
A little earlier that day, a while before Sai was summoned.

Lisa had just discussed with Jean about the sightings of the Fatui reported by the 4th Company. She managed to convince her friend to increase security in the city, though establishing a defensive advanced line around Mondstadt like she wanted was still a ways off.

With a sigh, the mature woman stretched on her chair in the library.

She called for Kaeya, whom she never knew the location of. The guy liked to follow his gut more than anything, which was also why he was given so much freedom. He served as a joker card, more often than not providing important information directly to Jean and Lisa.

Unusually though, he only appeared after an hour or so, clearly distressed.

"You sure took your time, this time. I suppose you bring valuable information?" Lisa raised her brows.

Kaeya wiped his sweat from his forehead and answered gallantly. "Smart as always, I see. Yes, I bring good, no, great information."

Lisa frowned a little, and impatiently said:

"Stop delaying and tell me what you know."

"Alright, alright. I managed to find out something big, really big. I was, uh… talking… to a nun friend of mine, and she told me that a friend of hers heard another nun confess that she saw a commotion in front of the church about a week ago."


"Well, she told me that the nun was cleaning one of the windows of the cathedral and managed to see the Traveler and that Venti bard being ambushed by some masked people, the Fatui. She said that a snowy storm appeared out of nowhere, freezing the Traveler and the bard in place."

Kaeya paused to increase the suspense, and Lisa was munching over his words.

"A blonde woman attacked the bard and stole a glittering piece that she thinks looked like a small vase. The nun, apparently, immediately reported to the deaconess because she was really scared, and then was told to maintain secrecy regarding the matter, directly from Barbara."

"…Glittering piece… And then?" Lisa lowered her head.

"I talked to Jean just now, and she told me that after having small talk with her sister, she went to find the Seneschal to discuss the retrieval of the Holy Lyre under the personal request of the deaconess."

Kaeya saw the pondering look on Lisa's face, and finally said:

"Barbara chose not to report to the knights after such an incident. Or worse, perhaps she was the one who orchestrated the whole thing given her request. In any case, this proves that she really is plotting something behind our backs."

After his conclusion, he expected Lisa to agree with him, or maybe question a thing or two. It had happened in the past, after all. Nonetheless, she remained silent, the frown on her face deepening by the second.

Regarding Kaeya and Lisa's relationship, it could superficially be said to be that of coworkers under the same boss. Indeed, with Lisa's position as right hand of Acting Grand Master Jean (who was certainly going to remain the master even if Varkas returned, given her excellency and Varkas' character) and Kaeya being the captain of the Cavalry Division, they theoretically held the same power.

But in reality, Lisa's experience, maturity and especially strength allowed her superiority and influence over him, almost like a boss in everything but name. Therefore, Kaeya, who had rarely seen her serious like that, lost his composure and playfulness.

"What? What's wrong?"

"No, it could very well be…" Lisa muttered.

"Are you thinking about Barbara siding with the Fatui?"

She looked up at him, but her face betrayed hesitation.

"No… She definitely has Mondstadt's interest above everything else, so she hasn't sided with the Fatui."

Kaeya nodded in agreement.

"But the Fatui… if 'her' objective was 'that' thing, then… But why? After all this time? Could it be…?" Lisa fell into thought without answering him.

He silently waited for her like a gentleman.

"The fall of Morax and the Fatui…" Lisa looked up at Kaeya again. "If my suspicions are correct, they definitely cannot afford a war right now. The Tsaritsa will definitely avoid any military confrontations with us. In fact, she might even need our help when the time comes."

"Our help?" Kaeya was surprised.

"We must suppress Barbara's ideals at any cost. I will go warn Jean of our findings. Bring that nun here for her testimony immediately. Even Jean would need to admit the possibility of a plot from the deaconess if she hears her story."

"Alright. But what did the Fatui want with the bard? What was that thing that was stolen?"

"That… I am not sure. I will also talk to Jean to get the 2nd and the 4th working on it."

Kaeya wasn't convinced with her answer, but he had his own suspicions.

"Okay. I will go fetch her. You will compensate me for the loss of a friend, right?" The word 'friend' received a different intonation.

"I don't particularly like your romantic innuendos." Lisa raised her eyes in a 'you are incorrigible' gesture.

Kaeya felt like teasing her a bit more.

"I meant monetary compensation, Miss Lisa." He smiled.

Lisa raised the corners of her mouth after a brief pause.

"Oya? Did I hear a boy being naughty?"

Kaeya felt his hairs stand, so he quickly excused himself from the library, leaving behind the words:

"I expect at least half a salary for my help!"

At Jean's office.

"Barbara…" Jean was reluctant to believe her words.

"And that's not the worst part." Lisa grabbed her attention again before continuing. "According to our knowledge of the Fatui, it was the 8th Harbinger, 'La Signora', who attacked Venti."

Jean was surprised at the news.

"She was sighted earlier near Dawn Winery… Then it must be true. How dare they?!" She was angry.

Lisa recalled her own blunder from earlier. 'If I had known about that I wouldn't have sent that boy to Dawn Winery. I hope he and Amber are okay…'

"How come no one saw her in the city?" Jean felt a headache coming, but managed to calm down rather quickly.

"I don't know." Lisa decided to not tell her that she suspected some people to have worked together with the Fatui, as she feared her friend would admonish her again.

Lisa continued gravely:

"Jean, I think they took his gnosis."

"Barbatos' Gnosis?"

"Yes. That was probably their target this time."

"But why? What could they do with something like that?"

"I don't know." Lisa shook her head. "In any case, the Fatui will probably not bother us for a while. But that is no excuse to be lacking in our defense. Jean, why don't you accept my suggestion…"

After the testimony was over, Lisa went back to the library to work on some other matters, when she squinted and felt space ripple. She sighed and let the godly power envelop her.

At the same time, Diluc was enjoying a non-alcoholic beverage in his balcony when a gorgeous blonde woman entered his room.

He didn't turn to her, and sighed silently instead.

"Why do I feel that you are unhappy to see me? Am I not to your tastes?" She chuckled lightly. "I just came to say goodbye. I'll be leaving for Liyue right now."

Diluc glanced at her briefly.

"Is that so. Have a safe trip."

"That, I shall have. Thanks for the hospitality." Signora smiled in a weird way and left.

Diluc silently muttered:

"I hope we meet again as enemies instead…" His voice hid a blazing wrath.