Iced Heart

You can't run from your way of life, Jisoo thought.

She caught the bastards who shot her Nik on the chest. He laid unmoving on the door of his car without a single sound.

Her world turned cold blue for some reason. Her head hurt. She felt like her voice was stuck in her throat. A pain spread across her chest that made her think that something was shattered.

She tried to open her mouth and found no words. No tears leaked out of her eyes as if something frozen had blocked them. However, she could hear the sound of a child crying.

Yua was crying. She held Nik's hand while repeatedly saying, "I'm sorry. I'm sorry." As if she was a broken record.

'Because of you.'

'If you didn't appear before us. I could have lived quietly. But you just have to appear.'

Jisoo slightly raised her blade. Then she looked at Nik before lowering it down. 'No, I can't let myself go that path. You'd hate me, don't you?'

"Let's go," she said as she picked up Nik and laid him to the side. "We need to go now. Before more of them come."

Yua kept crying. She held on to Nik before turning towards Jisoo. Jisoo looked at Yua and cursed herself inwardly. She's just a kid. How could she think of raising her blade at a kid like her?

Yua gingerly looked down on Nik. Her eyes became stilled. She had noticed the kiddo getting attached to Nik. How she would talk for hours with him. It wasn't probably easy to have someone who can keep up with her. ANd yet her Nik was down here.

Jisoo kneeled next to Nikolai with her hands on her thighs. She wanted to speak her thoughts. Let it out and yet she found out that she wasn't strong enough. There was another cold pain in her chest and she wanted to suppress it. 'I have enough. Why do you have to break my heart like this? Not like this, Nik. I would have preferred if it was not like this. I hate this.'

She wiped his forehead and gave him a gentle kiss. Then as if something clicked in her head. Her emotions died out. There was nothing but coldness in her face. She took out her digital mask and placed it on her face.

Jisoo kept that warmth of the past months on the back of her head. Just near her heart to keep it alive. It was short, but sweet. And she doubts that she'd open it up. Right now all her attention was on the little girl that dragged her to hell.

'I can't let you die here,' she thought. 'Not when you already caused so much stir. I should have thrown you out. I should have thrown you out. But right now you are all I have. I need to protect you, right? For Yuuki-san. And since Nik wanted to. How could I leave you alone?'

She wanted to stay here and at least try to make sure. But with two rifle shots in the chest. Would he even have survived? Even she was sure that she wouldn't be able to. If she had time. She could have brought Nik out of this and maybe they could still find a way to save him.

But it already happened.

Jisoo searched his pockets and stiffly started his car. She pressed on her eyepatch and then started the car. She gave Nik a long look before she drove away. And as if just in time. More cars arrived. She took out her pistol and easily shot down one of their chasers. She drove erratically. Dodging bullets, driving through alleys, avenues, and narrow streets with reckless abandon.

They were converging to her location. She didn't hold back. Ramming them off the road and shooting them down. She drove out of Agua City. And then called Jules to send someone she could trust.

She was under fire and even though she was keeping Yua safe. She was only one and having someone protecting Yua would be optimal. She wasn't used to protecting while being attacked.

Jules had sent a merc and she was waiting outside of the city. She rode Nik's car and went past the booth where the coordinates were sent. Then a rocket went past their car and blew the ones chasing them. Jisoo looked up and saw a young woman. She recalled that Nik was monitoring the woman for her exceptional abilities.

She pulled the handbrake and told the woman to enter. She slid on the back of the car and looked at Yua before nodding at Jisoo.

"You have one job. This is a long term one. You saw the details?"

"I have. Is she the Miss that I'm going to guard from now?"


Mino Naomi wanted to say something. But seeing the look on Jisoo's face without her digital mask made her shut her trap. She got some details from Jules and all she knew was that there were three of them. One of them not being around made Naomi conclude easily what had happened before she came around and blast some of their opponents to pieces.

A sword-wielding woman and a little girl that has a large bounty in her head. Mino Naomi had not been around, but this was one of the strange jobs that she got.

Without anyone attacking them. Jisoo found the strength in her arms weakening. There was still some disbelief lingering and yet recalling that painful sight. She wordlessly focused on the road. She didn't want to think back. Not now. Not until she gets Yua out of this City.

There was something burning in her chest. It hurt more than she thought and yet she could only press on. Her mind was in chaos. She found that she couldn't sit still. Then she stopped the car. Mino Namo watched her carefully as she stood next to a boulder.

Then with a throat shattering scream.

Kim Jisoo let her rage out on the boulder.

Slicing it into pieces.