Rooted Creature II

He keeps following me, wherever I am. Only one I have to remember.



My leg stings injured three incisions from his grip.

What is going on?

The hand came back again and gripped my left arm.

Immediately my father and mother came into my room.

"MOMY!!! DADY!!!"


After I shouted, my father immediately came up to me and immediately picked me up. But the grip on my hand was strong enough so that when I lifted my body my left arm was still stuck to the wall and couldn't move at all.

"Dad, didn't you see it?"

"No son, what is it. Tell me?"


My father who realized that I was in danger, immediately brought his body closer to me and recited a whisper that I did not understand the language. Then grabbed right where my hand was gripped by him.

Immediately I could see that there was a puff of smoke on my left arm. Soon the creature released the grip. Immediately, my father carried me to the bed. The grip left a scratch that was quite painful.

"Honey, please watch over me for a moment, I want to get some salt in the kitchen first."

"Hurry up Honey!"

Mom exclaimed.

I looked around to make sure the creature was gone. No signs so far. Why did dad take so long to get salt in the kitchen?

I see my mother is panicking now, seeing my bloody feet and trying to wipe them with my towel.

Not long ago my mother wiped my feet, suddenly my hand was dragged again by the creature. I fell off the bed and was dragged through the door into the living room.

I screamed in pain and a mixture of fear filled my mind, the front door closed I finally hit the door hard.

Mom came and rushed to hold my leg and pulled me with all her might, dad followed and did what dad did to me earlier to release his grip.

The creature finally released its grip, and immediately I saw Dady sprinkle a white powder around where I was sitting now.

The powder turned out to be coarse salt that my father took from the kitchen earlier. It wasn't long before dad patted the crown on my head three times and sprinkled some more salt on my head.

I don't understand what dad is doing, I just cry in fear and tremble in silence.

I saw the creature keep an eye on me, it circled me.

"Dad he's around me!"

"It's okay son, calm down he can't touch you anymore"

My Father had not finished saying it, suddenly the sharp finger came to me again and indeed he couldn't hold me but he managed to make a scratch on my stomach. The wound wasn't that deep and it wasn't too bad compared to the one on my leg.

"Why son, can he still touch you?"

Dad asked me worriedly.

"He couldn't hold me well, but he managed to leave a regular scratch on my stomach with his long nails."

"Father has already fenced off you, so you calm down he won't be able to hold you again and even drag you again. The fence is always with you."

I just nodded my head, signaling that I understood.

"Is he still over there son?"

I looked around and he was no longer around.

"It's not there anymore"

"Okay, now let's stand and sit here so your mother treats your wound"

I did what my father asked, and soon my mom also gave me red medicine and covered my wound with a cloth.

"Father, what is that creature?"

Dady paused for a moment and shook his head.

"I don't know either, because I can't see it"

I paused and thought, what kind of creature it is. And why only I saw it.

After all, is done. Mom took me to my room and got me some food.

Meanwhile, my father went to treat his friend's son who was in a different village.

"Dad go first, you will be accompanied by your mom, okay"

Dad said goodbye to me and kissed my forehead.

I smiled at him before he finally left my room.

"Come on, eat first. Later if you need anything call mommy okay, mommy wants to fold clothes in the room okay?"

I gave her a nod and a smile.

As my mother left my room.

I see rice and omelet on my lap, but my appetite is not friendly with what happened this afternoon.

"Hey, what's wrong with you?"

Suddenly Awan came and sat beside me.

"There was a creature that attacked me earlier"

"Really!, what is he like. Why can he hurt you like this".

I saw he was worried about asking me that.

"He is rooted, faceless and has long arms and has three fingers with sharp, pointy nails."

"Ahhh, he must have come because he was sent"

"You mean sent!"

"I think the creature is hunting you because you went through NDE a week ago. And he appeared when you bled on the day you were born"

"Is it true?"

I paused for a moment, and thought, is today my birthday?

"Yes, today you must be bleeding and today is right when you were born. Friday"

"I was born on Friday"

"Yes, you were born on Friday".

Haha. Is it true, but it also makes sense.

Hmmm, so I have to be more careful when Friday comes.

"How did you know!"

I asked Awan about it.

"Yes, I know because I have been in the Intermediate World for 13 years. So I know things that you don't know much about"

I just nodded signaling that I understood. Yes, even if only a little.

"Can you see it?"

I asked Awan.

"No, I can't see it."

"Hello, how come?"

"Because that's what was sent to take you, so you're the one who knows."

He said that the creature was sent to take me. Seriously.!.

"Sent to take me?"

"Yes, he was sent to take you. More precisely, he was sent to take your soul, because he appeared when you returned from your death"

"Awan!, you're kidding for sure"

I asked him worriedly.

"Do I look joking to you?"

"No, but it's not funny you said he would take me"

"Yeah, I'm just saying what you asked".

"Hmmm, never mind. I'm going to sleep, I still have school tomorrow."

Without waiting for a word from him, I immediately pulled my blanket and slept with my back to him.

I tried to sleep but, I couldn't.

I changed my position many times until Awan looked at me strangely.

"Why are you looking at me? you sleep there Wan"

I asked him to go to sleep soon.

"I don't sleep, I guess I also want what sleep is like. But then again creatures like me can't sleep."

"Then you never sleep at all?"

"Yep, right"

"Okay, fine"

I changed my position again so I could fall asleep and fall asleep.

I hope tomorrow and beyond can be a good day in my life.


Can I still get through it? Then what about the Beings who will follow me continuously. Will this fence continue to be maintained and survive? I still don't know.



Thank U guys for still staying in my story. Vote & Comment are welcome. Just ask it's okay.

I'll try to answer it if I can.
