Chapter 382 Qin Family Infighting (Part 3)_1

At this moment, the Black Fiend moved, and the dark energy of his body swept toward Ye Luo in a torrent. A Netherworld Palm attack came at him, but Ye Luo, using Dragon Soaring Nine Heavens, dodged it in an instant.

Netherworld Palm!

Immediately after, the Black Fiend shifted his body, and his overwhelming dark energy enveloped Ye Luo. He launched a palm strike, and the terrifying force of the blow erupted.

The next second, the leader of the Earth Group, He Fang, suddenly rushed forward, his sword shooting towards the Black Fiend. The latter's face changed, and the palm strike meant for Ye Luo was immediately redirected toward He Fang.


The dreadful palm technique collided with the Sword Qi, and both parties staggered backward, a wave of energy spreading outward.

"Ye Luo, are you alright?" He Fang asked, looking at Ye Luo.

"I'm fine," Ye Luo shook his head.