Chapter 215 Li Wanqin Shot_1

Shen Yunlong naturally witnessed the scene before him, seeing the Shen Family Guard Captain, in whom he had placed so much hope, also unable to contend with Ye Luo. His expression was as ugly as if he had eaten shit, and his heart trembled once more.

If Yan Yikuan were defeated, Shen Yunlong would once again face immense danger. Yet, if he simply walked away, his heart was filled with an unwillingness to do so.

Suddenly, he spotted a gun on the ground. His eyes briefly glanced at Ye Luo, who was still battling with Yan Yikuan, and a cruel light flashed in his eyes. He snatched up the gun from the ground and aimed it directly at Ye Luo, who was still engaged in combat.

However, at this moment, Ye Luo's movements were so fast that Shen Yunlong simply couldn't aim at him.

"Damn it, I refuse to believe that you can't be killed!"