Chapter 13 Sudden Change in the Mall_1

Soon, when Ye Luo walked out after changing into the clothes Luo Jingxuan had selected, he left the nearby sales associates stunned.

With this change of attire, he was immediately transformed. Ye Luo, who was already good-looking and had a toned physique due to his training, paired with the upscale clothes, suddenly exuded a different aura, resembling a graceful young noble.

"Mm," Luo Jingxuan nodded in satisfaction and selected a few more pieces for Ye Luo to try on.

While Ye Luo was in the fitting room changing clothes, a shouting voice suddenly rang out.


Following the call, a figure appeared in front of Luo Jingxuan, a young man in a suit, looking to be around twenty-five or twenty-six, with shiny combed hair and wearing a designer suit, seemingly like some young master.

"Jingxuan, I didn't expect to bump into you here, what a coincidence. What are you doing here?" the young man said to Luo Jingxuan, his eyes fixated on her non-stop.

Seeing the young man, Luo Jingxuan's brows furrowed slightly, but she still spoke, "This is a clothing store, of course I'm here to buy clothes."

Immediately, the young man's eyes narrowed and he spat out, "Jingxuan, this is a men's clothing store. Are you here to buy clothes for..."

"Mr. Wang, this has nothing to do with you, and if you have nothing else, you may leave," Luo Jingxuan cut him off.

At her words, the young man's face darkened, an odd light passing through his eyes, but he continued to speak with a smile, "Jingxuan, I've prepared a private room at Shuitian Restaurant tonight and would like to invite you to dinner, how about it?"

"Sorry, I'm not free tonight," Luo Jingxuan declined outright.

For a moment, the young man's face looked rather sour as he said in a somewhat lowered voice, "Are you really not going to afford me this courtesy?"

"Hey, who are you, and why should I give you face?"

Just then, a lazy voice sounded, and the young man turned around abruptly, only to see Ye Luo standing behind him.

"Who are you? Mind your own business, is that it?"

Wang Tiancheng said to Ye Luo coldly, shooting him a chilling glance.

"She's my aunt; do you still think I'm being nosy?"

Ye Luo said, looking at the young man with a smile on his face.

"Your aunt?" Wang Tiancheng's eyes widened in surprise as he stared at Luo Jingxuan.

"He's my nephew Ye Luo. Alright, Mr. Wang, if there's nothing else, you can go. I still have to buy clothes for my nephew," Luo Jingxuan said.

"So you are Jingxuan's nephew! Then we are all friends here. There was a slight misunderstanding just now," Wang Tiancheng said to Ye Luo with a smile.

"Hey, don't claim relationships randomly; who is friends with you? I don't know you. You want to pursue my aunt, right? Let me make it clear to you, you stand no chance!"

Ye Luo's words caused Wang Tiancheng's face to look somewhat ugly, a shadow crossing his eyes as he said, "Brother Ye, what do you mean by that? I was a university classmate of your aunt, and I think we are quite compatible."

"Stop daydreaming, how could you, looking like this, ever be with my aunt who is as beautiful as a flower? Isn't that right, Aunt?"

Ye Luo walked up to Luo Jingxuan and wrapped an arm around her slender waist, displaying great intimacy. She seemed startled for a moment but quickly recuperated.

"Someone, pack up all these clothes. Mr. Wang, goodbye!"

Luo Jingxuan said to Wang Tiancheng, then Ye Luo left with one arm around Luo Jingxuan and the other holding the bags of clothing.

Wang Tiancheng's expression looked somewhat ugly, his eyes flickering with a sinister shade.

"Aren't you letting me go yet?"

Having walked not far from the boutique, Luo Jingxuan's brows furrowed slightly as she spoke.

"You've got quite a soft waist, but I did what I did earlier to help you, so you can't blame me for it," he replied quickly.

Ye Luo hastily explained.

"Help me by taking advantage of me, and all the while calling me 'auntie'?!" Luo Jingxuan's eyes flashed with complex emotions as she looked at Ye Luo.

"Aren't you my auntie now? Didn't you want me to replace your nephew who's already dead? You are now my auntie, and it's quite normal for a nephew to hug his aunt," Ye Luo said with a playful smile.

"Alright, let's go buy you some casual clothes for everyday wear now."

Luo Jingxuan didn't want to talk much with Ye Luo and directly led him to another boutique, helping Ye buy a whole bunch of clothes.

After spending several hours, Ye Luo's hands were already carrying five or six bags, filled with clothes that included suits, shirts, casual wear, and even underwear that Luo Jingxuan had picked out for him.


Just then, a piercing gunshot suddenly rang out within the shopping center, startling everyone inside. Immediately, chaos ensued as people scrambled for cover.

At that moment, Ye Luo's face changed dramatically, and he quickly pulled Luo Jingxuan to hide in a corner.

Meanwhile, more than twenty individuals dressed in black clothes and wearing black masks appeared inside the mall, each wielding a submachine gun and taking control of the various exits.

"Nobody move, or I'll shoot!"

One brawny man armed with a submachine gun shouted at the people on the first floor of the mall.

In the distance, a security guard shifted slightly, only to find several guns pointed at him.

"If you don't want to die, don't move!"

The security guard immediately froze in terror, his face turning pale.

Hiding on the second floor, Luo Jingxuan's face also turned pale at the scene but she still tried to remain calm.

"This is just bad luck, running into something like this while buying clothes?" Ye Luo said with a speechless expression, while Luo Jingxuan's hand involuntarily tightened around his arm, as if seeking a sense of security.

"Don't worry, I'm here. Nothing's going to happen," Ye Luo reassured Luo Jingxuan with a smile.

"Thank you!"

Looking at Ye Luo, Luo Jingxuan's eyes shimmered with an unusual expression.

Ye Luo responded with a wry smile, "You are my master's granddaughter. If something happened to you by my side, I'm afraid he might just beat me to death."

"Can you save these people?" Luo Jingxuan's eyes shifted slightly as she looked at Ye Luo.

"Come on, you think I'm a cop? Though saving these people isn't a problem, wait and see first. Let's figure out what they want," he said.

As Ye Luo spoke, his playful face turned solemn, his eyes carefully observing the situation.