On my way back home, I thought about teaching my parents martial arts or kendo, since during the zombie apocalypse I won't be able to be around them 24/7.
As I approached the house, I began to experience unsettling feelings. My sense of danger told me not to go home, but to run in the other direction. My body began to sweat, I thought about what to do.
Entering the yard of my house, I felt an alarming silence, there were neither gardeners nor servants. Everything was so quiet that you couldn't even hear the birds. Gathering my will into a fist, I ran home. Everything was, as in a past life, my feelings told me that something bad would happen, but this time everything was several times stronger. When I entered the house, I smelled a strong smell of blood, I felt sick, no, I didn't feel sick, I was just disgusted by this smell. Feeling that the smell was coming from the kitchen, I ran there, opening the door to the kitchen, I saw all the bodies of the workers of our house with their throats cut. The wounds were very neat, received by a professional, but I did not notice this because of the emotional shock. I looked at these bodies for about 5 seconds until I remembered my parents.
I ran as fast as I could, up 2 floors. When I entered my parent's room, I did not find them, but I noticed signs of a battle and a broken window. Seeing all this, I could say that the killer and my parents should have been in the yard, although I did not understand who fought, I did not think about it, because the safety of my loved ones is much more important to me.
Jumping out the window, I ran out into the garden, where I saw 5 people and 3 corpses. I was glad to see my parents, but I immediately noticed that my father's chest was badly damaged, if he was not immediately taken to the hospital, he would die. I quickly ran to help my father, because his life was at stake.
When I was already next to him, he was at first wary, but he realized that it was me, he said, "What are you doing here, leave quickly, if you don't leave, they will kill you"
I looked into his reddened eyes and sadly said, "No, father, if I leave now, you will die."
He looked into my eyes and said "I know even if I get to the hospital I will die because there is poison in my body"
"No, we'll save you," I said.
When Ryu appeared, Ai (Ryu's mother) tried to get close to him, but could not because of the enemy's attacks. She also had poison in her body, but in a much smaller amount than Arturu (Ryu's father).
Before the attack, a group of assassins tried to poison them, but after a few sips of tea, Ai quickly felt the poison and quickly spit it out, but it was still in her system. Arthur was less fortunate, as he did not feel the poison until Ai told him, and there was much more poison in his body.
When a group of assassins realized that the plan had failed, they tried to attack directly. However, they were stopped by 2 bodyguards. A long fight began, because of the poison, Ai and Arthur's movements were constrained. The killers took advantage of this and pierced Arthur's chest, seeing this, Ai felt anger and pain. She, despite the poison, began to fight with the killers, killing one, Ai followed the other. While Ai was angry, the bodyguards were at their limit. The killer took the opportunity and pierced the heart of one, but the bodyguard was not going to die alone and stuck a knife in his throat.
Ryu, who was by his father's side when his mother fought the enemy, wants to help.
He took the killer's knife with his
Ai seeing her son kill a man was shocked, but quickly regained her composure when she saw that the last bodyguard had been killed. She took the knife and ran towards the killer, the fight didn't last long as Ryu also joined the fight. As the assassin aimed at Ryu, Ai plunged a knife into his head.
There were no more killers, but they were all wounded. Ryu had cuts on his arm, while his mother had blood and cuts all over her body.
When the fight was over, I watched my mother walk towards my father.
I stepped closer and in a trembling voice said "Is everything going to be okay?"
Mom looked at me and "Ryu, your father and I will not be able to survive, since the poison can no longer be removed from the body."
Tears began to well up in my eyes, seeing how my parents were dying in front of my eyes, I felt great pain. It seemed to me that everything was collapsing, I wanted to become strong in order to protect them from the zombie apocalypse, that I forgot that there would be dangers even without the apocalypse.
Seeing my tears, my mother said "You don't have to cry, we will watch you from the underworld so don't disappoint us"
The father also smiled and said: "We love you and will always love you, so take care of yourself."
"I won't disappoint you, but I don't want you to die," I said in a trembling voice.
My mother looked at me tenderly and said "Ryu, when we die, go to your father's office and open the drawer in the desk, it will be double-bottomed, there you will find a phone with a single number, this is your grandfather's number"
- How? "I thought you had no relatives," I said.
"*Cough.*I had a family but I left when I was 18, all clan members were killers but I never liked killing so I left the clan after I met your father"
"Then why do you want me to meet my grandfather" I said.
This time, the father replied, "Even though we don't want it, he's the only one who can protect you if something bad happens, so call and tell him to take you in."
"Okay, I'll do whatever it takes," I said.
"Ryu, we love you so much, so please live and find your love," said the mother, after which she closed her eyes and died with her father.
When I looked at the bodies of my parents, I could no longer contain all the pain and began to cry.
After 15 minutes, I calmed down, although I was very hurt and sad, but I had to call my grandfather.
Entering my father's room, I looked at the bookshelves, there was not that joy of knowledge that I had experienced before, only pain and loneliness. Going to my father's desk, I opened the drawer and found the phone under the bottom, turning it on, I went to contacts, where I found the only number that was written as "Father"
Calling, I waited a few seconds until the voice "Aya, I'm so glad you finally decided to call" came up.
I waited a few seconds before answering, "I am the son of Aya. My mother said that you are my grandfather, so I would like to get to know you, I need help."
"Tell me the address, I'll be there as soon as I can," said a voice from behind the phone.
Ryu went out into the yard, approached the body of his parents and waited for the arrival of his grandfather.
While Ryu was mourning for his parents, elsewhere, the 68-year-old man gathered many of the clan's elite fighters and went to the address given to him by his daughter's alleged son. He had a big fight with his daughter before she left the clan and couldn't talk to her after that. He felt that the boy was telling the truth, but his voice was sad and depressed, which caused him a bad feeling.
He ordered the clan members to prepare the plane for departure. After 45 minutes on the plane, he reached the city. Then he got into the car and drove as fast as he could.
Arriving, he entered the courtyard, hearing a weeping voice, went to him. The man smelled blood and realized what had happened here, he had seen this often in his entire life.
When he saw the boy, he immediately knew that he was the son of his daughter, because his eyes were the same as hers. However, after he saw the body of his daughter. He felt pain, but suppressed it because he needed to remain calm all the time.
He looked at the boy and said "You are really the son of Ai, tell me what happened here?"
Ryu, who did not notice the man, became alert, but then he saw features similar to his mother's. Realizing that he was his grandfather, Ryu said "I came home and found the bodies of workers, then I went to look for my parents and found them fighting, after all the assassins were killed, they died because of the poison"
Ryu's grandfather realized that the killers were not ordinary, because ordinary poison could not kill his daughter.
He looked at his grandson and said "Your mother probably didn't say much, but now I'm your grandfather and I'll take care of you. My name is Kato Arata, but you can call me Ojisan"
Ryu looked at his grandfather and realized that he should become as strong as possible and said "Ojisan I want to become as strong as possible to take revenge on those who killed my parents, so please educate me"
Arata looked at Ryu and said "I'll think about it, but first pack your things, we're leaving first to bury your parents, and then we'll go to your new home,"
Ryu looks at his grandfather, and went to collect things. Arata approached his daughter, a small streak of water began to flow from his eyes, he tried to contain his feelings. Looking at his daughter's face, he said, "I will educate my grandson well to avenge you, I'm sorry I didn't visit you after you left with your boyfriend."
He looked at the other body, it was Arthur. He looked at him and said, "Forgive me too, I was too angry. I hope you and Ai will be happy in the afterlife."
He called his subordinates and told them to bury the bodies in the family cemetery. After that, he went for his grandson to bring him to a new home.