The Twins Adventure

The twins slowly opened their eyes in shock as they looked around at the familiar scenery.


<< How in the heck did we get here!>>

They climbed out of their crib and ran around the house searching for their mother but were disappointed to see that lady still there.

<< You, not mommy>> 

" Well, I'm going be your new mother so you better start calling me Mommy" Baram put her hands on her hips and scolded.

<< Nooooooo>> the twins sulked and ran in the opposite direction terrified<< Not the ugly witch>>

'These brats!' Baram thought angrily with her fist balled up and her eyes were in flames.

<< AHH! A MONSTER>> They sense an evil presence near them and move their tiny feet faster than the lady who began to chase after them. 

" I gotcha!"