
You're just scared that she doesn't need you the powerless human in her life anymore, sad little Alex always being left behind. You're nobody, all alone. Even Whyte left, twice.

The voices were filling me with despair and doubt. Was I the problem?

"Penny for your thoughts?" Darren said, pulling me out of my inner dialogue.

"Just wondering if there's something wrong with me, everyone around me seems to be better off without me."

There was a moment of silence.

"There's no world in which life could be better without you Al." Darren simply replied and with those words the darkness was gone, instead I was left feeling fulfilled.

When we finally arrived at April's work, luckily when we arrived April was still unharmed.

"April glad to see you're okay and alive I guess." Darren said giving April a sly smile. Before I could talk to April Darren pulled me to the side.

"I know this is bad timing but… I have to leave. I have somewhere to be." I softly whispered then made his way to the door.

Darren abruptly left because he had somewhere to be, in the midst of a crisis. Always disappearing and reappearing was making me highly suspicious of him.

"I know we're fighting, but you're not safe, you have to come with us now," I said, practically dragging April out of the gallery.

I filled April in on our perp on our way back to the Freya's.

"Octavia and Pearl don't have anything," April said, getting off her phone.

"I actually have an idea, but you're not going to like it." She said, looking at me. I already know what she's thinking.

"You want to be the bait? There's a reason we don't use people to lure murderous psychopaths."

"Yes, I know, but that's where it's going to be different. He can't steal my power unless I use it right?" She asked looking excited about her suicide plan.

"Right?" I replied.

"So, I'll keep him distracted while you and the Freya's find and stop him."

"And how will we keep track of you? He won't be stupid enough to let you keep your cell phone on you. And I don't have any spyware I can use. I'm not James Bond."

She smiled at that.

"So you know how we've been fighting because I want to do this without you but you won't allow it because you're overprotective?" She was rambling on. That's not all we're fighting about.

"Get to the point," I demanded.

"Well there's this spell that'll allow you to be in my head for an hour, you'll see everything through my eyes. After the hour, you'll give the Freya's my location and come find me. As easy as that."

This sounds like a recipe for disaster.

"Easy huh? What happens to my body?"

"You'll be in a deep sleep, it's perfectly safe,"

"So we're really doing this?" I asked, shocked. I couldn't believe the Freya's were willing to go along with this crazy plan.

"Yes, it's not the worst plan and the longer he's out there the stronger he will get. We have to stop him now before anyone else gets hurt."

"You can't be serious, there has to be another way?" I asked.

"There's no other way, we're doing this with or without you Alex," April replied harshly. We're? Who's this we're she's referring to?

"Fine," I said, giving in. "Just explain everything one last time."

Octavia stepped forward with a vile in her hands.

"You'll drink this potion that we've enhanced to last for up to three hours, it'll put you in a deep sleep, but you'll be able to see everything through April's eyes."

I interrupted. "But I won't be able to control her body?" April shot me a dangerous look.

"No, you'll be a passenger in her head. April will go back to work and she'll wait for him to come get her."

I interrupted again. "And you're sure he will?"

I could see Octavia's patience was wearing out.

"Yes, we're sure. Then if he takes her you'll find the location, wake up and call us. We'll move in and stop him."

"And I can only wake up after the three-hour mark has passed?" I asked, looking worried.

"Yes, not a moment before."

"And what will happen if he decides to take her before the time we anticipated? He doesn't sound like a patient guy. He'll most likely torture you." I said looking at April. This was the worst thought out plan I've ever heard of.

"I'll be fine; you just do your part and I'll do mine okay?" April was clearly annoyed that I was questioning her ridiculous plan, but I didn't do it to spite her. I did it to save her.

"Okay, but I'd rather drink this potion at home, so I'm close by when I wake up," I said defeatedly. Clearly, my years of police work didn't matter; they were going ahead with this plan.

I've never used a potion before and I still wasn't sure I trusted the Freya's, but I couldn't let April do this alone.

"Will I be able to communicate with April?" Pearl looked at me like I was crazy.

"I honestly don't know."

Great so they've never used this potion before, that sure makes me feel safe. "I won't turn into a frog or something if this goes wrong right?"

"Doubtful, if something does go wrong which is unlikely it'll probably just make you really ill," Octavia replied.

"It's better than turning into a frog I guess," I said looking down at the floor, "It's getting late, we better head back to the city if you want to do this tonight."

The drive back to the city was filled with awkward silence and angry glances from April. I can't imagine being in her head for three hours would be any better.

"Try and get as much information out of him without arousing suspicion if he suspects that you're onto him he will kill you. I'll try to triangulate your location." More silence followed so I continued.

"He'll probably blind fold you so I won't be able to literally see where he takes you. But as soon as the time's up I'll come find you." She still didn't reply. Is this what the silent treatment feels like? Damn, I apologize to anyone who was ever subjected to this method of torture from me. I dropped April off at the gallery, it was one hour till closing time. My best bet is that he'd wait for her to head home after work giving us an hour and a half to find her location, then the potion will wear off and I'll wake up. The timing on this needs to be perfect, I can't drink the potion too soon or too late.

I got up to the apartment as fast as my legs allowed and got comfortable on the couch. Now or never.

"Cheers!" I muttered to myself, downing the potion which tasted like Donkey ass.

I could feel the magic take a hold of my body; it was the strangest sensation; it felt like my soul was drifting from my body. I looked down and saw an unconscious me lying on the couch peacefully sleeping. The world started to spin, and the next moment I was looking through the eyes of someone else.
