Chapter 99 Bid 100 Million_1

"President Ling, Mr. Ye, you've arrived; please have a seat."

Seeing Ling Qingya and Ye Luo walk in, Chen Baoshan's mouth revealed a hint of a smile as he set down the research in his hands and stood up to look at the two.

"Mr. Chen!"

Ling Qingya nodded at Chen Baoshan with noticeable respect, looking somewhat constrained.

"Mr. Chen, even a branch of yours is this large, you really are wealthy."

Ye Luo, on the other hand, had no restraint, speaking cheerfully as he walked straight over and picked up a teapot that Chen Baoshan had just been examining on the coffee table.

"This is a rare Ming Dynasty Zisha teapot, isn't it?"

"I didn't expect Mr. Ye to be so knowledgeable about these antiques," said Chen Baoshan with a smiling face.

"I only know a little, and actually, I'm here today to ask Mr. Chen to help me appraise some jadeite pieces I want to auction off."

Ye Luo's gaze turned towards Chen Baoshan.

"Oh, is that so? I am quite eager to see Mr. Ye's items."