Chapter 196 Acupuncture Treatment for Leg_1

"Mr. Lin is knowledgeable in acupuncture?"

Lin Tianhai's eyes fixated on Ye Luo, speaking indifferently.

"Uncle can just call me Xiao Ye. I do indeed have some understanding of acupuncture — I was invited by Xiaoyan today to take a look at Uncle's legs to see whether they can be healed through the use of acupuncture," Ye Luo said while looking at Lin Tianhai.

"I never expected the Divine Doctor who Xiaoyan mentioned, the one who saved a cancer patient, to be so young. It seems that a young hero has emerged indeed," Lin Tianhai remarked with a light tone.

"Thank you for the praise, Uncle," Ye Luo replied with a calm and collected smile.

"Big Brother Ye, don't say any more, just quickly check on my father's legs. Is there still hope to heal them?" Lin Xiaoyan, thinking of the serious matter at hand, urged Ye Luo eagerly.