Fatui Camp

As they approached the especially thick hill, the pair managed to discern a few things.

Firstly, there was an entrance on the hill, like a cave, right besides the charred marks of Beidou's lightning. Tents and shimmering light could be seen from the inside. Besides that, they spotted three gunslingers on top of the hill carefully aiming at them.

Three big guys and a slender one came out to meet them. They were clearly the Fatui Skirmishers from the game, but just like the other beings he had met, they had their own individualities.

In this case, there was the Anemo boxer, the Electro hammer guy and a Hydro gunner, as well as a Geo mage, if he could be called one. 'Actually, it's a she.' Sai corrected himself. She had long hair and a tidy look overall. Her clothes made her look like some sort of commanding officer, with the cap and such.

She was surrounded by the other three from all sides except the front, and she was the one who addressed the pair.

"This is temporary Fatui territory. Immediately turn around and leave." Her tone left no room for negotiation.

As previously agreed, Sai responded to the masked lady:

"I'm a merchant from Liyue Harbor, under a subsidiary of the Shenglu Hall, and I have been tasked to investigate suspicious trading practices south of Guyun Stone Forest." Sai had learned a bit from the time he spent with Chen.

"I don't care who you are. Leave now!"

Sai paid no heed. "This with me is an adventurer I hired to protect me. We are going back to my fishing boat that was anchored just a couple of kilometers in that direction. If you'd just let us through, we'll leave at once."

"You cannot pass through this point. I shall give you one last chance to turn around. Do not make light of my kindness!"

They were barely 10 meters away from each other, the entrance to the cave another 20 meters behind the Snezhnayan group.

Sai looked at Beidou, and she nodded.

"I'm afraid I must insist." Sai retorted.

Lightning started cackling from her power. She summoned her greatsword and stabbed it into the ground. She emanated more and more elemental power by the second: it was enough to make the Fatui nervous and be on edge. It seemed like a fight could break out at any moment.





"Now, now, there is no reason for such hostility, my friends."

A man calmly walked from the cave to the group. The Fatui Skirmishers opened their way for him to get through, and they all saluted their commander.


"At ease!"

Sai could see him properly now, and what he saw petrified him.

A slender man dressed luxuriously, wearing a cap much like the Geo mage's, and a mask that covered only the upper half of his face.

'There's no way… No, no. If he's actually a Harbinger, then we are dead. No, I am dead, Beidou could escape, but I would definitely die for lying to them.'

Sai started sweating.

'Wait, wait. Let's not jump to conclusions. They called him Lieutenant, so he's probably not a Harbinger. But then, who is he? He looks quite strong, too…'

He took a deep breath while the newcomer continued.

"I have heard what you said and sympathize with you. I apologize for my subordinate's rashness. How could I possibly block the way of a great merchant such as yourself? Please, follow me, I'll show you the way."

Sai felt in his skin how easy it was to be respected if you had strength. If he went there without Beidou, they would have shot him dead an hour ago.

"Very well. Thank you for understanding."

Sai signaled Beidou to just play along, and they followed the man through the other Fatui members.

"My name is Viktor, and I work directly under one of the Harbingers, The Fair Lady. I was tasked to come here to investigate the movements of the Geo Hypostasis, and that's why we set up this camp." He explained as they entered the cave.

He took a torch for himself and gave the pair another one.

"Where are we going?" Beidou intervened eventually.

"Instead of climbing through the bothersome hill or going around and getting all wet, I will show you a shortcut that will take you across in just a few minutes." The man smiled 'kindly'.

Sai stopped following at that point. That was just a blatant trap no matter how he saw it. However, Beidou pulled on his sleeves and forced him to keep walking. When he was about to tell her that it was a trap, she looked at him and smiled confidently.

'Trust me', he translated. 'I guess going back right now wouldn't be the best option either.'

The group of Fatui was steadily following them from afar.

Not long after, the entourage entered a clearing, through which several bright butterflies flew by.


Sai never thought he would be able to see them in person, but there he was. They were much prettier in real life, with their yellow color illuminating the dark cave, numbering in the tens…

"Geo Crystalflies, to be more precise. Oh and I don't recommend you touch them, they release a strong elemental power when touched." Viktor warned.

The hand which Sai was stretching quickly retracted, and he could hear Beidou's muffled laughter from behind.

"We're here."

Viktor stopped in front of a humongous stone door and waited for everyone to catch up.

"Mila, you guys can go back now, I'll take it from here."

"Yes, sir."

As they returned from whence they came, Sai looked around.

'Huh? That is… a Stonehide Lawachurl?!' He saw the beast laid down on a distant corner of the dark clearing.

"Wait, captain, look there." He showed it to her.

"Ah, yes, that was just a monster we got rid of when we first entered the cave, don't mind it." Viktor explained then turned towards them and continued:

"Now, we are already at the exit. You just have to go through these doors and you'll be out in ten minutes. I'm afraid I have further business so I must get going. I apologize for not being able to accompany you."

The masked man pointed at huge doors and tried to leave to the other side of the clearing, which was opposite to where the other Fatuis had exited.

"Hang on. This place… That door…"