Chapter 407: The Blue List Competition_1

Looking at Ling Qingya's charming face even as she slept, Ye Luo's gaze was filled with a thick tenderness. At this moment in his heart, he already considered Ling Qingya to be his true woman, even his wife.

He stretched out his other hand to touch Ling Qingya's smooth cheeks, his lips curled into a smile.

But Ling Qingya's long eyelashes fluttered, and her eyes slowly opened, looking at Ye Luo with a sleepy expression. Then her pretty face blushed, and she glared at Ye Luo.

"You beast, you don't know how to be gentle with women at all."

"I remember last night you were wilder than me, turning into a knight riding on top of me, yelling 'I want, I want' non-stop," teased Ye Luo.

"Stop talking!" Ling Qingya glared at Ye Luo irritably and then covered her face with the blanket, too embarrassed to show herself.

Ling Qingya hadn't expected herself to have such a wild side. Perhaps it was because she had repressed her feelings for so long that they had suddenly burst out.