The Little Heiress 3

Yua became part of the household. Because of the presence of a kid. We have a guest room where she could stay. It was unlike her old room. A bit rough for a heiress, but she was not a kid who couldn't understand how fucked her situation is.

Since we have a new roommate. I also had to be careful about how I interact in front of Jisoo. It's a bad influence for the kid. And it's not like I can't live without some love.

Yua was sleeping after she got a hold of her room. The kiddo carried her luggage. I expected serious tech on her luggage, but other than a doll that was hand-made. She carried little. Not to mention that her pack has all the gadgets that she had.

I sat on the edge of the roof. Jisoo walked next to me with a rather serene expression.

"Did…I forced you?"

"No. Yua's a kid. I don't mind."

"She's a genius, you know? She could be scheming."

"A kid that has a doll in her luggage isn't exactly what I'd call scheming. She probably has a card to use against us. It's more surprising that she didn't use that."

"The way you were looking at her probably scared the poor lass. I didn't think that you'd accept it."

"You were going to help her anyway."

"I will. That won't change. I owe my clan too much to not care. But I'm awfully glad that you agreed. Save me from persuading you to help me."

"That's how partners should be. We go through tough shit together. Besides, why in god's name would I not help?"

"Thanks. But we have problems now. There will be others looking for her. She's a high-profile heiress and all the money in the world right now can't do anything about how Mr. Takemura has signed his assets to one kid. He believes that Yua can do it. She can do it. Give her a few more years and with her mind she can surpass her competitors. Thing is that she's still a kid and smart people would know when to deal with someone like her before she grows into a threat."

Jisoo squatted down.

"She's just a kid."

"That's why they wanted to get rid of her. Thing is that Mr. Takemura probably handed all the assets to her. It's a company with a board of directors. But the thing is that they barely have any control over the company. It's only because of outside intervention that they got into her. You know it, right? Why do they decide to make big moves? Escorting Ms. Bethany to the other part of that city. The Solomons making moves. Everything is simply because there are changes."

"But to kill a kid. They could just resolve this peacefully."

"They can. But will Miss Yua allow it? She's not the type to just let it go their way. She's smart enough. But even a smart person like her has a line she will not cross. Letting them get away with it isn't just going to happen. Her life path already has been cut off by these greedy fools. They will come for her and try to take everything."

"You sure know a lot."

"I do. You saw me interact with the net."

"You have many talents, Nik."

I quieted. I looked at the piece of candy that I was carrying. Pressing an imaginary button in my head. A transparent dialogue box appeared. I didn't think that I would still have something else.

"A piece of candy manufactured by EFood Industries. Chocolate flavor."

Item descriptions. It seems like I have somewhat got this. It's nothing more than a rather simple ability. The thing is that a simple ability to see the item description is very useful to me. It's a minor psychometry that gives more. Not to mention that it's stored inside my head like a dictionary and journal that I can just look at anytime.

It may sound like it's nothing. But in a world that is full of mystery. The ability to read descriptions in items is very useful. If anything it's probably more useful than my ability to slow down my vision to shoot perfectly. Too bad that I can't access any profile. But thinking back I guess this is really all that I have with my system. There is something else. But I'm afraid to test it out.

Second wind. Or 'resurrection' has always been on mind. If I have the abilities so far, then it should be out there. The 'examine' ability coming out isn't that surprising to me since so far I was getting them all.


"It's nothing. They will probably find Yua. They always have their ways. These bastards know how to sniff her out. There is always someone who can do far better. If she can find us. It isn't surprising if there are people who can find us either."

"Should we start taking turns watching?"

"I'll do it."

"Are you sure?"

"I'm very good at knowing. But we need to gear up when the time comes. It'll be a long while and even if we do travel her tracks after this. There is always a professional who knows how to find someone. Money is quite something and the persistent ones who need money can find even a pin under the beach."

"True enough."

"Protect her. I know you want to. I won't stop you from doing what you want. I'm not your keeper."

She looked at me for a second before giving me a peck on the cheek. "Thank you."

"You're very welcome."

"It means a lot to me. I guess I still have more things to do. It helps that I am not alone to do this. It's good to have someone looking out for your back."

"Don't get used to it."

"I won't."

Accepting a dangerous kid with a lot of targets on her back was dangerous. I know it is dangerous. But the good parts of me wanted to do it and I can't just refuse that good part of me wanting to help a little kid out.