Chapter 375 Truth_1

"You siblings are no longer of any use, and for the plan to proceed smoothly, the only option is to sacrifice the two of you. However, considering how good-looking you are, quite the beauty in the making, let us brothers have our fill of fun before you die."

The men in black looked at Song Xi with lecherous grins and walked straight over, pushing her to the ground.

"No... don't, you beasts, beasts!" Song Xi kept cursing.

By now, the men had already started taking off their clothes, each wearing a vile smile.


A light, drifting voice suddenly rang through the room. The men were taken aback, turned their heads sharply, and saw a young man looking at them with an indifferent expression.

Seeing this person, the men's faces changed color, and they immediately pulled out daggers, aiming them at the young man and coldly shouted, "Kid, who are you? Looking to die, are you?"