Chapter 393 Provocation_1

Hearing Chi Anxu brazenly challenge these well-known traditional Chinese medicine masters from Huaxia, everyone present was taken aback and then their eyes filled with angry expressions.

The masters themselves felt a wave of humiliation. A young man in his twenties actually had the audacity to challenge them, which was outright insulting.

However, they could only endure it, because given their age and status, it was naturally impossible to actually engage in a medical skill challenge with Chi Anxu. Otherwise, if they won, it was embarrassing, and if they lost, it was even more humiliating.

"Why, don't you dare? It seems that your Huaxia traditional medicine really has declined, relying only on the support of a few old generations, and you still have the face to say that our Han medicine copies your traditional medicine. You're really bringing shame on Huaxia."