were eager to pacify some of its opponents that the only thing that happened in the weeks were the constant raids of the stormers arresting and killing anyone who fires at the,. Augmented with military-grade hardware with the full support of the local government. Even the media couldn't get a sniff of what happened."

"Still don't know why you're here."

"Silly man. Really?"

"Sure? Don't really like that kind of relationship."

"Something has to start. I got nothing to do anyway so might as well. Got no clan to fight for and I don't like the idea of going back. I mean you seem to be soul-searching. If anything it makes me almost think that you knew what was going to happen and took shelter from the storm."

"That so? Hmm, didn't think that you'd look at it like that."

"How am I supposed to interpret you staring at me when you can? Please, I'm not so blind, besides. It's not like I have something against it. You're not so bad that I'd draw a line."

"Thanks for the confidence. Just couldn't understand why now. I mean it's been a month since I last saw your mug. You have no reason to be like this."

"I'm using you to cover my sadness. Is that what you want to hear?"

I grinned. "Sure, better than you suddenly wanting to be dating for no goddamn reason."

She folds her arms. "You're lucky that I am not being vague here. I'm telling it to you straight instead of letting you get a hint."

"Wow, lucky me!"

She threw the beer can at me. I caught the beer can and placed it on the table. I leaned back and stared at the ceiling.

"Guess we're partnering up for real."

"Maybe. I feel a lot better knowing that. Thing is that I don't really know about driving and scheming folks this time."

"I don't really care about that. Just need someone to lean on. It's your fault that you were around. I don't know if you're doing it naturally or you had hidden intentions."

It was hard not to question what she wanted. If it wasn't for the fact that I somewhat knew what was going to happen. I'd be so happy right now. Thing is that the world continues on without my participation. I was gone for a month and now things like that are happening. I guess in the end I'm just an ant in front of a giant wheel.

"This is a good place to hide."

"Going to go back to Pacifica?"

"Not this time. We'll go to Agua and try our luck there. I have a safehouse there so it'll probably be best if we hide there. We could make simple runs that pay the bills. Not to mention that Agua is far better than this crabbing town."

"Hey, I liked it here. Fishing here is relaxing."

"That reminds me, Nik. Who was that bitch you were speaking with?"

"Oh, an acquaintance."

"That so? You two seem intimate."

"Seriously?" I grunted. "You really are going to start with that?'

"She was licking her teeth and looking at you so closely that it can only be that."

I quieted.

She leaned back and then sighed as if she really was troubled by something. Then she scooted over and then tugged on my shirt before looking me in the eyes with a curious determination.