Spindrift Knight

Just as Sai and Eula were heading off, a sweet voice reached them:

"Take care of him, kay?"

Sai thought he recognized the pleasant voice, so he turned around trying to find its owner.

Eula sighed and urged him.

"Let's go."

Sai kept looking back but she wasn't anywhere to be found. He shrugged and followed Eula to the garden's exit.

"Who was that?" Sai wanted to confirm.

"No one." Eula coldly said.

Now that they were walking side by side, Sai took the chance to analyze the young woman. She didn't seem as cold as when she was in Jean's office, perhaps because of the pressure of the job.

However, she didn't leave him any breaches to start a conversation.

"Can you take me to see the lake? I haven't been there yet." Sai asked Eula when they finally exited the garden.

"N— Sigh… You will pay for this…" She almost flatly refused, but started walking off along the church's backyard.

If he didn't know how she spoke, Sai would have felt threatened by her words.

'It seems like she is the same as in the game… but why did that other girl hide?'

Suddenly, Sai remembered that he shouldn't know Eula either.

"What's your name, milady?"

"You will pay for your discourtesy!" She sneered. "My name is Eula Lawrence. Yes, from the Lawrence clan— oh, right. You shouldn't know them…"

Sai nodded.

"I am Sai, it is a pleasure to meet you." He smiled towards her.

She turned to face him briefly.

"We are here."

Of course, Sai had already noticed.

The lake was right there in front of him. And it was immense. He thought the proportion from the game wouldn't be kept, given the actual size of the city, but it was. The city stood as a measly isle in the 'middle' of the lake.

It was a very beautiful sight. His heart fluttered at the view. Unfortunately, previous events made him not fully appreciate it.

Nonetheless, he breathed in the smell of freedom and regained some of his lost composure.

'What have I been doing? This is a fantasy world… I must take risks, I must improve my strength! I can't simply rely on other people, this world follows the law of the jungle as well!'

He found a resolution, untying the knot in his heart and feeling much more motivated than before. It seemed like his near death experience scared him more than he would like to admit.

Eula's patience expired, and she turned around to leave.

"Miss Eula, you look strong… would you teach me how to use a sword?" Sai expectantly asked.

Eula, on the other hand, frowned from that. She didn't want to waste her time. She was about to reject when she recalled her superior's words, falling into deep thought.

"Where are you from?" She decided to probe him some more.

Realizing his position wasn't good, Sai trembled a little. But he noticed she didn't refuse outright, so he still had chances. 'Should I tell the truth? Hmm… fuck it.'

"I come from another world." He simply said.

Eula widened her eyes, apprehension taking control of her body. Her frown deepened and she asked:

"Why have you come here?"

"I was summoned by the Traveler."

"The Traveler… the savior of Mondstadt… I've heard rumors about him… and the summoning situation… what's your relation with him?" She measured him again.

"I am unrelated to him." Sai honestly spoke.

Eula eventually reached a conclusion.

"Very well, I can teach you. But you will pay for this!" Contrary to her words, she didn't look angry at all.

"I just got here so I don't have any money on me… can I pay in another way…?" Sai scratched his head in embarrassment.

Eula glared at him and spat:

"Hateful man! You will pay for that!"

Sai flinched and internally sighed. She had misunderstood him.

Eula took him back to the headquarters, but instead of heading inside, she went around the building.

Soon enough, they reached the training grounds. It was early afternoon, so there were many people there, mostly knights, training and going around. It was very spacious, unlike the game's.

Seeing Eula, a man trotted over to greet her.

"Miss Eula! To what do I owe the pleasure of your visit?" He wore a smile on his face, but sweat secretly ran down his spine.

"Assistant Inspector Luke, where can I find the Chief?" She asked while looking around.

"Unfortunately, the Chief is out for a mission, Miss Eula. I see you still can't call me by my name…" He acted sad.

Luke was a young man of average height, but strong physique. Sai thought the guy was interesting, given the amount of faces he was making. It looked like he shared some sort of past with Eula.

"Understood. Then, would you please call Assistant Inspector Layla here for me—"

"I could but I don't want to bother her. Just tell me what you need and I'll get it done." He smiled confidently.

Eula sighed but complied, something that surprised Sai a little.

"This boy over here needs training. Give him the basic greatsword routine." She looked at Sai. "You slept in the city last night, right? Likely in that fancy inn…"

Eula looked back at Luke and added:

"Prepare lodgings for him with the other apprentice knights. I will come by later to check on his progress."

After saying her part, she turned around to leave. Luke started sweating again and called out to her:

"Wait, Eula! Did Master Jean order this?" He was exasperated.

Eula coldly answered without looking back:

"I ordered it."

A freezing wind blew at everyone on the training grounds.