Chapter 48 Yang Bingning is Injured_1

In an instant, Yang Bingning's face changed. She had not expected the person to be so fast - not only had he evaded her leg attack, but he had also swooped in front of her, aiming at her abdomen. If his eagle claw had managed to grasp her, she feared she would have been gutted right there.

"Be careful!"

At that moment, Ye Luo abruptly spoke up, grabbed Yang Bingning's shoulder, and pulled her back. The opponent's eagle claw just grazed past her abdomen; although it did not slice open her stomach, the sharp talons tore her clothes, leaving five bloody marks on her abdomen and causing Yang Bingning to frown slightly.

"I told you to stay in the car, didn't I? But you had to play the hero. Do you think you're a police officer that this guy would show mercy?"

Ye Luo said, his eyes on the dark figure, and spat out, "To lay a hand on such a beautiful woman, you're really inhuman."