Chapter 1: Beauty, this is my seat_1


"Elixir for sale, the panacea that cures all ailments."

"Men can buy it for their mistresses to nourish yin; women can buy it for their sugar daddies to strengthen kidneys; stock is limited, first come first served!"

"Elixir for sale..."

East City train station.

The train from East City to Zhonghai City was about to depart.

But among the crowd, there appeared an odd character.

This was a young man in his early twenties, wearing a bizarre mix of garments—monk's attire underneath with a Taoist robe on the outside.

In his hand, he held a bamboo pole from which dangled a dirty rag of unknown origin.

On the rag were scrawled the words "Divine Doctor" in lopsided characters!

Whether it was his appearance or the excessively flashy sign that put people off, the surrounding passengers all gave him looks of disdain and aversion, automatically filtering out his claims of "miraculous spiritual medicine."

"Ugh! All I earned on this trip is enough for a train ticket, how unlucky can I be!" Ye Luo glanced at the time and resignedly put away his bamboo pole, then took his ticket and entered the checkpoint.

Fortunately, his master's ID hadn't expired, otherwise even getting to Zhonghai would have been an issue.

But that old man, really, sending someone on a mission without providing money and not allowing theft—wasn't that just pure torture?

Initially, Ye Luo wasn't too concerned.

After all, apart from his skills, he was also incredible in medicine.

But unexpectedly, since setting out, only one beautiful sister had condescendingly bought a pill from him, as for others, they simply didn't believe him at all!

Thinking about that beautiful sister with a terminal disease, Ye Luo felt he had sold himself short!

Usually, he would sell a pill for several million, but that beautiful sister only gave him a bit more than thirty dollars. What a loss-making business!

He boarded the train.

Inside the carriage, it was packed with people.

However, nobody noticed that after a young man entered, he nonchalantly made his way into the interior of the carriage.

That young man was naturally Ye Luo.

He took out his ticket and quickly located his seat, but when he arrived, he found someone else was already sitting there.

The person was a young beauty, about 18 or 19 years old, with a delicate appearance and skin as smooth as cream. Her tightly shut lips were slightly pursed, and it was unclear whether she was dreaming about something pleasant as a smile formed at the corners of her mouth.

She wore a light blue camisole that exposed half of her arms, and her white skirt stopped just at her knees. Her alabaster-like slender legs drew attention. From a distance, she seemed quaint and elegant; up close, one could catch a whiff of the fragrance of a young maiden.

What a beauty!

Just as pretty as the sister who bought the medicine before!

Most people would definitely feel reluctant to disturb someone's sleep, but Ye Luo was stubbornly single-minded and went over to tap her shoulder, feeling the soft tenderness of her skin.

"Excuse me, beauty, you're sitting in my seat," Ye Luo said as he held his train ticket in front of the girl.

The girl, disturbed from her slumber, slowly opened her eyes, her lovely pupils first showing confusion and haziness before quickly becoming clear.

"This is your seat?" The girl looked at the ticket Ye Luo handed over, then hastily pulled out her own from her pocket, "No, this one is for this seat too."

"Yours is a fake ticket," Ye Luo declared matter-of-factly.

A passenger nearby couldn't stand it any longer. After all, she was a beauty, and here was this boy not showing the slightest compassion and even accusing her of having a fake ticket!


"Hey, lad, do you have any proof that the girl's ticket is a fake?" a handsome young man spoke up righteously, "Let's let everyone decide—who do you think has the fake ticket here?"

"Young man, as a man, you shouldn't bully a girl like that."


"Definitely, this guy's got a fake ticket!"

"I've seen plenty of shameless people like him! If it were a tough guy sitting here, I bet he wouldn't dare to come over!"

Everyone turned their spears towards Ye Luo.

The young man who defended the girl showed a look of joy, then said to the girl, "Don't worry, with me here, he won't dare to bully you!"

Without saying much, Ye Luo snatched the train ticket from the girl's hand, and before she could react, he pinched something on it.


All the people around them were stunned.

After Ye Luo pinched the ticket, a large patch of black paint fell off, and the entire ticket turned into a mottled mess!

Having done that, Ye Luo then calmly sat back in his own seat.

"How... how could this happen?" The girl was taken aback, her pretty face flushed with sudden realization and then quickly turned to anger.

The ticket was bought for her by someone else. She remembered giving 100 yuan for it, never expecting to receive a fake ticket!

"Miss, why don't you take my seat," said the handsome young man who previously spoke up for the girl, as he stood up from his seat. "These days the number of fake tickets being sold is just too rampant. I bought a fake one before myself."

Not only offering his seat but also comforting her!

This handsome young man immediately attracted the eyes of many women around him.

On the other hand, Ye Luo was met with nothing but contempt and disdain.

A grown man actually fighting with a girl over a seat, how embarrassing for men!

"No need, there are two of us, my sister will be coming in a moment," the girl told the man.

Since her own ticket was fake, her sister's ticket must be fake too. It wouldn't make sense for her to sit while her sister had to stand.

The handsome man showed disappointment and reluctantly sat back down.

Ye Luo wasn't completely heartless. Seeing the beautiful woman standing to the side, he thought for a moment, then pulled out the piece of torn fabric he had taken from his pocket, laid it on the floor, and said to the girl, "Have a seat."

The girl glanced at the dirty piece of cloth on the floor, her eye twitching.

The other passengers, however, burst out laughing.

The handsome man snickered coldly. Such a wretch would probably never be liked by a woman in his life! Serves him right to be forever single!

Just then,

A stunning figure at the other end of the carriage immediately caught the attention of everyone on the train.

A woman in a pure white dress, looking like a fairy descending to earth, walked gracefully forward, her skirt fluttering, her every step blooming like a lotus, exuding nobility and elegance from head to toe!

Such a peerless beauty!

Men were struck with amazement, women felt inferior.

How could such a beauty appear on a train? This question popped into everyone's minds at the same time.


The pretty girl next to her saw the woman and immediately ran over to her.

So they were sisters. No wonder both were so beautiful!

However, the woman seemed not to hear her sister's voice. Her eyes were only fixed on a shabby figure in the seat ahead.

"Divine... Divine Doctor!"

The woman's lips trembled, then she quickly walked up to Ye Luo, and in front of everyone's incredulous stares, she actually knelt down!!!

What the hell is going on here...