Last Chapter

Hello everyone, author here. I'm very sad to say that this series will not be continuing further, despite great interest from readers. I will give you a summary of some stuff that would have happened on the story, for curiosity´s sake. But first...

The reason for this discontinuation is actually a little complicated, but can be summarized in a few bullet points:

- Mihoyo has let me down (time after time)

- The release of new, popular Mihoyo games

- My own available time (I don't want to charge for any books I write, and so I have to work and study)

- The poor quality of the series

This last point is interesting, because its not like I think that it's a bad book. But looking back, I can see too many things that I would have changed, and my interaction with you readers was not the best, either.

Anyways, before I leave you with bits of what I had been planning for this story, I would like to invite you to recurrently check my author page, as I might just start a new series (I have several ideas, I'm just lacking a little motivation, as you might see on my profile).


- The name Sai was actually inspired from Naruto, although he looks and behaves nothing like the guy

- I was planning on a huge turnaround in the main plot, with Sai saving the Witch of Flames and turning her into his own 'piece'

- Speaking of Sai, I was planning for him to trade for the Delusion from Childe, talk to a certain god, and be awarded Hydro powers from that

- Since the Delusion breaks his body, Sai would try to get his hands on a Gnosis, and he would take it from Yae herself by saving the Traveler on 'his own'

- Ningguang was going to be extremely overpowered, as she should have rightfully been

- The war was basically the Tsaritsa gathering the Gnosis in order to take down Celestia. She is actually the 'good guy' all along

- Sai was going to become a dark hero, although I hate edginess

That's it guys, thank you for reading this far, and thank you for your interest in Summoned as a Genshin Character!

Author out.