About Me

This is a piece of a true story that I inscribed into an electronic book.

Intend only to vent about the experience I had as long as I realized an ability that not many people have.

But it makes a lot of impact on others. Many are reading this, they are Inspired, Learned, Consul, Stories of their experiences, and many more.

But remember,


For those of you who feel you have no belief or belief in things that are above the limits of normal human thinking in general, then stay away.

Because everything in this book is a piece of my true story that makes no sense. Very Unreasonable.

Yes Indeed, I can see a person's past, present, and future. Seeing "THEY" has become my daily food.

The unsettled "Those" in their place, yes the invisible "THIS" who are side by side with us. Which we are never aware of its presence.

"I Suggest You Don't Read My Story Alone"

Because It Will Affect You...

You are scared?

Fear Yourself...

If You Think It's Good To Be Me...

You are wrong...
