Chapter 190: Thoroughly Slapping the Face_1

Watching those two assail Ye Luo, Yan Ling's complexion changed instantly, and her eyes couldn't help but reveal a hint of worry.

Ye Luo, on the other hand, revealed a cold smirk at the corner of his mouth, pushed Yan Ling behind him, and launched a fierce counterattack against the two Late Houtian Level martial artists, his hands striking out like lightning.

Thump! Thump!

The sound of dull thuds, like beating a drum, rang out as Ye Luo's fists collided fiercely with those of the two men. His Nine Yang True Qi burst forth instantly, shattering their true qi on their fists like a wrecking ball.

He obliterated their fists completely, shattering the meridians and bones in their arms, skin tore and flesh burst open, with pieces of bone jutting out. The two men let out a shrill scream.

At the same time, Ye Luo's right leg swept out like a swift wind, striking the legs of the two men like a phantom.

Crack! Crack!