187 Chapter Nine Heavens Mystic Lady_1

Ethereal beauty, her silhouette shrouded in mist, she seemed impeccable, so utterly perfect. Not only did her appearance dazzle all in Qin Country, but her demeanor too transcended the mortal plane, untouched by worldly dust and so extraordinary that it could make others feel ashamed of their own imperfection, as if all the world's splendor would pale in comparison to her presence.

She was a woman so exquisitely beautiful that all other women would dim beside her, her sanctity and ethereal aura like that of a true heavenly maiden descended to the mortal coil, stirring a sense of unwillingness to profane her purity.

"Saintess, why have you taken an interest in this man? What is so special about him?"

The woman in the red dress asked the celestial Saintess with gently parted red lips.

"How could someone who defeated **** so effortlessly not be considered special?"