Chapter 420 Ran Into the Gun Barrel _1

"Now that the Mu Family's support is gone, we simply have no way to compete with Mei Yue Company. Once their products hit the market, given the efficacy of these few skincare items, they will definitely become wildly popular quickly, dealing a huge blow to the Wang Family," Wang Quan said blandly, a hint of desolation in his tone.

"Dad, I still have one method, one that will definitely deliver a fatal blow to them," Wang Tiancheng's eyes flickered with a cold light.

"What method?" Wang Quan looked towards Wang Tiancheng, his expression somewhat expectant.

In a Zhonghai bar, Ye Luo sat beside the counter, drinking a bottle of high-alcohol-content vodka, clearly in a very irritable mood, obviously all because of the affairs between Luo Jingxuan and the Ling Family.

In less than five minutes, four bottles of vodka were all downed by him, his astonishing capacity for alcohol even stunned the bartender.

"Handsome, could you buy me a drink?"