New Shift

[ Nakamaru Cooperate]

A large motor vehicle, having a long body, equipped with seats for passengers, operated part of a scheduled service; omnibus, a similar house-darn vehicle. 

The bus stopped in front of the sign that was stationed in the middle of the side of the road on the right to let passengers off.

Kang Choon Hee sighed slightest irritated that her boss and the managers fired a good employee and now she has to make up for it. 

'Do I really need to start my second day of work like this? Any guidance or training? Should I be aware of any rooms that I am not allowed in? Also, more than anything, I do not want to encounter Mr. Nakamaru.' She thought

It would take her a few days for her key card to update into the system a fellow employee pitied her and offered their assistance to take her to the higher levels of the building.