Chapter 309 Fierce Battle_1

Nine Yang Mystic Art!

Ye Luo gave a cold shout, and the Nine Yang Mystic Art began to revolve within him, mobilizing all the True Qi from within his Dantian and two major extraordinary meridians.

A glint of ferocity flashed across Ye Luo's eyes in the darkness of the night. With a flick of his wrist, several Silver Needles shot towards the Assassin holding a dagger, who dodged swiftly.

Activating his Clairvoyant Eye, Ye Luo captured the trajectory of his opponent completely in his mind, then executed the Wandering Dragon's Hundred Steps. He took a step and appeared in front of the dagger-wielding Assassin like a Dragon in the blink of an eye, throwing a fierce punch. Though his leg was injured, it did not affect his speed at all.

This punch was delivered with Ye Luo's full force, pushing both his speed and strength to the extreme, aiming to strike true in a single blow.